Combat potion

From RuneRealm Wiki

This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Alex (talk | contribs) at 01:09, 10 November 2024 (Created page with "{{Infobox Item |defver = 4 |version1 = 1 dose |version2 = 2 dose |version3 = 3 dose |version4 = 4 dose |name1 = Combat potion(1) |name2 = Combat potion(2) |name3 = Combat potion(3) |name4 = Combat potion(4) |image1 = File:Combat potion(1).png |image2 = File:Combat potion(2).png |image3 = File:Combat potion(3).png |image4 = File:Combat potion(4).png |members = Yes |tradeable = Yes |equipable = No |stackable = No |noteable = Yes |options = Drink, Empty, Dro..."). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

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1 dose2 dose3 dose4 dose
Combat potion(4)
Examine4 doses of combat potion.
OptionsDrink, Empty, Drop
Value215 coins
High alch129 coins
Low alch86 coins
Weight0 kg
Last price [1]251 coins
Advanced data
Item ID? (edit)

A Combat potion(4) is a potion made by mixing a Goat horn dust in a Harralander potion (unf). This requires at least a Herblore level of 36 (or 26 using the Pioneer ability), granting the player 4200 Herblore experience (or 840 if they are playing an Extreme gamemode, excluding any experience boosts).

You can decant potions together to combine their dosage, or talk to the Herbalist at home to automatically decant all of your potions for you (including in noted form) for a small fee.


Herblore Herblore36 (b)4,200 [2]
Ticks3 (1.8s)
Goat horn dust1187
Harralander potion (unf)1643
Total cost830
Combat potion(3)1148

Item sources

Source Level Item Quantity Rarity
Sergeant Strongstack 141 Combat potion(3) 1 Common
Sergeant Steelwill 142 Combat potion(3) 1 Common
Sergeant Grimspike 142 Combat potion(3) 1 Common

  1. ^ "Last average price". RuneRealm. "This price is a weighted average based on actual purchases on the in-game auction, however the wiki's prices only get updated from in-game changes every few days."
  2. ^ "Experience boost". RuneRealm. "The experience shown is for players on the normal gamemode, without any other experience boosts active."