Module:Barbarian fishing: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "-- -- Invoked by Calculator:Fishing/Barbarian fishing/Template -- Implements Calculator:Fishing/Template/Barbarian_Fishing -- local p = {} local addCommas = require('Module:Addcommas')._add local paramTest = require( 'Module:Paramtest' ) local skillPic = require('Module:SCP')._main local yesNo = require('Module:Yesno') function p.invoke_main(frame) return p.main(frame:getParent().args) end function p.main(args) local agilityLvl, fishingLvl, strengthLvl, anglerHat, an...")
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Latest revision as of 22:42, 15 October 2024

Module documentation
This documentation is transcluded from Template:No documentation/doc. [edit] [history] [purge]
This module does not have any documentation. Please consider adding documentation at Module:Barbarian fishing/doc. [edit]
Module:Barbarian fishing's function invoke_main is invoked by Calculator:Fishing/Barbarian fishing/Template.
Module:Barbarian fishing requires Module:Addcommas.
Module:Barbarian fishing requires Module:Paramtest.
Module:Barbarian fishing requires Module:SCP.
Module:Barbarian fishing requires Module:Yesno.

-- Invoked by Calculator:Fishing/Barbarian fishing/Template
-- Implements Calculator:Fishing/Template/Barbarian_Fishing
local p = {}
local addCommas = require('Module:Addcommas')._add
local paramTest = require( 'Module:Paramtest' )
local skillPic = require('Module:SCP')._main
local yesNo = require('Module:Yesno')

function p.invoke_main(frame)
	return p.main(frame:getParent().args)

function p.main(args)
	local agilityLvl, fishingLvl, strengthLvl, anglerHat, anglerTop, anglerWaders, anglerBoots, threeTick = paramTest.defaults{
		{ tonumber(args.agilityLevel), 1 },
		{ tonumber(args.fishingLevel), 1 },
		{ tonumber(args.strengthLevel), 1 },
		{ args.anglerHat, 'no' },
		{ args.anglerTop, 'no' },
		{ args.anglerWaders, 'no' },
		{ args.anglerBoots, 'no' },
		{ args.threeTick, 'no' }
	anglerHat = yesNo(anglerHat)
	anglerTop = yesNo(anglerTop)
	anglerWaders = yesNo(anglerWaders)
	anglerBoots = yesNo(anglerBoots)
	threeTick = yesNo(threeTick)
	local anglersBonus = 0
	if(anglerHat and anglerTop and anglerWaders and anglerBoots) then
		anglersBonus = anglersBonus + .025
		anglersBonus = anglerHat and anglersBonus + .004 or anglersBonus;
		anglersBonus = anglerTop and anglersBonus + .008 or anglersBonus;
		anglersBonus = anglerWaders and anglersBonus + .006 or anglersBonus;
		anglersBonus = anglerBoots and anglersBonus + .002 or anglersBonus;
	local attemptsPerHour = threeTick and 2000 or 1200;
	return p._calculateFishPerHour(agilityLvl, fishingLvl, strengthLvl, attemptsPerHour, anglersBonus)

