Module:Exchange/1/2 pineapple pizza

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This is the current revision of this page, as edited by Alex (talk | contribs) at 04:05, 7 November 2024 (Created page with "return { itemId = 2303, icon = '1/2 pineapple pizza.png', item = '1/2 pineapple pizza', value = 50, limit = 1, members = true, category = nil, examine = 'A pizza with bits of pineapple on it. (Whole) Half of this pineapple pizza has been eaten. (Half)', hialch = 60, lowalch = 40 }"). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this version.

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This module is a Grand Exchange Market Watch data page for the item 1/2 pineapple pizza.

The Grand Exchange Market Watch has several pages associated for this item:

return {
	itemId = 2303,
	icon = '1/2 pineapple pizza.png',
	item = '1/2 pineapple pizza',
	value = 50,
	limit = 1,
	members = true,
	category = nil,
	examine = 'A pizza with bits of pineapple on it. (Whole) Half of this pineapple pizza has been eaten. (Half)',
	hialch = 60,
	lowalch = 40