Calculator:Thieving/Master farmer success

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Templates used
Calculator:Thieving/Master farmer success/Template

This calculator determines the chance of succeeding to pickpocket master farmers.

template = Calculator:Thieving/Master farmer success/Template
form = Form
result = Result
param = playername|Name||hs|ThievingLevel_Input,18,1
param = ThievingLevel_Input|Thieving Level|38|int|38-99
param = ArdyDiary|Ardougne Hard Diary Completed|true|check|ischecked,notchecked
Please input the data and submit the form.

At level 99 Thieving, you have a 100% chance to successfully steal from master farmers.

At a theoretical maximum efficiency, you can expect to earn up to 129,000 Thieving experience each hour, the equivalent of 3,000 successful pickpockets.