Calculator:Shop calculator

Templates used
Module:Shop calculator

Calculates the profit or cost of selling or buying a certain amount of items from a shop. The price a shop sells or buys at is the amount when the stock is at equilibrium.

module=Shop calculator
param = action|‎|Buying|buttonselect|Buying,Selling|Buying=priceShopSellsAt,shopSellsAtValue,buyQuantity;Selling=priceShopBuysAt,shopBuysAtValue,sellQuantity

param = priceShopSellsAt|Price shop sells at|1|int|0-999999999
param = priceShopBuysAt|Price shop buys at|1|int|1-999999999

param = shopSellsAtValue|Shop sells at(%)|1|int|0-2000
param = shopBuysAtValue|Shop buys at(%)|1|int|0-2000

param = delta|Price delta(%)|1|number|0-50|

param = baseStock|Default stock|0|int|0-999999|
param = currentStock|Current stock|0|int|0-999999|

param = buyQuantity|Items bought|1|int|1-10000000
param = sellQuantity|Item sold|1|int|1-10000000
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