The Larran's key can be used to open the Larran's chest.
High Alch
Uncut diamond 45 Common 486,000 5,400 Uncut ruby 45 Common 306,000 2,700 Coal 650 Common 132,600 17,550 Coins 200,000 Common 200,000 200,000 Gold ore 250 Common 83,500 22,500 Dragon arrowtips 250 Common 387,250 75,000 Iron ore 650 Common 53,950 6,500 Steel bar 300 Common 132,000 18,000 Rune full helm 5 Common 103,965 105,600 Rune platebody 3 Common 115,977 117,000 Rune platelegs 3 Common 113,961 115,200 Raw tuna 450 Common 30,600 10,800 Raw lobster 500 Common 93,000 21,000 Raw swordfish 450 Common 158,400 21,600 Raw monkfish 400 Common 146,000 55,200 Raw shark 400 Common 360,000 40,800 Raw sea turtle 300 Common 266,400 36,000 Raw manta ray 300 Common 282,000 36,000
High Alch
Blood money 15,000 Uncommon 2,250,000 0 Dragon bolts (unf) 150 Uncommon 93,150 12,600 Dragon knife 150 Uncommon 525,600 15,000 Dragon thrownaxe 150 Uncommon 2,833,050 67,500 Runite ore 30 Uncommon 335,640 57,600 Black dragonhide 60 Uncommon 373,500 5,400 Black dragon leather 60 Uncommon 202,620 3,960 Steel bar 600 Uncommon 264,000 36,000 Magic logs 250 Uncommon 1,250,000 48,000 Dragon dart tip 250 Uncommon 885,250 37,500 Torstol seed 6 Uncommon 154,572 252 Snapdragon seed 6 Uncommon 277,566 216 Ranarr seed 6 Uncommon 199,890 180 Pure essence 7,500 Uncommon 1,725,000 15,000
^ "Last average price" . RuneRealm . "This price is a weighted average based on actual purchases on the in-game auction, however the wiki's prices only get updated from in-game changes every few days."