Bureaucrats, editor, Interface administrators, Administrators (Semantic MediaWiki), Curators (Semantic MediaWiki), Editors (Semantic MediaWiki), Administrators
No edit summary |
No edit summary |
Line 27:
* Cache mw.config variables
function _typeof(o) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; return _typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (o) { return typeof o; } : function (o) { return o && "function" == typeof Symbol && o.constructor === Symbol && o !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof o; }, _typeof(o); }
var conf = mw.config.get(['wgNamespaceNumber', 'wgPageName', 'wgTitle', 'wgSiteName']),
// Are we on OSRS? Impacts selectors and volume labels / multipliers
isOSRS = conf.wgSiteName == "RuneRealm Wiki",
// Volume label depends on which wiki we're on
volumeLabel = "Daily volume",
gameVersion = isOSRS ? 'osrs' : 'rs',
* <doc>
* @todo replace `_GEC` wih this
gec = {},
// @todo document each of these
_GEC = {
AIQueue: [],
AILoaded: [],
AIData: [],
addedData: [],
average: parseInt((location.hash.match(/#a=([^#]*)/) || [])[1], 10) || '',
urlCache: {},
annotationsVisible: true
* Startup methods
self = {
* Loads and implements any required dependencies
deps: function deps() {
if (!mw.loader.getState('rs.highcharts')) {
mw.loader.implement('rs.highcharts', ['https://code.highcharts.com/stock/highstock.js'], {}, {});
if (!mw.loader.getState('rs.highcharts-annotations')) {
mw.loader.implement('rs.highcharts-annotations', ['https://code.highcharts.com/modules/annotations.js'], {}, {});
mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.util', 'mediawiki.api', 'rs.highcharts', 'rs.highcharts-annotations', 'oojs-ui-core', 'oojs-ui.styles.icons-media'], self.init);
* Initial loading function
init: function init(req) {
window.Highcharts = req('rs.highcharts');
req('rs.highcharts-annotations')(window.Highcharts); //load the annotations module, shouldn't need to store the return value anywhere
(function () {
var newhash = location.hash.replace(/\.([0-9a-f]{2})/gi, function (_, first) {
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(first, 16));
}).replace(/ /g, '_');
if (newhash && newhash.match(/#[aiz]=/)) {
location.hash = newhash;
$('.GEdatachart').attr('id', function (c) {
return 'GEdatachart' + c;
$('.GEdataprices').attr('id', function (c) {
return 'GEdataprices' + c;
$('.GEChartBox').each(function (c) {
$(this).find('.GEChartItems').attr('id', 'GEChartItems' + c);
lang: {
// @todo can this be done with CSS?
resetZoom: null,
numericSymbols: ['K', 'M', 'B', 'T', 'Qd', 'Qt']
// globals to maintain javascript hrefs
window._GEC = _GEC;
window.popupChart = popupChart;
window.addItem = chart.addItem;
window.removeGraphItem = chart.removeItem;
* <doc>
makeOOUI: function makeOOUI(c) {
var averageRangeInput, addItemInput, submitButton, resetButton, annotationsToggle, fieldset, permalink;
averageRangeInput = new OO.ui.NumberInputWidget({
averageRangeInput.$element.data('ooui-elem', averageRangeInput);
addItemInput = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget({
addItemInput.$element.data('ooui-elem', addItemInput);
submitButton = new OO.ui.ButtonInputWidget({
label: 'Submit',
flags: ['primary', 'progressive']
resetButton = new OO.ui.ButtonInputWidget({
label: 'Reset'
permalink = new OO.ui.ButtonInputWidget({
label: 'Permanent link',
title: 'Permanent link to the current chart settings and items. Right click to copy the url.',
id: 'GEPermLink' + c
permalink.$element.data('ooui-elem', permalink);
permalink.on('click', function () {
window.open(permalink.getData(), '_blank');
averageRangeInput.on('enter', function () {
addItemInput.on('enter', function () {
submitButton.on('click', function () {
resetButton.on('click', function () {
annotationsToggle = new OO.ui.ToggleSwitchWidget({
value: true
annotationsToggle.on('change', function () {
window._GEC.annotationsVisible = annotationsToggle.getValue();
for (var i = 0; i < window._GEC['chart' + c].annotations.length; i++) {
window._GEC['chart' + c].annotations[i].setVisibility(window._GEC.annotationsVisible);
fieldset = new OO.ui.FieldsetLayout();
fieldset.addItems([new OO.ui.FieldLayout(averageRangeInput, {
label: 'Average (days)'
}), new OO.ui.FieldLayout(addItemInput, {
label: 'Add new item'
}), new OO.ui.HorizontalLayout({
items: [submitButton, resetButton, permalink]
}), new OO.ui.FieldLayout(annotationsToggle, {
label: 'Show annotations?'
