Calculator:Prayer/Blessed Bone Shards

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General Notes

This calculator aims to determine relevant information on the training method of sacrificing Blessed bone shards to the Libation bowl at the Teomat. Obtaining Blessed bone shards requires players to use a variety of bones on the exposed altar on the summit of Ralos' Rise to bless them before breaking them into the shards themselves. Once players have a significant volume of shards, they may bless Jugs of wine on the same altar rendering them unbankable, but allowing them to be used on the Libation bowl with Prayer points and the Blessed bone shards in exchange for Prayer experience. Experience can be increased by 20% by adding Sunfire splinters to the Jugs of wine before blessing them into Jugs of sunfire wine, increasing the experience per bone shard from 5xp to 6xp.

Bones Chiselled per hour can be estimated by recording your XP/h and dividing it by 5 (the experience for breaking down one bone) will give you a rough amount. Several optimisations in terms of inventory space, travel time and prayer point preservation can be found on the Prayer training guide.

% of time Chiselling and Shards to chisel/h give players an idea of the time spent or volume of shards needed for one full hour of this training method where any time spent not chiselling is instead spent sacrificing shards.

module = Prayer/Blessed Bone Shards
form = BoneShardForm
result = BoneShardResult
param = bonesChiselled|Bones Chiselled/h|3000|int|1-|
param = winesPerRun|Wines per Run|23|int|1-27|
param = secondsPerRun|Seconds per Run|120|int|1-|
param = sunfireWine|Sunfire Wines?|yes|check|yes,no
Please input the data and submit the form.