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(Created page with "local p = {} local coins = require('Module:Coins')._amount local gePrice = require('Module:Exchange')._price local paramTest = require('Module:Paramtest') local yesNo = require('module:Yesno') local brothersOrder = { 'Ahrim', 'Dharok', 'Guthan', 'Karil', 'Torag', 'Verac' } local barrowsEquipment = { ['Ahrim'] = {"Ahrim's hood", "Ahrim's robetop", "Ahrim's robeskirt", "Ahrim's staff"}, ['Dharok'] = {"Dharok's helm", "Dharok's platebody", "Dharok's platelegs", "Dharok'...") |
(No difference)
Latest revision as of 00:00, 17 October 2024
Module documentation
This documentation is transcluded from Template:No documentation/doc. [edit] [history] [purge]
This module does not have any documentation. Please consider adding documentation at Module:Barrows calculator/doc. [edit]
Module:Barrows calculator's function main is invoked by Calculator:Barrows/Template.
Module:Barrows calculator requires Module:Coins.
Module:Barrows calculator requires Module:Exchange.
Module:Barrows calculator requires Module:Paramtest.
Module:Barrows calculator requires Module:Yesno.
local p = {}
local coins = require('Module:Coins')._amount
local gePrice = require('Module:Exchange')._price
local paramTest = require('Module:Paramtest')
local yesNo = require('module:Yesno')
local brothersOrder = { 'Ahrim', 'Dharok', 'Guthan', 'Karil', 'Torag', 'Verac' }
local barrowsEquipment = {
['Ahrim'] = {"Ahrim's hood", "Ahrim's robetop", "Ahrim's robeskirt", "Ahrim's staff"},
['Dharok'] = {"Dharok's helm", "Dharok's platebody", "Dharok's platelegs", "Dharok's greataxe"},
['Guthan'] = {"Guthan's helm", "Guthan's platebody", "Guthan's chainskirt", "Guthan's warspear"},
['Karil'] = {"Karil's coif", "Karil's leathertop", "Karil's leatherskirt", "Karil's crossbow"},
['Torag'] = {"Torag's helm", "Torag's platebody", "Torag's platelegs", "Torag's hammers"},
['Verac'] = {"Verac's helm", "Verac's brassard", "Verac's plateskirt", "Verac's flail"}
local brothersCombat = {
['Ahrim'] = 98,
['Dharok'] = 115,
['Guthan'] = 115,
['Karil'] = 98,
['Torag'] = 115,
['Verac'] = 115
local cryptCombat = {
['bloodworm'] = 52,
['cryptRat'] = 43,
['giantCryptRat'] = 76,
['cryptSpider'] = 56,
['giantCryptSpider'] = 79,
['skeleton'] = 77
local lootBounds = {
{item = "Coins", low = 1, high = 380, divisor = 0.5},
{item = "Mind rune", low = 381, high = 505, divisor = 1.5, rune = true},
{item = "Chaos rune", low = 506, high = 630, divisor = 4.5, rune = true},
{item = "Death rune", low = 631, high = 755, divisor = 9, rune = true},
{item = "Blood rune", low = 756, high = 880, divisor = 20, rune = true},
{item = "Bolt rack", low = 881, high = 1005, divisor = 25},
{item = "Loop half of key", low = 1006, high = 1008, divisor = 1000},
{item = "Tooth half of key", low = 1009, high = 1011, divisor = 1000},
{item = "Dragon med helm", low = 1012, high = 1012, divisor = 1000}
function p.main(frame)
local args = frame:getParent().args
local toggleUnitKill, toggleMorytaniaHard = paramTest.defaults{ {args.toggleUnitKill, 'no' }, {args.toggleMorytaniaHard, 'no'} }
toggleUnitKill = yesNo(toggleUnitKill)
toggleMorytaniaHard = yesNo(toggleMorytaniaHard)
local bloodworm, cryptRat, giantCryptRat, cryptSpider, giantCryptSpider, skeleton = paramTest.defaults{ {args.bloodworm, 0 }, {args.cryptRat, 0 }, {args.giantCryptRat, 0 }, {args.cryptSpider, 0 }, {args.giantCryptSpider, 0 }, {args.skeleton, 0 } }
local cryptCombatLevels = paramTest.defaults{ {args.cryptCombatLevels, 0 } }
local brothersKillList = {}
local brothersCombatLevel = 0
local cryptCombatLevel = 0
local totalCombatLevel = 0
for i, monster in ipairs(brothersOrder) do
if(yesNo(args[monster])) then
table.insert(brothersKillList, monster)
brothersCombatLevel = brothersCombatLevel + brothersCombat[monster]
if(toggleUnitKill) then
cryptCombatLevel = cryptCombatLevel + (bloodworm * cryptCombat['bloodworm']) + (cryptRat * cryptCombat['cryptRat']) + (giantCryptRat * cryptCombat['giantCryptRat']) + (cryptSpider * cryptCombat['cryptSpider']) + (giantCryptSpider * cryptCombat['giantCryptSpider']) + (skeleton * cryptCombat['skeleton'])
cryptCombatLevel = cryptCombatLevels
local rewardPotential = math.min(1000, (brothersCombatLevel + cryptCombatLevel)) + (2 * #brothersKillList)
local rewardRolls = 1 + #brothersKillList
local denominator = 450 - (58 * #brothersKillList)
local barrowsItemExpectation = (1.0 * rewardRolls) / (denominator * 4 * #brothersKillList)
local totalEquipmentExpectation = 0.0
local totalLootExpectation = 0.0
--Each roll gives a 1/102 chance at a piece of Barrows equipment. There are 24 eligible pieces, so each is 1/2448 per roll. On average you will get 1/14.57 Barrows items per chest.
