
This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Alex (talk | contribs) at 00:10, 17 October 2024. The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

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 * Gadget that loads a couple of snippets for easier access to commonly copy/pasted templates and sections
 * Authors:
 ** Joeytje50

$(function() {
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					'\n|version2 = \n|version3 = \n}}\n'
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					'\n|levels = \n|members = \n|mapID = \n|plane = 0\n|x:3200,y:3200,icon:redPin\n|x:3232,y:3232,icon:redPin\n|mtype = pin\n|group = \n}}\n{{LocTableBottom}}\n'
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					'\n|members = \n|mapID = \n|plane = 0\n|x:3200,y:3200,icon:redPin\n|x:3232,y:3232,icon:redPin\n|mtype = pin\n|group = \n}}\n{{ObjectTableBottom}}\n'
				snippet('==Monster Drops==', [
				snippet('==Item Creation==', [
					'== Creation ==\n{{Recipe\n|skill1 = ', 
					'\n|skill1lvl = \n|skill1boostable = \n|skill1exp = \n|ticks = \n|members = \n|mat1 = \n|mat2 = \n|output1 = '+pagename+'\n|output1quantity = 1}}\n'
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					'==Item sources==\n{{Drop sources|',
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					'===Shop locations===\n{{Store locations list|',
				snippet('===Spawns===', [
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					'\n|update = \n|poll = \n|change = \n}}\n{{Subject changes footer}}\n'
				snippet('==Combat styles==', [
					'==Combat styles==\n{{CombatStyles|', 
				snippet('==Dialogue==', [
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				snippet('CiteVideo', [
				snippet('CiteNPC', [
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				snippet('{{Transcript}}', [
					'}}\n\n==Standard dialogue==\n* '
				snippet('{{overhead}}', [
					'Cor blimey mate, what are ye doing in me pockets?',
				snippet('{{mes}}', [
					'Nothing interesting happens.',
				snippet('End of dialogue', '{{tact|end}}'),
				snippet('Members-only notice', '{{tact|members}}'),
				snippet('Interface opens', [
				snippet('Unlinked interface opens', [
				snippet('Receives item', [
					'an [[item]]', 
				snippet('Shows previous', '{{tact|previous}}'),
				snippet('Shows prev-to-prev', '{{tact|previous2}}'),
				snippet('Shows initial', '{{tact|initial}}'),
				snippet('Shows other options', '{{tact|other}}'),
				snippet('Same as above', '{{tact|above}}'),
				snippet('Same as below', '{{tact|below}}'),
				snippet('Continues below', '{{tact|continue}}'),
		var licenses = {
			'label': 'File licenses',
			'layout': 'characters',
			'characters': [
				getLicense('Inventory', 4),
				getLicense(['DII', 'Detailed item'], 11),
				getLicense('Worn equipment', 13),
				getLicense('NPC', 4),
				getLicense(['Chathead', 'NPC chathead'], 13, '|sub=npc'),
				getLicense(['Chathead', 'Pet chathead'], 13, '|sub=pet'),
				getLicense(['Chathead', 'player chathead'], 13, '|sub=player'),
				getLicense('Monster', 4),
				getLicense('Scenery', 4),
				getLicense(['POH', 'POH furniture'], 4),
				getLicense('Location', 4),
				getLicense('Map', 13),
				getLicense('Interface', 1e10),
				getLicense('Emote', 4),
				getLicense(['Prayer', 'Prayer icon'], 4),
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				snippet('Fair use', '{{Fair use}}'),
				snippet('CC-BY-SA', '{{CC-BY-SA}}'),
		var feedback = {
			'label': 'Missing something?',
			'layout': 'table',
			'headings': [
				{ text: 'Are you missing a code snippet that would be useful here?' }
			'rows': [
					text: { html: 
						'You can <a href="" target="_blank">'+
						'request a snippet</a> to be added.'+
						(mw.config.get('wgUserGroups').includes('sysop') ? '<br/>Admins may edit the <a href="/w/MediaWiki:Gadget-code-snippets.js" title="MediaWiki:Gadget-code-snippets.js">code snippets script</a>.' : ''),
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