fieldset.$element.css('width', '50%');
return fieldset.$element;
buildPopup: function buildPopup() {
var close;
close = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
icon: 'close'
close.on('click', function () {
$('body').append($('<div>').attr('id', 'GEchartpopup').css('display', 'none').append($('<div>').attr('id', 'closepopup').append(close.$element), self.makeOOUI('popup'), $('<div>').attr('id', 'addedItemspopup'), $('<div>').attr('id', 'GEpopupchart')));
setupCharts: function setupCharts() {
$('div.GEdatachart').each(function (c) {
var $dataPrices = $('#GEdataprices' + c),
$dataChart = $('#GEdatachart' + c),
dataItem = $dataPrices.attr('data-item'),
isSmall =
isMedium =
isIndexChart =
selector = isOSRS ? '.infobox *, .infobar *, .infobox-switch-resources.infobox-resources-Infobox_Item *' : '.infobox *, .infobar *, .rsw-infobox *, .infobox-switch-resources.infobox-resources-Infobox_Item *',
isInfobox =
itemName = dataItem ||
if (!$dataPrices.length) {
// setting up the form and chart elements
if (!isSmall && !isMedium)
$dataChart.before(self.makeOOUI(c), $('<div>').attr('id', 'addedItems' + c));
getData(c, isSmall, isMedium, undefined, function
var dataList =
var yAxis
if (itemName.toLowerCase() !== 'blank') {
zoom = parseInt((location.hash.match(/#z=([^#]*)/) || [])[1]);
zoom = zoom && zoom <= 6 && zoom >= 0 ? zoom - 1 : zoom === 0 ? 0 : 2;
var enlarge = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
label: 'Enlarge chart',
icon: 'fullScreen',
id: 'gec-enlarge-' + c
enlarge.$element.css("font-size", "13px");
// @todo this doesn't do anything on small charts
//var zoomOut = '<a href="javascript:_GEC.chart' + c + '.zoomOut();" style="text-decoration:underline;color:inherit;font-size:inherit;">Zoom out</a>';
//generating the chart
//height: isSmall?210:null,
redraw: function redraw() {
_GEC.thisid = this.renderTo.id.replace('GEdatachart', '').replace('GEpopupchart', 'popup');
verticalAlign: 'top',
rules: [{
legend: {
text: isSmall || isMedium ? isInfobox || isMedium ? enlarge.$element[0].outerHTML : itemName : 'Grand Exchange Market Watch',
fontSize: isSmall ? enlarge
subtitle: {
text: isSmall ? isInfobox ? '' : enlarge.$element[0].outerHTML : itemName.toLowerCase() == 'blank' ? 'Historical chart' : itemName,
useHTML: true,
y: 50,
style: {
color: '#666',
fontSize: isSmall ? '13px' : '15px'
rangeSelector: {
enabled: !isSmall && !isMedium,
selected: zoom,
inputBoxStyle: {
right: '15px',
display: isSmall || isMedium ? 'none' : 'block'
inputStyle: {
width: '100px'
inputDateFormat: "%e-%b-%Y",
buttonTheme: {
"class": 'zoomButton'
buttons: [{
type: 'month',
count: 1,
text: '1m'
}, {
type: 'month',
count: 2,
text: '2m'
}, {
type: 'month',
count: 3,
text: '3m'
}, {
type: 'month',
count: 6,
text: '6m'
}, {
type: 'year',
count: 1,
text: '1y'
}, {
type: 'all',
text: 'All'
plotOptions: {
series: {
enableMouseTracking: !isSmall,
dataGrouping: {
dateTimeLabelFormats: {
day: ['%A, %e %B %Y', '%A, %e %B', '-%A, %e %B %Y'],
week: ['Week from %A, %e %B %Y', '%A, %e %B', '-%A, %e %B %Y'],
month: ['%B %Y', '%B', '-%B %Y'],
year: ['%Y', '%Y', '-%Y']
tooltip: {
enabled: !isSmall,
valueDecimals: isIndexChart ? 2 : 0,
headerFormat: '<span style="font-size: 12px">{point.key}</span><br/>',
xDateFormat: "%A, %e %B %Y"
navigator: {
xAxis: {
dateTimeLabelFormats: {
day: "%e-%b",
week: "%e-%b",
month: "%b-%Y",
year: "%Y"
minTickInterval: 24 * 3600 * 1000 //1 day
maskFill: 'none',
enabled: !(isSmall || isMedium)
credits: {
enabled: false
xAxis: [{
lineColor: '#666',
tickColor: '#666',
dateTimeLabelFormats: {
day: "%e-%b",
week: "%e-%b",
month: "%b-%Y",
year: "%Y"
minTickInterval: 24 * 3600 * 1000,
//1 day
scrollbar: {
enabled: false,
showFull: false
yAxis: yAxis,
series: dataList,
colors: window.GEMWChartColors || ['#4572A7', '#AA4643', '#89A54E', '#80699B', '#3D96AE', '#DB843D', '#92A8CD', '#A47D7C', '#B5CA92'],
