Templates used
Calculator:Skill calc/Template

General notes

  • Importing your Old School RuneScape stats will use your experience by default instead of your level for greater accuracy.
    • WARNING: Due to the Boss kill count introduction, the hiscores have been very unreliable, so using the import stats has a chance to hang or fail to fetch your data. Please keep this in mind.
  • Setting numbers greater than 99 with the Level selection will internally work like experience.
  • Generally speaking, activities that award higher XP are multi-step activities which take significantly longer to award the XP. Examples include pies, pizza and cakes, where you must first mix multiple ingredients in separate steps.
    • Making an anchovy pizza from scratch requires mixing water and flour to make the pizza base, then mixing the base with a tomato, then mixing the incomplete pizza with cheese, then baking it to get the main chunk of XP, followed finally by adding the anchovies for a second, smaller XP drop. Making a pineapple pizza is yet another step because you have to first cut up the pineapples into chunks or rings.
    • While these tasks take significantly longer to reward XP due to the number of steps involved, keep in mind that they can be more profitable than faster methods such as starting from a pre-made but uncooked pizza or pie, and they also reward much more XP, which requires you to make fewer of the final item in the long run.
  • If you find an issue, please leave comments on calculator talk page or join our Discord.


  • Volcanic ash is assumed at ash output per mine, however as the Mining level increases so does the yield. See this article for more information.


template=Calculator:Skill calc/Template
name =
param = name|Name||hs|current,15,2;currentToggle,Experience
param = currentToggle|Current: Level or Experience?|Experience|select|Level,Experience
param = current|Current (per choice above)|0|int|0-200000000
param = goalToggle|Goal: Level or Experience?|Level|select|Level,Experience
param = goal|Goal (per choice above)|0|int|0-200000000
param = method|Method|All|select|All,Regular,Other
param = dataCriteria|Hide inaccessible methods|Show All|buttonselect|Show All,Hide,Greyed out
param = skill|Skill|Mining|hidden
param = head|Prospector helmet (0.4%)|false|check
param = body|Prospector jacket (0.8%)|false|check
param = legs|Prospector legs (0.6%)|false|check
param = boots|Prospector boots (0.2%)|false|check
autosubmit = enabled
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