function p._calculateFishPerHour(agilityLevel, fishingLevel, strengthLevel, attemptsPerHour, anglersBonus)
	local chanceCatchSturgeon = 0
	local chanceCatchSalmon = 0
	local chanceCatchTrout = 0
	local offset = 0
	-- Sturgeon
	if(canFish(agilityLevel, fishingLevel, strengthLevel, 45, 70, 45)) then
		chanceCatchSturgeon = chanceToCatch(fishingLevel, 8, 64, offset)
		offset = chanceCatchSturgeon
	-- Salmon
	if(canFish(agilityLevel, fishingLevel, strengthLevel, 30, 58, 30)) then
		chanceCatchSalmon = chanceToCatch(fishingLevel, 16, 96, offset)
		offset = offset + chanceCatchSalmon
	-- Trout
	if(canFish(agilityLevel, fishingLevel, strengthLevel, 15, 48, 15)) then
		chanceCatchTrout = chanceToCatch(fishingLevel, 32, 192, offset)
	local totalSturgeon = math.floor((attemptsPerHour) * (chanceCatchSturgeon))
	local totalSalmon = math.floor((attemptsPerHour) * (chanceCatchSalmon))
	local totalTrout = math.floor((attemptsPerHour) * (chanceCatchTrout))
	local sturgeonFishingExp = anglersBonus > 0 and math.floor(totalSturgeon * 80 * (1 + anglersBonus)) or totalSturgeon * 80;
	local sturgeonAgilityStrengthExp = totalSturgeon * 7
	local salmonFishingExp = anglersBonus > 0 and math.floor(totalSalmon * 70 * (1 + anglersBonus)) or totalSalmon * 70;
	local salmonAgilityStrengthExp = totalSalmon * 6
	local troutFishingExp = anglersBonus > 0 and math.floor(totalTrout * 50 * (1 + anglersBonus)) or totalTrout * 50;
	local troutAgilityStrengthExp = totalTrout * 5
	local f = string.format
	local ret = {'{| class="wikitable"'}
	table.insert(ret, '|-' )
	table.insert(ret, '!colspan="2"|Fish')
	table.insert(ret, '!% of catch')
	table.insert(ret, '!# caught/hr')
	table.insert(ret, f('!%s Exp/hr', skillPic('Fishing')))
	table.insert(ret, f('!%s/%s Exp/hr', skillPic('Strength'), skillPic('Agility')))
	table.insert(ret, '|-')
	table.insert(ret, '|[[File:Leaping sturgeon.png]]')
	table.insert(ret, '|[[Leaping Sturgeon]]')
	table.insert(ret, f('|%.2f %%', chanceCatchSturgeon * 100))
	table.insert(ret, f('|%s', addCommas(totalSturgeon)))
	table.insert(ret, f('|%s', addCommas(sturgeonFishingExp)))
	table.insert(ret, f('|%s', addCommas(sturgeonAgilityStrengthExp)))
	table.insert(ret, '|-')
	table.insert(ret, '|[[File:Leaping salmon.png]]')
	table.insert(ret, '|[[Leaping Salmon]]')
	table.insert(ret, f('|%.2f %%', chanceCatchSalmon * 100))
	table.insert(ret, f('|%s', addCommas(totalSalmon)))
	table.insert(ret, f('|%s', addCommas(salmonFishingExp)))
	table.insert(ret, f('|%s', addCommas(salmonAgilityStrengthExp)))
	table.insert(ret, '|-')
	table.insert(ret, '|[[File:Leaping trout.png]]')
	table.insert(ret, '|[[Leaping trout]]')
	table.insert(ret, f('|%.2f %%', chanceCatchTrout * 100))
	table.insert(ret, f('|%s', addCommas(totalTrout)))
	table.insert(ret, f('|%s', addCommas(troutFishingExp)))
	table.insert(ret, f('|%s', addCommas(troutAgilityStrengthExp)))
	table.insert(ret, '|-')
	table.insert(ret, '!colspan="2"|Totals')
	table.insert(ret, f('|%.2f %%', (chanceCatchSturgeon + chanceCatchSalmon + chanceCatchTrout) * 100))
	table.insert(ret, f('|%s', addCommas(totalSturgeon + totalSalmon + totalTrout)))
	table.insert(ret, f('|%s', addCommas(sturgeonFishingExp + salmonFishingExp + troutFishingExp)))
	table.insert(ret, f('|%s', addCommas(sturgeonAgilityStrengthExp + salmonAgilityStrengthExp + troutAgilityStrengthExp)))
	table.insert(ret, '|}')
	return table.concat(ret, "\n")

function canFish(agilityLevel, fishingLevel, strengthLevel, requiredAgilityLevel, requiredFishingLevel, requiredStrengthLevel)
	return ((agilityLevel >= requiredAgilityLevel) and (fishingLevel >= requiredFishingLevel) and (strengthLevel >= requiredStrengthLevel))

function chanceToCatch(level, baseChance, highChance, offset)
	return ((baseChance / 255) + (((level - 1) * (highChance - baseChance) / 98) / 255)) * (1 - offset)

return p