annotations: [data[2]]
var items = ($('#GEChartItems' + c).html() || '').split(',');
var noAdd = [];
var i;
for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
items[i] = items[i].trim();
if (items[i]) {
addItem(c, items[i]);
} else {
if (items.length == noAdd.length && _GEC['chart' + c].series[0].name.toLowerCase() != 'blank') setChartRange(c);
//adjusting the axes extremes (initial load)
//loading the chart and additional price info when the page is ready
if ((conf.wgNamespaceNumber == 112 && conf.wgTitle.split('/')[1] == 'Data' || conf.wgPageName == 'RuneScape:Grand_Exchange_Market_Watch/Chart') && location.hash.match('#i=') !== null) {
var hash = location.hash;
items = decodeURIComponent((hash.match(/#i=([^#]*)/) || [])[1] || '').replace(/_/g, ' ').split(',');
for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
if (items[i].match(/^\s*$/) === null) addItem(0, items[i]);
var $enlargeEle = $("#gec-enlarge-" + c);
if ($enlargeEle.length) {
$enlargeEle.on("click", function () {
* General helper methods
util = {
* <doc>
* @todo replace with $.extend
* @param a {object}
* @param b {object} (optional)
* @return {object}
cloneObj: function cloneObj(a, b) {
if (_typeof(a) !== 'object') {
return '';
if (_typeof(b) !== 'object') {
b = {};
for (var key in a) {
if (a.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
b[key] = a[key];
return b;
* Averages prices across a specified time interval
* @param arr {array} Array of arrays, where each member of `arr`
* is in the format [time, price]
* Which is how we store the price data
* @example [x-coord, y-coord]
* @param amt {number} Interval to average across in days
* @param round {number} (optional) Number of decimal places to round to
* Defaults to 0
* @return {array} Array of arrays, where each member of the return array
* is in the format [time, price] (as above)
* and
avg: function avg(arr, amt, round) {
amt =
// convert `round` into a number we can use for rounding
round = Math.pow(10,
var avgs = [],
// adds each price to
// when `amt` is reached, average the contents of `list`
// each iteration after `amt` is reached averages the contents of `list`
// which is continuously being updated as each iteration
// after `amt` is reached replaces a member of `list`
// @example when `i` is 31 the current price replaces `list[1]`
// when `i` is 35 the current price replaces `list[5]`
for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
list[i % amt] = arr[i][1];
if (i >= amt) {
// don't modify the time (y-coord)
arr[i][0], Math.round(util.sum(list) / list.length * round) / round]);
return avgs;
* Finds the sum of numbers in an array
* Only called by `util.avg`
* @param arr {array} Array of number to find the sum of
* @return {number} Sum of the numbers in `arr`
sum: function sum(arr) {
var total = 0,
for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
total += parseFloat(arr[i], 10);
return total;
* Rounds and formats numbers
* @example 12345 -> 12.3K
* @example 1234567 -> 1.2M
* @example 123456789012 -> 123.4M
* @param num {number|string} Number to format
* @return {string} Formatted number
toKMB: function toKMB(num) {
// strip commas from number string
// as `parseInt` will interpret them as a decimal separator
// pass numbers and string to `parseInt` to convert floats too
num = parseInt(typeof num === 'string' ? num.replace(/,/g, '') : num, 10);
var neg = num < 0 ? '-' : '';
num = Math.abs(num);
// `1eX` is shorthand for `Math.pow( 10, X )`
if (num >= 1e10) {
num = Math.round(num / 1e8) / 10;
num += 'B';
} else if (num >= 1e7) {
num = Math.round(num / 1e5) / 10;
num += 'M';
} else if (num >= 1e4) {
num = Math.round(num / 100) / 10;
num += 'K';
return rs.addCommas(neg + num);
* Capitalises first character of a string
* @source <https://stackoverflow.com/a/1026087>
