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/* -------------------------

   PARSOID image thumbnails
  ------------------------- */

// old classes are here for legacy reasons

figure[typeof~='mw:File/Thumb'], figure[typeof~='mw:File/Frame'], div.thumbinner { border: none; background-color: var(--thumb-bg); }

figure[typeof~='mw:File/Thumb'] > :not(figcaption) .mw-file-element, figure[typeof~='mw:File/Frame'] > :not(figcaption) .mw-file-element, .thumbimage { border: none; background: var(--thumb-bg); margin-bottom: 0; }

figure[typeof~='mw:File/Thumb'] > figcaption, figure[typeof~='mw:File/Frame'] > figcaption, .thumbcaption { border: none; background-color: var(--thumb-caption-bg); padding: 4px 6px; }

figure[typeof~='mw:File/Thumb'] > .mw-file-description::after, figure[typeof~='mw:File/Thumb'] > .mw-file-magnify::after { bottom: -15px; // -4 to adjust for above padding }