Tanzanite mutagen

A tanzanite mutagen is an untradeable item dropped by Zulrah. It allows a player to cosmetically recolour their serpentine helm to a turquoise coloured tanzanite helm. The mutagen is consumed upon use.
Item sources
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Drop rate
The drop rate for this item is calculated from three different rolls: the chance of missing the unique drop table (255/256), the chance of rolling Zulrah's flax table (10/248) and the chance of rolling the mutagen table (20/5,264). Both mutagens are equally likely.[1]
Thus, multiplying these three fractions will result in ~1/6,553, which is the chance of either mutagen per roll, or a ~1/13,106 chance for a specific mutagen. However, since Zulrah gives two rolls to its drop table per kill, the chances are roughly doubled, giving a ~1/3,277 chance for any mutagen or a ~1/6,553 chance for a specific mutagen.
- ^ (Note: The cited 10/249 number was changed to 10/248 following the removal of crystal weapon seeds from Zulrah's drop table.) Jagex. Mod Wolf's Twitter account. 30 March 2019. Archived from the original on 29 May 2020.