* @param str {string}
* @return {string}
ucFirst: function ucFirst(str) {
return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
* Sort data points in the graph data before passing it to the charts api
sortPoints: function sortPoints(a, b) {
a = a.replace(/'/g,
b = b.replace(/'/g,
return a -
* Chart
chart = {
* <doc>
* @param id {string|number}
* @param match {string} is normally the 'line' that isn't an item's price data
* such as average or volume
* @return {number}
getSeriesIndex: function getSeriesIndex(id, match) {
var chart = _GEC['chart' + id],
series = chart.series,
if (chart) {
for (i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
if (series[i].name.match(match)) {
return i;
return -1;
// @todo what
* Creates a URL with preset options
* @todo change to url
* @todo document the individual params/options
* @param id {number|string}
* @return {string}
permLinkUrl: function permLinkUrl(id) {
var chart = _GEC['chart' + id],
xt = chart.xAxis[0].getExtremes(),
series = chart.series,
minDate = new Date(xt.min).toDateString().split(' ').slice(1).join('_'),
maxDate = new Date(xt.max).toDateString().split(' ').slice(1).join('_'),
inputAvg = $('#average' + id).data('ooui-elem').getNumericValue(),
urlHash = '#t=' + minDate + ',' + maxDate,
items = '',
if (!isNaN(inputAvg)) {
urlHash += '#a=' + inputAvg;
for (i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
if (series[i].name == 'Navigator' || series[i].name.match('average')) {
// separate items with
if (items)
items += ',';
items += series[i].name.replace(/ /g, '_');
urlHash += '#i=' + items;
// @todo
return '/w/RuneScape:Grand_Exchange_Market_Watch/Chart' + urlHash;
* Add a new
* @param it {string}
addItem: function addItem(i, it) {
_GEC.chartid = i;
OOUIextraItem = $('#extraItem' + i).data('ooui-elem'),
item = (it || '').trim() ||
dataItems = ['#addedItems' + i + ' [data-item]', '#GEdataprices' + i + '[data-item]'],
$dataItems = $(dataItems.join(',')).map(function () {
$addedItems =
gecchartid =
if (item && item.length) {
for (var i2 = 0; i2 <
if (_GEC.AIQueue[i2] == item.toLowerCase()) {
if (
// @todo should a number passed to .get()
$dataItems.get().indexOf(item.toLowerCase()) !== -1 || index !== -1) {
if (!it) {
alert(item + ' is already in the graph.');
if (OOUIextraItemPresent) {
return false;
if (OOUIextraItemPresent) {
$.get('/api.php', {
action: 'query',
prop: 'revisions',
rvprop: 'content',
format: 'json',
titles: 'Module:Exchange/' + util.ucFirst(item)
}).then(function (data, textStatus) {
var OOUIextraItem = $('#extraItem' + gecchartid).data('ooui-elem'),
pages = data.query.pages;
if (textStatus !== 'success') {
alert('An error occured while loading ' + item);
var matches = [];
var pageMissing = false;
if (pages[-1]) {
pageMissing = true;
} else {
var exchangeData = pages[Object.keys(pages)[0]].revisions[0]['*'];
matches = exchangeData.match(/itemId\D*(\d*)/);
if (matches.length !== 2) {
pageMissing = true;
// page
if (pageMissing) {
if (OOUIextraItem.getValue().length)
alert('The item ' + item + ' doesn\'t exist on our Grand Exchange database.');
if (_GEC.AIData.length && _GEC.AIQueue.length == _GEC.AILoaded.length) {
return false;
return $.getJSON("https://api.weirdgloop.org/exchange/history/" + gameVersion + "/all?compress=true&id=" + itemId);
$.getJSON(mw.util.getUrl('Module:Exchange/' + util.ucFirst(item) + '/annotations.json', {
action: 'raw',
'ctype': 'application/json'
})).then(function (annodata)
}, function ()
} //handles the page not
).then(function (annodata)
lineWidth: 2,
annotations: formatAnnoList(annodata, Object.values(data)[0])
if (getSeriesIndex(gecchartid, 'average') !== -1) {
_GEC['chart' + gecchartid].series[getSeriesIndex(gecchartid, 'average')].remove();
if (_GEC.AIQueue.length === _GEC.AILoaded.length) {
// This is always true when only 1 item is being loaded.