--Barrots equipment table
local rollsLine = 'Killing '
if(rewardsRoll == 1) then
rollsLine = rollsLine .. 'no brothers gives a total of ' .. rewardRolls .. ' roll for the [[Chest (Barrows)|Barrow chest]].'
for i, brother in ipairs(brothersKillList) do
if(i > 1) then
rollsLine = rollsLine .. ', '
rollsLine = rollsLine .. "'''" .. brother .. "'''"
rollsLine = rollsLine .. ' gives a total of ' .. rewardRolls .. ' rolls for the [[Chest (Barrows)|Barrow chest]].'
local lootLine = ''
local lootLine = lootLine .. "Killing an additional '''" .. cryptCombatLevel .. "''' combat levels worth of crypt monsters gives a total of '''" .. rewardPotential .. "''' reward points (" .. string.format('%.1f%%', (100 * rewardPotential) / 1012) .. " of maximum possible). That makes you eligible for the following rewards:\n"
local lootTable = mw.html.create('table')
lootTable:addClass('wikitable align-center-1')
:tag('th'):wikitext('Item'):attr('colspan', 2):done()
:tag('th'):wikitext('Quantity per roll'):done()
:tag('th'):wikitext('Chance per roll'):done()
:tag('th'):wikitext('Expected per chest'):done()
:tag('th'):wikitext('Expected value'):done()
for _, loot in ipairs(lootBounds) do
if(loot['low'] > rewardPotential) then
high = math.min(loot['high'], rewardPotential)
local lowQty = math.floor(loot['low'] / loot['divisor'])
local highQty = math.floor( (high - 1) / loot['divisor'])
local chancePerRoll = ((1 - (1 / denominator)) * (high - loot['low'] + 1)) / rewardPotential
local runesMultiplier = 1.0
if(toggleMorytaniaHard and (loot['rune'])) then
runesMultiplier = 1.5
lowQty = math.floor(lowQty * 1.5)
highQty = math.floor(highQty * 1.5)
local expectedCount = 0.0
for i = loot['low'], high, 1 do
expectedCount = expectedCount + math.floor(runesMultiplier * math.floor(i / loot['divisor']))
expectedCount = ((1 - (1 / denominator)) * rewardRolls * expectedCount) / rewardPotential
local qtyRange = lowQty
if(lowQty ~= highQty) then
qtyRange = lowQty .. '–' .. highQty
local item = loot['item']
local price = 1
if(item ~= "Coins") then
price = gePrice(item)
totalLootExpectation = totalLootExpectation + (price * expectedCount)
:tag('td'):wikitext('[[File:' .. item .. '.png|link=' .. item .. ']]'):done()
:tag('td'):wikitext('[[' .. item .. ']]'):done()
:tag('td'):wikitext(string.format('%.3f%%', 100 * chancePerRoll)):done()
:tag('td'):wikitext(string.format('%.2f', expectedCount)):done()
:tag('td'):wikitext(coins(price * expectedCount)):done()
:tag('th'):attr('colspan', 6):done()
lootLine = lootLine .. tostring(lootTable)
barrowsLootLine = ''
if(rewardRolls == 1) then
barrowsLootLine = barrowsLootLine .. "No Barrows brothers were killed, so there is no chance for [[Barrows equipment]]."
barrowsLootLine = barrowsLootLine .. "Each roll is a '''1/" .. denominator .. "''' chance to be one piece of [[Barrows equipment]]. There are '''" .. 4 * #brothersKillList .. "''' eligible pieces, therefore each is '''1/" .. denominator * 4 * #brothersKillList .. "''' per roll. On average you will get 1/" .. string.format('%.2f', denominator/rewardRolls) .. " Barrows items per chest.\n"
local barrowsTable = mw.html.create('table')
barrowsTable:addClass('wikitable align-center-1')
:tag('th'):wikitext('Item'):attr('colspan', 2):done()
:tag('th'):wikitext('Expected per chest'):done()
:tag('th'):wikitext('Expected value'):done()
for i, brother in ipairs(brothersKillList) do
for _, item in ipairs(barrowsEquipment[brother]) do
local price = gePrice(item)
totalEquipmentExpectation = totalEquipmentExpectation + (price * barrowsItemExpectation)
:tag('td'):wikitext('[[File:' .. item .. '.png|link=' .. item .. ']]'):done()
:tag('td'):wikitext('[[' .. item .. ']]'):done()
:tag('td'):wikitext(string.format('%.3f%%', 100 * barrowsItemExpectation)):done()
:tag('td'):wikitext(coins(price * barrowsItemExpectation)):done()
:tag('th'):attr('colspan', 4):done()
barrowsLootLine = barrowsLootLine .. tostring(barrowsTable)
rollsLine = rollsLine .. " This chest has an expected value of '''" .. coins(totalLootExpectation + totalEquipmentExpectation) .. "'''."
return rollsLine .. '\n\n' .. lootLine .. '\n' .. barrowsLootLine
return p