Calculator:Theatre of Blood loot

Templates used
Calculator:Theatre of Blood/Template
MVP Bonus Points
Most Damage on Points
Maiden 2
Bloat 2
Nylocas Boss 1
Sotetseg 1
Xarpus 2
Verzik (phase 1) 2
Verzik (phase 2) 2
Verzik (phase 3) 2
template = Calculator:Theatre of Blood/Template
form = calculator
result = display
param = teammates|Team Size (1-5)|5|int|1-5,1,1||The number of players in the raid. (1-5 players)
param = splitdrops|Split drops?|true|toggleswitch||true=splitGroup;false=FFAGroup|Toggle to on if all teammates are sharing the drops of unique loot with each other. Toggle to off if each teammate gets to keep their own unique loot.

param = FFAGroup|Free-for-all Team||group|iskip,ideath,imvp,theyskip,theydeath
param = iskip|Player's Rooms Skipped (0-6)|0|number|0-6,1,1||The number of rooms the individual player skips. This number should almost always be 0. However, a hardcore ironman might decide to skip some of the rooms to avoid dying. (0-6 rooms)
param = ideath|Player's Deaths|0|number|0-inf,1,1||The number of deaths of the individual player.
param = imvp|Player's MVP points (0-14)|3.5|number|0-14,1,1||The number of bonus points that the individual player gets. There are always a total of 14 bonus points that are distributed between the teammates. The MVP points average out to 3.5 in a 4-man team, assuming everyone is equally proficient. Use the MVP table for reference.
param = theyskip|Teammates' Rooms Skipped (0-24)|0|number|0-24,1,1||The number of rooms skipped by the other players, excluding the current player. For example, if 2 people do not enter Xarpus' room, and 1 person does not enter Bloat's room, you would input 3. This number should almost always be 0. However, a hardcore ironman might decide to skip some of the rooms to avoid dying. (0-24 rooms)
param = theydeath|Teammates' Deaths|0|number|0-inf,1,1||The number of deaths of the other players, excluding the current player.

param = splitGroup|Loot-sharing Team||group|weskip,wedeath
param = weskip|Total Rooms Skipped (0-30)|0|number|0-30,1,1||The number of rooms skipped by all the players. For example, if 2 people do not enter Xarpus' room, and 1 person does not enter Bloat's room, you would input 3. (0-30 rooms)
param = wedeath|Total Deaths|0|number|0-inf,1,1||The total number of deaths of all the players.
autosubmit = disabled
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