item: item.toLowerCase(),
chart: gecchartid
// @todo when does this happen
/* This happens when there are no further items added to the charts, i.e. when the original item is the only one.
This is indeed a flawed test, since it won't work on GEMW/C, where there is no original item in the chart.
This should be replaced with another test that also works on GEMW/C.
} else if ($addedItems.html().match(/^\s*$/) || conf.wgPageName == 'RuneScape:Grand_Exchange_Market_Watch/Chart' && $addedItems.find('a').length === 1) {
id = i ===
getData(id, false, false, i, function (data) {
series =
seriesIndex = getSeriesIndex(i, 'average');
//remove an average line if it already exists
//add average line when there is only 1 item in the chart
* <doc>
* @param c {number|string}
loadQueueComplete: function loadQueueComplete(cin, addeditembyscript) {
var cnum = cin !== 'popup',
//if cin is a number, we're probably at initial load of one/many charts on a page, so we need to iterate over the entire queue
c = cnum ? _GEC.AIQueue.length : cin,
//if not a number, its almost certainly 'popup', for which we only need to reload the popup
isSmall = [],
isMedium = [],
data = [],
if (cnum) {
//this structure repeats throughout the method: if cnum then loop else do once. probably a better way to do this
for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
isSmall[i] = $('#GEdatachart' + i).hasClass('smallChart');
isMedium[i] = $('#GEdatachart' + i).hasClass('mediumChart');
} else {
isSmall = $('#GEdatachart' + c).hasClass('smallChart');
isMedium = $('#GEdatachart' + c).hasClass('mediumChart');
if (cnum) {
for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
if (getSeriesIndex(_GEC.AIQueue[i].chart, volumeLabel) !== -1) {
id = i === 'popup' ? $('#GEchartpopup').attr('data-chartid') : i;
getData(id, true, undefined, undefined, function (data) {
data[1].title.text = 'Price history';
reloadChart(i, {
series: data[0],
yAxis: data[1]
} else {
if (getSeriesIndex(c, volumeLabel) !== -1) {
id = c === 'popup' ? $('#GEchartpopup').attr('data-chartid') : c;
getData(id, true, undefined, undefined, function (data) {
data[1].title.text = 'Price history';
reloadChart(c, {
series: data[0],
yAxis: data[1]
for (i = 0; i < _GEC.AIData.length; i++) {
index = -1;
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < _GEC.AIQueue.length; i2++) {
if (_GEC.AIQueue[i2].item === (_GEC.AIData[i] || {
name: ''
}).name.toLowerCase()) {
index = i2;
data[index !== -1 ? index : data.length] = _GEC.AIData[i];
// @todo should this be `Array.isArray`
// or should it default to `{}`
// @todo test if isSmall is needed in the conditional
if (cnum) {
for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
if (data[i] === undefined) continue;
if (isSmall[data[i].gecchartid] && isMedium[data[i].gecchartid] && _typeof(Array.isArray(_GEC.addedData[data[i].gecchartid]))) {
_GEC.addedData[data[i].gecchartid] = [];
} else {
if ((isSmall || isMedium) && _typeof(Array.isArray(_GEC.addedData[data[c].gecchartid]))) {
_GEC.addedData[data[c].gecchartid] = [];
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i]) {
_GEC['chart' + data[i].gecchartid].addSeries(data[i]);
if (data[i].annotations && data[i].annotations.labels && data[i].annotations.labels.length) {
_GEC['chart' + data[i].gecchartid].addAnnotation(data[i].annotations);
if (cnum && isSmall[data[i].gecchartid]) {
_GEC.addedData[data[i].gecchartid][i] = data[i];
if (cnum) {
for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
$('#extraItem' + data[i].gecchartid).data('ooui-elem').setDisabled(false).setValue('');
} else {
$('#extraItem' + c).data('ooui-elem').setDisabled(false).setValue('');
