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''Upon reaching this rank you will receive access to its own zone and the boosts below:''
''Upon reaching this rank you will receive access to its own zone and the boosts below:''

===[[Elite Sponsor zone]]===
===[[Elite Sponsor Zone]]===

* 50% EXP boost while in this zone
* 50% EXP boost while in this zone

Latest revision as of 14:45, 20 October 2024

While nearly all items are obtainable in RuneRealm as a free-to-play player there are extensive benefits available were one to become a donator. Below will show the additional benefits that are available to players if they desire to donate to the server.

Donator ($10)

Upon reaching this rank you will receive access to its own zone and the boosts below:

This rank may also be obtained by purchasing a one time purchasable Donator token from the Vote booth at the Home Area for 100 vote tickets (90 vote tickets if on sale)

Donator Zone

  • 20% EXP boost while in the zone
  • Special Donator boss (Corrupt Sorceress) which drops its own unique pet (Pet Sorceress: Has an Auto loot functionality)
  • Unique new skilling pets which can only be unlocked while inside a Donator Zone (these have double benefits opposed to their normal Skilling pet variant)
  • Skilling area with infinite trees (never chop down to a stump), rocks, fishing spots, furnace, anvil, prayer altar, donator only Thieving gem stall (Coins), blood runecrafting altar, Dragon/Lucky implings, and also contains a Slayer Monster area with Krakens, Abyssal Demons, and Dark Beasts

Additional Boosts

  • Unlock special Donator Aura which auto loots coins
  • Bank space increased +50 (850 total) and an extra bank preset slot
  • Infernal axe/pickaxe/harpoon rate increased to 1 in 4
  • Godwars Dungeon killcount requirement is halved (20)
  • Increased cannonball storage (+5 or +10 with Cannoneer ability)
  • Increased Marks of Grace drop rate
  • An Oak throne instead of your standard stool while AFK

Super Donator ($50)

Upon reaching this rank you will receive access to its own zone and the boosts below:

Super Donator Zone

  • 30% EXP boost while in this zone
  • Special Crystal Monsters area (which can only be found inside the Revenant Caves otherwise) that drop PVP armour pieces
  • Skilling area with infinite mining rocks, disease-free farming patch, more fishing spots, more trees, and a Cosmic Runecrafting altar (very close to bank)

Additional Boosts

  • Rare drop rates from monsters are reduced by 5%
  • Unlock special Super Donator Aura which auto loots coins and blood money
  • Bank space increased +100 (900 total) and an extra bank preset slot (2 extra if becoming Super Donator from a Non-Donator)
  • Infernal axe/pickaxe/harpoon rate increased to 1 in 3
  • Increased cannonball storage (+10 or +20 with Cannoneer ability)
  • Further increased Marks of Grace drop rate
  • A Teak throne instead of an Oak throne/standard stool while AFK

Extreme Donator ($100)

Upon reaching this rank you will receive access to the Super Donator Zone and the boosts below:

  • Special Extreme Donator boss (Corrupt Banker) which drops its own unique pet (Pet Banker: Gives you the ability to access your bank from almost anywhere)
  • Ability to activate 2 Pet effects at the same time
  • Rare drop rates from monsters are reduced by 10%
  • Unlock special Extreme Donator Aura which auto loots coins, blood money, tokkul, and also has the bonecrusher effect
  • Bank space increased +150 (950 total) and an extra bank preset slot (3 extra if becoming Extreme Donator from a Non-Donator)
  • Increased cannonball storage (+15 or +30 with Cannoneer ability)
  • Further increased Marks of Grace drop rate
  • A Gilded throne instead of a Teak throne/Oak throne/standard stool while AFK

Sponsor ($250)

Upon reaching this rank you will receive access to its own zone and the boosts below:

Sponsor Zone

  • 40% EXP boost while in this zone
  • Daily Sponsor Treasure chest (claimable every 12 hours) for a random reward (similar drop table as the Event key Chest at home, so this includes some Raids weaponry as well!)
  • Max Cape stands for Infernal cape, Ava's Assembler, Imbued magic capes, and Ardougne cloak (Only available to Sponsor+ ranks)
  • Super Chalice which provides restore effects like the Rejuvenation pool + a free Overload effect will be applied
  • Custom Ourania Runecrafting altar close to a bank (only makes Chaos, Death, Blood, Astral, Soul and Wrath runes for very quick RC experience)
  • Thieving stall (with Coins and Blood money) and a Prayer altar
  • Access to the Superior Slayer cave from within the Sponsor Zone (provides a Catacombs dungeon filled with Superior slayer monster variants, for increased experience and higher chance to obtain Superior slayer monster drops/pets)
  • Access to the Crystal monsters within the Super Donator Zone through the waterfall.

Additional Boosts

  • Unlock special Sponsor Aura which auto loots coins, blood money, tokkul, and has a bonecrusher + dragonbone necklace effect (buries bones, while also restoring prayer points)
  • Rare drop rates from monsters are reduced by 15%
  • Bank space increased +200 (1000 total)
  • Increased cannonball storage (+20 or +40 with Cannoneer ability)
  • Further increased Marks of Grace drop rate
  • A Skeleton throne instead of a Guilded throne/Teak throne/Oak throne/standard stool while AFK

Super Sponsor ($500)

Upon reaching this rank you will receive access to its own zone and the boosts below:

Super Sponsor Zone

  • 50% EXP boost while in this zone
  • Custom Agility course (level 80 req or level 70 with Pioneer ability)
  • Crystal dragons area (No fee) with access to a Private Instance (1M coins fee)
  • 3 farming patches, all fishing spots, mining rocks, trees, implings, wrath rune altar, bonfire, furnace, and anvil)

Additional Boosts

  • Rare drop rates from monsters are reduced by 20%
  • Bank space increased +300 (1100 total) and an extra bank preset slot (4 extra if becoming Super Sponsor from a Non-Donator)
  • You can set a custom Title from the title selector
  • Godwars Dungeon killcount requirement is removed completely
  • Increased cannonball storage (+25 or +50 with Cannoneer ability)
  • Further increased Marks of Grace drop rate
  • A Crystal throne instead of a Skeleton throne/Guilded throne/Teak throne/Oak throne/standard stool while AFK

Elite Sponsor ($1000)

Upon reaching this rank you will receive access to its own zone and the boosts below:

Elite Sponsor Zone

  • 50% EXP boost while in this zone
  • Special Elite Sponsor Donator boss (Corrupt King) which drops its own unique pet (Pet King: cosmetic pet)
  • AFK skilling zone
  • Super Chalice which provides restore effects like the Rejuvenation pool + a free Overload effect will be applied
  • Combat training dungeon with monsters similar to Desert bandits
  • Daily Treasure chest (lowered to 6 hours cooldown)
  • Prayer altar and Thieving stalls (with Coins and Blood money)

Additional Boosts

  • Ability to activate 3 Pet effects at the same time
  • Ability to use the Pet Banker effect without having the effect active (as well as use banker pets from other players)
  • Rare drop rates from monsters are reduced by 25%
  • Bank space increased +400 (1200 total) and an extra bank preset slot (5 extra if becoming Elite Sponsor from a Non-Donator)
  • Increased cannonball storage (+30 or +60 with Cannoneer ability)
  • Further increased Marks of Grace drop rate
  • A Demonic throne instead of a Crystal throne/Skeleton throne/Guilded throne/Teak throne/Oak throne/standard stool while AFK