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$(function() {
/** Replace audio track links with the audio file when clicked **/
function playTrack(e, playlist) {
if ($(this).attr('target') == '_blank') {
// do not play another track if the link opens in a new tab.
var filename = $(e.target).closest('a').attr('href').match(/File:(.*\.ogg)/)[1];
var $audio = $('<audio>').attr({
src: '/images/' + filename + '?11111',
autoplay: playlist !== true,
controls: true,
}).addClass('rsw-music-player'); // .rsw-music-player { height: 2em; vertical-align: middle; }
$('.rsw-music-player').each(function() {
if (playlist && $(this).is('#music-playlist audio')) {
// do not pause the playlist player when listening to a list
// pause all other songs that are currently playing
if (!this.paused) {
// load and start playing activated song
return $audio.attr('src');
// Apply onclick to audio links inside .embed-audio-links class
$('body').on('click', '.embed-audio-links a[href^="/w/File:"][href$=".ogg"]', playTrack)
/** Script for handling playlists added through [[Template:Playlist]]. **/
var $div = $('#music-playlist:not(.musicMap-playlist)');
if ($div.length !== 0) {
var unlocked = $div.data('unlocked-button')
var $play = $('<button>').attr('id', 'music-play').addClass('cdx-button').html('Shuffle play'+(unlocked?' all':'')).appendTo($div);
if (unlocked) {
var $playunlocked = $('<button>').attr('id', 'music-playunlocked').addClass('cdx-button').html('Shuffle play unlocked').appendTo($div)
var $playing = $('<span>').attr('id', 'music-playing').appendTo($div);
var $scroll = $('<span>').addClass('music-scroll-to').appendTo($div);
$('<a>').attr('href', '#music-current-song').html('Scroll to song').appendTo($scroll).before(' (').after(')');
var $player = $('<audio>').attr({
id: 'music-player',
autoplay: true,
controls: true,
// Event handlers
$play.click(function(e) {
if (playRandom.call($player.get(0), false, true)) {
$(this).html('Shuffle playing').prop('disabled', true);
if (unlocked) {
$playunlocked.html('Shuffle play unlocked').prop('disabled', false);
// queue the next song after the previous one ends:
$player.on('ended', playRandom.bind($player.get(0), false));
if (unlocked) {
$playunlocked.click(function(e) {
if (playRandom.call($player.get(0), true, true)) {
$(this).html('Shuffle playing unlocked').prop('disabled', true);
$play.html('Shuffle play'+(unlocked?' all':'')).prop('disabled', false);
// queue the next song after the previous one ends:
$player.on('ended', playRandom.bind($player.get(0), true));
// Play a random song from the tables on the current page
function playRandom(unlocked, firstsong) {
var $player = $(this);
var $songs = $('a[href^="/w/File:"][href$=".ogg"]')
if (unlocked) {
$songs = $songs.filter('.highlight-on a');
if ($songs.length == 0) {
if (firstsong === true) {// give no-songs alert only when it was the user who started the song. If autoplay can't find more, end silently.
alert('Could not find any '+(unlocked?'unlocked ':'')+'music tracks to play. Reload the page to allow previous songs to be played again.');
} else {
$('#music-play').html('Shuffle play'+(unlocked?' all':'')).prop('disabled', false);
if (unlocked) {
$playunlocked.html('Shuffle play unlocked').prop('disabled', false);
return false;
var song = $songs.get(Math.floor(Math.random() * $songs.length));
$(song).closest('tr').attr('id', 'music-current-song');
var $songlink = $(song).parents('tr').find('td:first-child a').eq(0).clone();
$songlink.attr('target', '_blank');
var e = {
preventDefault: function() {},
target: song,
var url = playTrack(e, true); // replace the link in the list with the music player
$player.attr('src', url); // play the track in the playlist player at the top; autoplay-attribute makes this play automatically.
var $playing = $('#music-playing');
$playing.html("Now playing: "); // Indicate which song is playing
$songlink.appendTo($playing); // link to song
return true;