The Custom boss box, a valuable box containing custom boss items!
High Alch
Ethereal full helm 1 Common 27,655,073 54,000
Ethereal platebody 1 Common 56,131,147 90,000
Ethereal platelegs 1 Common 55,343,791 78,000
Divine whip 1 Common 20,958,166 72,000
Lucified whip 1 Common 20,958,166 72,000
Ferocious heart 1 Common 58,371,520 300,000
V's shield 1 Common 12,841,734 90,000
Fatal shard 1 1 Common 74,368,476 90,000
Fatal shard 2 1 Common 92,046,879 90,000
Fatal shard 3 1 Common 84,162,874 90,000
Holy ornament kit 1 Common 23,987,069 3,000
Sanguine ornament kit 1 Common 23,987,069 3,000
Holy ancestral colour kit 1 Common 1,970,691 3,000
Master wand 1 Common 4,963,450 60,000
Mage's book 1 Common 5,774,488 300
Infinity boots 1 Common 1,044,518 7,200
500 RuneRealm Credits 1 Common 10,797,522 300,000
High Alch
Basilisk jaw 1 Uncommon 78,414,560 300,000
^ "Last average price" . RuneRealm . "This price is a weighted average based on actual purchases on the in-game auction, however the wiki's prices only get updated from in-game changes every few days."