Module:DropsLine/Sandbox/AlchData: Revision history

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17 October 2024

  • curprev 00:0000:00, 17 October 2024Alex talk contribs 79,102 bytes +79,102 Created page with "return { ['Mind rune'] = {true, true, 73}, ['Chaos rune'] = {true, true, 73}, ['Death rune'] = {true, true, 73}, ['Bolt rack'] = {true, true, 73}, ['Blood rune'] = {true, true, 73}, ['Ahrim\'s hood'] = {true, true, 73}, ['Ahrim\'s robetop'] = {true, true, 73}, ['Ahrim\'s robeskirt'] = {true, true, 73}, ['Ahrim\'s staff'] = {true, true, 73}, ['Dharok\'s helm'] = {true, true, 73}, ['Dharok\'s platebody'] = {true, true, 73}, ['Dharok\'s platelegs'] =..."