itemhash = (location.hash.match(/#i=[^#]*/) || [])[0] || location.hash + '#i=';
$addedItems = $('#addedItems' + c);
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (!data[i]) {
iname = data[i].name;
if (!$addedItems.text().trim()) {
$addedItems.append('Remove items from graph: ', $('<a>').attr({
href: 'javascript:removeGraphItem("' + iname + '","' + c + '")',
'data-item': iname
itemhash = '#i=' + iname;
} else {
$addedItems.append(', ', $('<a>').attr({
href: 'javascript:removeGraphItem("' + iname + '","' + c + '")',
'data-item': iname
itemhash += ',' + iname;
if (location.hash.match(/#i=/)) {
itemhash = location.hash.replace(/#i=[^#]*/, itemhash).replace(/ /g, '_');
} else {
itemhash = location.hash + itemhash;
if ((conf.wgNamespaceNumber == 112 && conf.wgTitle.split('/')[1] == 'Data' || conf.wgPageName == 'RuneScape:Grand_Exchange_Market_Watch/Chart') && itemhash.replace('#i=', '').length) {
location.hash = itemhash;
_GEC.AIQueue = [];
_GEC.AILoaded = [];
_GEC.AIData = [];
if (cnum) {
for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
hadBlank = removeGraphItem('Blank', data[i].gecchartid);
if (hadBlank) {
} else {
hadBlank = removeGraphItem('Blank', c);
if (hadBlank) {
* <doc>
* @param c {number|string}
* @return {boolean}
setRange: function setRange(c) {
var zoom = parseInt((location.hash.match(/#z=([^#]*)/) || [])[1], 10);
zoom = zoom && zoom <= 6 && zoom >= 0 ? zoom - 1 : zoom === 0 ? 0 : 2;
var hash = location.hash;
var hasT = conf.wgNamespaceNumber === 112 && conf.wgTitle.split('/')[1] === 'Data' || conf.wgPageName === 'RuneScape:Grand_Exchange_Market_Watch/Chart';
if (typeof c === 'number' && (hasT && !hash.match('#t=') || !hasT)) {
$('#GEdatachart' + c + ' .zoomButton').eq(zoom).click();
return true;
var timespan = decodeURIComponent((hash.match(/#t=([^#]*)/) || [])[1] || '').replace(/_/g, ' ').split(',');
var dates = [new Date(timespan[0]), new Date(timespan[1])];
var d = new Date(timespan[0]);
var extremes = _GEC['chart' + c].xAxis[0].getExtremes();
if (dates[0] !== 'Invalid Date' && dates[1] === 'Invalid Date' && typeof zoom === 'number') {
var button = _GEC['chart' + c].rangeSelector.buttonOptions[zoom];
if (button.type === 'month') {
d.setMonth(d.getMonth() + button.count);
} else if (button.type === 'year') {
d.setYear(d.getFullYear() + button.count);
} else if (button.type === 'all') {
d = new Date(extremes.dataMax);
dates[1] = d;
if (dates[0] !== 'Invalid Date' && dates[1] !== 'Invalid Date') {
_GEC['chart' + c].xAxis[0].setExtremes(dates[0].getTime(), dates[1].getTime());
return true;
return false;
* <doc>
* @param c {number|string}
* @param change {object}
reload: function reload(c, change) {
var options = _GEC['chart' + c].options;
if (!options) {
// @todo do we need to return `false` here
// @todo when does this happen
return false;
$.extend(options, change);
_GEC['chart' + c] = new Highcharts.StockChart(options);
* <doc>
* @param item {string}
* @param c {number|string}
* @return {boolean}
removeItem: function removeItem(item, c) {
var series = _GEC['chart' + c].series,
// find the item we want to remove
for (i = 0; i <
id = i;
// @todo when does this
if (typeof id !== 'number') {
return false;
// remove item from url hash
newhash = location.hash.replace(/_/g, ' ').replace(new RegExp('(#i=[^#]*),?' + item, 'i'), '$1').replace(/,,/g, ',').replace(/,#/g, '#').replace(/#i=,/g, '#i=').replace(/#i=($|#)/, '$1').replace(/ /g, '_');
if (newhash.replace('#i=', '').length) {
location.hash =
} else if (location.hash.length) {
location.hash = '';
// remove the item from the
// reset extremes?
