Module:Ourania Altar Table
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Ourania Altar Table/doc
local p = {}
local geprice = require('Module:Exchange')._price
local coins = require('Module:Coins')._amount
local chart = require('Module:Chart data')
local rune_order = {
"Soul", "Blood", "Death", "Law", "Nature", "Astral", "Chaos", "Cosmic",
"Body", "Fire", "Earth", "Water", "Mind", "Air"
local rune_exp = {
Air = 5,
Mind = 5.5,
Water = 6,
Earth = 6.5,
Fire = 7,
Body = 7.5,
Cosmic = 8,
Chaos = 8.5,
Astral = 8.7,
Nature = 9,
Law = 9.5,
Death = 10,
Blood = 10.5,
Soul = 11
local thresholds = {
["1-9"] = {
Soul = 2,
Blood = 7,
Death = 15,
Law = 30,
Nature = 60,
Astral = 105,
Chaos = 165,
Cosmic = 250,
Body = 400,
Fire = 700,
Earth = 1300,
Water = 2500,
Mind = 5000,
Air = 10000
["10-19"] = {
Soul = 3,
Blood = 9,
Death = 21,
Law = 45,
Nature = 85,
Astral = 145,
Chaos = 225,
Cosmic = 400,
Body = 1000,
Fire = 2200,
Earth = 4600,
Water = 6700,
Mind = 8500,
Air = 10000
["20-29"] = {
Soul = 8,
Blood = 23,
Death = 55,
Law = 110,
Nature = 220,
Astral = 430,
Chaos = 850,
Cosmic = 1650,
Body = 3250,
Fire = 4750,
Earth = 6150,
Water = 7500,
Mind = 8800,
Air = 10000
["30-39"] = {
Soul = 20,
Blood = 60,
Death = 120,
Law = 250,
Nature = 500,
Astral = 1000,
Chaos = 2000,
Cosmic = 4000,
Body = 5300,
Fire = 6500,
Earth = 7600,
Water = 8500,
Mind = 9300,
Air = 10000
["40-49"] = {
Soul = 40,
Blood = 120,
Death = 240,
Law = 500,
Nature = 1000,
Astral = 2000,
Chaos = 4000,
Cosmic = 5500,
Body = 6500,
Fire = 7300,
Earth = 8050,
Water = 8750,
Mind = 9400,
Air = 10000
["50-59"] = {
Soul = 80,
Blood = 250,
Death = 600,
Law = 1300,
Nature = 2650,
Astral = 4150,
Chaos = 5250,
Cosmic = 6250,
Body = 7000,
Fire = 7700,
Earth = 8350,
Water = 8950,
Mind = 9500,
Air = 10000
["60-69"] = {
Soul = 100,
Blood = 300,
Death = 700,
Law = 1500,
Nature = 3050,
Astral = 4450,
Chaos = 5500,
Cosmic = 6450,
Body = 7200,
Fire = 7900,
Earth = 8500,
Water = 9050,
Mind = 9550,
Air = 10000
["70-79"] = {
Soul = 200,
Blood = 700,
Death = 1700,
Law = 3500,
Nature = 5000,
Astral = 6200,
Chaos = 7100,
Cosmic = 7800,
Body = 8300,
Fire = 8700,
Earth = 9100,
Water = 9400,
Mind = 9700,
Air = 10000
["80-89"] = {
Soul = 400,
Blood = 1000,
Death = 2450,
Law = 3900,
Nature = 5250,
Astral = 6300,
Chaos = 7100,
Cosmic = 7800,
Body = 8400,
Fire = 9300,
Earth = 9600,
Water = 9800,
Mind = 9900,
Air = 10000
["90-98"] = {
Soul = 650,
Blood = 1650,
Death = 3300,
Law = 4750,
Nature = 6100,
Astral = 7100,
Chaos = 7800,
Cosmic = 8400,
Body = 8900,
Fire = 9300,
Earth = 9600,
Water = 9800,
Mind = 9900,
Air = 10000
["99+"] = {
Soul = 900,
Blood = 2200,
Death = 3750,
Law = 5200,
Nature = 6550,
Astral = 7500,
Chaos = 8100,
Cosmic = 8600,
Body = 9000,
Fire = 9300,
Earth = 9600,
Water = 9800,
Mind = 9900,
Air = 10000
local total_range = 10001 -- +1 as range is 0-indexed
function calculate_chances(thresholds, total_range)
local chances = {}
for level_range, level_thresholds in pairs(thresholds) do
chances[level_range] = {}
local last_threshold = -1 -- Start from -1 because the range is 0-indexed
for _, element in ipairs(rune_order) do
local threshold = level_thresholds[element]
local range = threshold - last_threshold
local percentage = (range / total_range) * 100
chances[level_range][element] = percentage
last_threshold = threshold
return chances
function format_chances(chances)
local table = mw.html.create('table')
:addClass('wikitable sortable autosort=1,a align-center-2')
-- Create header row
local header_row = table:tag('tr')
header_row:tag('th'):wikitext(string.format('[[File:Runecraft_icon.png]] <br/> Level')):done()
for _, element in ipairs(rune_order) do
header_row:tag('th'):wikitext((string.format('[[File:%s rune.png|%s rune]] <br/> [[%s rune|%s]]', element, element, element, element))):done()
-- Create data rows
for level_range, element_chances in pairs(chances) do
local row = table:tag('tr')
local level_range_ess_value = 0
local level_range_ess_xp = 0
local level_range_daeyalt_xp = 0
for _, element in ipairs(rune_order) do
local percentage = element_chances[element]
local price = geprice(string.format('%s rune', element))
local experience = rune_exp[element]
if type(percentage) == "number" then
local value = (percentage / 100) * price
local exp = (percentage / 100) * (1.7 * experience)
local dae = (percentage / 100) * (1.5 * 1.7 * experience)
level_range_ess_value = level_range_ess_value + value
level_range_ess_xp = level_range_ess_xp + exp
level_range_daeyalt_xp = level_range_daeyalt_xp + dae
row:tag('td'):wikitext(string.format('%.2f%%', percentage)):done()
row:tag('td'):wikitext(string.format('%.2f', level_range_ess_xp)):done()
row:tag('td'):wikitext(string.format('%.2f', level_range_daeyalt_xp)):done()
return tostring(table)
function convertToChartJSFormat(chances)
local chart_data = {
labels = {},
datasets = {}
for i, rune in ipairs(rune_order) do
table.insert(chart_data.datasets, {
label = rune .. " rune",
data = {},
for level_range, rune_chances in pairs(chances) do
table.insert(chart_data.labels, level_range)
for i, rune in ipairs(rune_order) do
local chance = rune_chances[rune] or 0
table.insert(chart_data.datasets[i].data, chance)
return chart_data
function stacked_bar()
local chances = calculate_chances(thresholds, total_range)
local chart_data = convertToChartJSFormat(chances)
-- chart_data.color =[3]
local plot = chart.newChart{
type = "bar",
data = chart_data,
options = {
--colorPallet = chart.colorPallets.qualitative,
responsive = true,
maintainAspectRatio = false,
plugins = {
legend = { position = 'top' },
tooltip = { mode = 'index', intersect = false }
scales = {
x = { stacked = true },
y = {
stacked = true,
beginAtZero = true,
max = 100,
ticks = {
callback = function(value)
return value .. '%'
-- plot.options.colorPallet = chart.colorPallets.qualitative =[3]
return plot
function p.chancetable(frame)
local chances = calculate_chances(thresholds, total_range)
return format_chances(chances)
function p.chart(frame)
return stacked_bar()
return p