Prayer cape: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 15:41, 9 November 2024

Prayer cape
ExaminePrayer restore potions restore an extra prayer point per dose.
OptionsWear, Drop
Value99,000 coins
AlchemyNot alchemisable
Weight0.4 kg
Advanced data
Item ID? (edit)

The Prayer cape is a Cape of Accomplishment that comes in an untrimmed, trimmed and mastery variant. It can be bought from the Wise Old Man after achieving level 99, prestige 1 level 99 and prestige 10 respectively, in the Prayer skill.

Every tier provides an additional or increased perk: Prayer restore potions restore an extra prayer point per dose, Prayer restore potions restore 2 additional prayer points per dose and finally Provides a 50% slower drain rate for prayer points.

Combat stats

 Attack bonuses
 Defence bonuses
 Other bonusesSlot
StrengthRangedMagic damagePrayerCape slot table


Seller Item Amount in stock Price sold at
Skillcape store Prayer cape 99,000
Seller Item Amount in stock Price sold at
Skillcape store Prayer cape(t) 99,000
Seller Item Amount in stock Price sold at
Skillcape store Prayer mastery cape 50,000,000