Module:Rocky Horror/Sandbox: Revision history

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17 October 2024

  • curprev 00:1200:12, 17 October 2024Alex talk contribs 7,380 bytes +7,380 Created page with "-- Rewrite of Template:RockLine and Template:Mine locations, -- which were originally made by Towelcat and Jakesterwars. local p = {} local yesno = require('Module:Yesno') local pt = require('Module:Paramtest') -- Table format: argument = page, name, picture, level, experience local rocks = { ['clay'] = { 'Clay rock', 'Clay', 'Clay', '1', '5' }, ['rune essence'] = { 'Rune Essence (rock)', 'Rune Essence', 'Rune essence', '1', '5' }, ['copper']..."