// @todo can we cache #addedItems somehow
// remove item
$('#addedItems' + c + ' [data-item="' + item + '"]').remove();
// cleanup list
$('#addedItems' + c).html($('#addedItems' + c).html().replace(/, , /g, ', ').replace(/, $/, '').replace(': , ', ': '));
// if the list is empty show average, volume and item stats again
if (!$('#addedItems' + c + ' [data-item]').length) {
$('#addedItems' + c).empty();
id = c == 'popup' ? $('#GEchartpopup').attr('data-chartid') :
data = getData(id, false, false, 'popup', function (data) {
reloadChart(c, {
yAxis: data[1]
* <doc>
* @param
setExtremes: function setExtremes(i) {
var ch = _GEC['chart' + i],
exts = _GEC['chart' +
if (exts.dataMin * 0.95 !== exts.userMin || exts.dataMax * 1.05
ch.yAxis[0].setExtremes(exts.dataMin * 0.95, exts.dataMax * 1.05);
if (ch.yAxis[2])
exts =
ch.yAxis[1].setExtremes(0, exts.dataMax * 1.05);
if (i === 'popup') {
// @todo use onclick event
$('#GEPermLink' + i).data('ooui-elem').setData(chartPermLinkUrl(i));
* <doc>
* @param c {number|string}
* @param isSmall {boolean}
* @param avginput {number|string} (optional)
* number component of input element used for altering the average interval
* when the interval is in days
* when is this different to `c`?
* @return {array} 2 item array containing X and Y respectively
* @todo expand on what X and Y are
getData: function getData() {}
// map old functions to new locations until uses are fixed
getSeriesIndex = chart.getSeriesIndex,
chartPermLinkUrl = chart.permLinkUrl,
addItem = chart.addItem,
removeGraphItem = chart.removeItem,
reloadChart = chart.reload,
setChartRange = chart.setRange,
setChartExtremes = chart.setExtremes,
loadChartsQueueComplete = chart.loadQueueComplete;
// popupChart = chart.popup;
// getData = chart.getData;
Line 1,278 ⟶ 1,077:
function popupChart(i) {
if (!$popup.length) {
return false;
if ($overlay.length) {
} else {
$popup.before($('<div>').attr('id', 'overlay').css('display', 'block'));
$overlay = $('#overlay');
$overlay.on('click', function () {
if (typeof i === 'number')
$(document).keydown(function (e) {
if (e.which === 27) {
} else {
// @todo only remove our event
if (typeof i === 'boolean' && !i) {
} else {
if (typeof i === 'number' && $popup.attr('data-chartid') !== i) {
$popup.attr('data-chartid', i);
options = {};
getData(i, false, false, 'popup', function (data) {
var dataList = data[0];
var yAxis = data[1];
// @todo can this be replaced with $.extend?
// @todo what is this supposed to do?
util.cloneObj(_GEC['chart' + i].options, options);
options.chart.renderTo = 'GEpopupchart';
options.legend.enabled = true;
options.title.text = 'Grand Exchange Market Watch';
options.title.style.fontSize = '18px';
options.subtitle.text = options.series[0].name;
options.subtitle.y = 35;
options.subtitle.style.fontSize = '15px;';
options.chart.zoomType = '';
options.rangeSelector.enabled = true;
options.rangeSelector.inputBoxStyle.display = 'block';
options.plotOptions.series.enableMouseTracking = true;
options.tooltip.enabled = true;
options.navigator.enabled = true;
options.credits.enabled = false;
options.series = [{}];
options.series = _GEC.addedData[i] ? [dataList[0]] : dataList;
options.yAxis = yAxis;
options.annotations = [data[2]];
_GEC.chartpopup = new Highcharts.StockChart(options);
if (_GEC.addedData[i]) {
for (n = 0; n < _GEC.addedData[i].length; n++) {
function rg(num) {
if (num > 0) {
} else if
return colour;
function formatAnnoList(annoData, prices) {
for (var i = 0; i < annoData.length; i++) {
var ad = annoData[i];
var label = ad.title;
if (!(ad.link === undefined || ad.link === null || ad.link === '')) {
var labelUrl;
if (ad.link.startsWith('https://') || ad.link.startsWith('http://')) {
labelUrl = ad.link;
} else {
labelUrl = mw.util.getUrl(ad.link);
label = '<a href="' + labelUrl + '" target="_blank">' + ad.title + '</a>';
if (!isNaN(ts)) {
for (var
if (prices[i2][0] === ts)
priceAtTs = prices[i2][1];
if (
priceAtTs =
var anno =
yAxis: 0,
x: ts,
y: priceAtTs
return annoList;
function getData(cin, isSmall, isMedium, avginput, callback) {
var pricesToDataList = function pricesToDataList(inputData) {
var prices = inputData[0],
annoData = inputData[1];
_GEC.urlCache[url] = prices;
_GEC.urlCache[annoUrl] = annoData;
prices = Object.values(prices)[0];
var volumeMultiplier = 1; //isOSRS ? 1 : 1000000
for (i = 0; i < prices.length; i++) {
// time
// @todo should this be parseInt?
