
Template documentation
This documentation is transcluded from Template:CostLine/doc. [edit] [history] [purge]

The CostTable templates are used to display the cost of one or multiple items, and can calculate a total to display at the bottom.


|caption   = <!-- (Optional) Adds a caption to the table -->
|quantity  = <!-- (Optional) Display the quantity column -->
|class     = <!-- (Optional) Additional classes for the table -->
|style     = <!-- (Optional) Allows for style overrides in the table head -->
|1         = <!-- Name of the item -->
|txt       = <!-- (Optional) Text override -->
|pic       = <!-- (Optional) Image override -->
|gif       = <!-- (Optional) Change image to gif -->
|quantity  = <!-- (Optional) Change item quantity -->
|namenotes = <!-- (Optional) Text after item name -->
|cost      = <!-- (Optional) Cost override -->
|costmax   = <!-- (Optional) Allows for a cost range with multiple items -->
|costref   = <!-- (Optional) Places text after cost, meant for references -->
|total     = <!-- (Optional) Display total cost of items in the table. -->
|compare   = <!-- (Optional) Name of an item to compare to the total sum. Intended for item sets -->
|pic       = <!-- (Optional) Image override -->
|quantity  = <!-- (Optional) Change item quantity -->
|gemwname  = <!-- (Optional) Override for GE name -->


caption: (Optional) Adds a caption to the table
quantity: (Optional) Use the parameter quantity=yes to display the quantity column.
class: (Optional) Add more classes on top of the wikitable align-left-2. (AKA sortable, mw-collapsible, etc.)
style: (Optional) Add additional style styling to the table. See first example.


1: This parameter takes the name of the item
txt: (Optional) Alternate text in the link; defaults to the first parameter
pic: (Optional) If included, this changes the filename used; defaults to the first parameter; do not include "File:" or ".png"
gif: (Optional) Use the parameter gif=yes if the image is a GIF file. If parameter is not given, defaults to no.
quantity: (Optional) Changes the quantity of the item, defaults to {{{2}}}.
2: (Optional) Overrides quantity for the lazy people that don't want to write quantity= every time. Defaults to 1.
namenotes: (Optional) Adds some additional text after the link to the item
cost: (Optional) Override for the item cost for untradeables, cost ranges, etc. Set cost=no to replace the cell with the {{NA}} template (this treats the cost as 0 as well).
costmax: (Optional) If making a range, this is the upper bound. The cost parameter is the lower bound. See below for an example.
costref: (Optional) Adds text immediately after cost (or costmax if it exists). Intended for adding references.


total: (Optional) Use the parameter total=y to display the total cost of the items in the table.
compare: (Optional) Adds an additional item to compare the total cost to. Intended for comparing set items with their individual pieces. See below for an example.
gemwname: (Optional) Provides an override to the displayed link text and the string that is passed to the {{GEP}} template. Mostly for pages where the page name differs from the item's actual name.
quantity: (Optional) Changes the quantity of the item, defaults to 1. Useful when a recipe produces more than 1 of something at a time.
pic: (Optional) Just like the above pic parameter, use this to override the displayed image.


{{CostLine|Bagged nice tree
{{CostLine|Pink dye|quantity=1000|cost=20}}
{{CostLine|Bucket of sand|quantity=6}}
{{CostLine|Watering can(8)
|cost={{GEP|Watering can}}
{{CostLine|Saradomin d'hide body
Item Quantity GE Price
Happiness 1 N/A
Pink dye 1,000 20,000
Bucket of sand 6 294
Watering can(8) 1 Lua error: .
woooooooo 1 281,155
Total Lua error: .
{{CostLine|Ankou mask}}
{{CostLine|Ankou top}}
{{CostLine|Ankou's leggings}}
{{CostLine|Ankou gloves}}
{{CostLine|Ankou socks}}
Item GE Price
Ankou mask 9,934,344
Ankou top 22,139,895
Ankou's leggings Lua error: .
Ankou gloves 6,559,628
Ankou socks 5,025,850
Total Lua error: .
{{CostTableHead|quantity=yes|caption=Torn curtains}}
{{CostLine|Bolt of cloth|quantity=3}}
|pic=Bronze nails
|cost=   {{NailsCost|min}}
|costref=<ref>Cost changes depending on the type of nails used.</ref>
Torn curtains
Item Quantity GE Price
Plank 3 828
Bolt of cloth 3 2,532
Nails (any) 3 33 - 3,360[1]
Total 3,393 - 6,720
  1. ^ Cost changes depending on the type of nails used.
{{CostTableHead|quantity=YES|caption=Oak chair}}
{{CostLine|Oak plank|quantity=2}}
Oak chair
Item Quantity GE Price
Oak plank 2 840
{{CostLine|Justiciar faceguard}}
{{CostLine|Justiciar chestguard}}
{{CostLine|Justiciar legguards}}
{{CostTableBottom|total=y|compare=Justiciar armour set}}
Item GE Price
Justiciar faceguard 11,863,752
Justiciar chestguard 49,439,987
Justiciar legguards 44,628,798
Total 105,932,537
Justiciar armour set 105,932,537
Difference 0
{{CostLine|Mahogany plank|3}}
{{CostLine|Bolt of cloth|2}}
{{CostTableBottom|total=y|compare=Four-poster bed (flatpack)}}
Item Quantity GE Price
Mahogany plank 3 6,348
Bolt of cloth 2 1,688
Total 8,036
File:Four-poster bed (flatpack).png Four-poster bed (flatpack) 1 Lua error: .
Difference Lua error: .