Module:Chart data/ranging guild target region chance: Revision history

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17 October 2024

  • curprev 00:0000:00, 17 October 2024Alex talk contribs 2,920 bytes +2,920 Created page with "local helper = require('Module:Chart data') local attRollMin = 0 local attRollMax = 55000 local attRollStep = 200 -- Source for def rolls: -- local buckets = { { name = 'miss' }, { name = 'black', defRoll = 1000 }, { name = 'blue', defRoll = 2000 }, { name = 'red', defRoll = 3000 }, { name = 'yellow', defRoll = 4000 }, { name = 'bullseye', defRoll = 7000 } } local function acc..."