// price
if (prices[i][2] && !isSmall) {
// time
// volume
// volumes are in millions
prices[i][2] * volumeMultiplier]);
// datalist's elements are essentially each line on the chart
// so price, 30-day-average and volume
dataList = [{
name: itemName,
data: data,
lineWidth: isSmall ? 2 : 3
if (itemName.toLowerCase() === 'blank' && !chartLoaded) {
dataList[0].color = '#000000';
if (!isSmall && !isMedium && (itemName.toLowerCase() !== 'blank' || chartLoaded)) {
inputAvg = $('#average' + avginput).data('ooui-elem').getNumericValue();
// @todo should this be isNaN?
if (inputAvg) {
newhash = location.hash.replace(/#a=[^#]*|$/, '#a=' + inputAvg).replace(/ /g, '_');
if (newhash.length) {
location.hash =
inputAvg = inputAvg || 30;
name: inputAvg + '-day average',
data: util.avg(data, inputAvg, isIndexChart ? 2 : 0),
lineWidth: 2,
dashStyle: 'shortdash'
if (volumes.length >= 10) {
name: volumeLabel,
data: volumes,
type: 'area',
color: '#cc8400',
fillColor: {
linearGradient: {
x1: 0,
y1: 0,
x2: 0,
y2: 1
stops: [[0, '#ffa500'], [1, 'white']]
// display on separate y-axis
yAxis: 1
// create y-axis for price data
yAxis = {
text: isSmall ? null : isIndexChart ? 'Index history' : 'Price history',
color: 'black',
fontSize: '12px'
opposite: false,
labels: {
align: 'right',
x: -8,
y: 4
allowDecimals: false,
// 1 coin
minTickInterval: 1,
showLastLabel: 1,
lineWidth: 1,
lineColor: '#E0E0E0'
// volume data is plotted on a seperate y-axis
if (volumes.length >= 10 && !isSmall) {
// set height to allow room for second y-axis
yAxis.height = 200;
// convert to array and add
yAxis =
title: {
text: volumeLabel,
rotation: 270,
opposite: false,
x: -8,
showLastLabel: 1,
offset: 0,
var annoList = {};
annoList = formatAnnoList(annoData, prices);
return [dataList, yAxis, annoList];
var isPopup = !isSmall && !isMedium;
var dataType = isPopup ? 'all' : 'sample';
var url = "https://api.weirdgloop.org/exchange/history/" + gameVersion + "/" + dataType + "?compress=true&id=" + dataItemId;
var annoUrl = mw.util.getUrl('Module:Exchange/' + itemName + '/annotations.json', {
action: 'raw',
'ctype': 'application/json'
var pricesPromise;
if (chartLoaded && itemName.toLowerCase() === 'blank') {
chartPageData = _GEC['chart' + c].series[getSeriesIndex(c, $('#addedItems' + c).find('a').data('item'))];
for (i = 0; i < chartPageData.xData.length; i++) {
prices.push(chartPageData.xData[i] + ':' + chartPageData.yData[i]);
pricesPromise = Promise.resolve(prices);
} else {
if (_GEC.urlCache[url]) {
return callback(pricesToDataList([_GEC.urlCache[url], _GEC.urlCache[annoUrl]]));
// combine these two calls
// this fetches the price data from the API
// and the annotation data from the wiki
// the wiki annotation page may not exist, which returns the second part of the then
$.getJSON(url), $.getJSON(annoUrl).then(function (d) {
return d;
}, function () {
return [];
}) //on exception, just use an empty list