
This is the current revision of this page, as edited by Alex (talk | contribs) at 12:06, 20 October 2024. The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this version.

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"use strict";

/** <nowiki>
* Secondary gadget for the wiki article feedback feature, which runs solely on
* pages that have the feedback wrapper (talk pages). It allows people to
* mark feedback as "resolved".
* @author Jayden

var conf = mw.config.get(['wgPageName']),
  main = {
     * Startup method
    init: function init() {
      var wrappers = $('.gloop-feedback-wrapper');

      // Loop through all of the feedback on the page, and add a link to resolve them
      for (var i = 0; i < wrappers.length; i++) {
        var current = wrappers[i];
    handleWrapper: function handleWrapper(wrapper) {
      // Get the ID of the feedback section
      var feedbackId = $(wrapper).data('id');
      if (!feedbackId) {
        // No ID exists, don't do anything
        console.warn('Could not init feedback actions: no ID present', wrapper);

      // Find the toggle to resolve the feedback
      var toggle = $(wrapper).find('.gloop-feedback-resolve-toggle');
      if (!toggle.length) {
        // No toggle exists, don't do anything
        console.warn('Could not init feedback actions: no toggle present', wrapper);
      if (toggle.hasClass('table-bg-green')) {
        // Already resolved, don't let people resolve it again
      $(toggle).css('cursor', 'pointer');
      $(toggle).on('click', function () {
        main.doResolveConfirm(feedbackId, toggle);
     * Shows a confirmation popup for resolving feedback
    doResolveConfirm: function doResolveConfirm(feedbackId, toggle) {
      console.log('feedback id', feedbackId);
      OO.ui.confirm('Clicking OK will resolve this feedback, marking it as complete/no action needed. You cannot unresolve feedback after resolving it.').done(function (confirmed) {
        if (confirmed) {
          main.doResolve(feedbackId, toggle);
    doResolve: function doResolve(feedbackId, toggle) {
      var searchString = '\\|id=' + feedbackId + '\n\\|date=(.*)\n\\|resolved=no';
      var regex = new RegExp(searchString, 'gim');
      new mw.Api().edit(conf.wgPageName, function (revision) {
        return {
          text: revision.content.replace(regex, '|id=' + feedbackId + '\n|date=$1\n|resolved=yes'),
          summary: 'Resolving user-submitted feedback',
          assert: 'user',
          minor: true
      }).then(function () {
mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.api', 'oojs-ui-core', 'oojs-ui-windows'], function () {

// </nowiki>