Module:Chambers of Xeric calculator: Difference between revisions
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(Created page with "local geprice = require('Module:Exchange')._price local coins = require('Module:Coins')._amount local commas = require('Module:Addcommas')._add local p = {} local uniqueItems = { {name = "Arcane prayer scroll", weight = 20}, {name = "Dexterous prayer scroll", weight = 20}, {name = "Dragon hunter crossbow", weight = 4}, {name = "Twisted buckler", weight = 4}, {name = "Dinh's bulwark", weight = 3}, {name = "Ancestral hat", weight = 3}, {name = "Ancestral robe bott...") |
(No difference)
Latest revision as of 00:00, 17 October 2024
Module documentation
This documentation is transcluded from Template:No documentation/doc. [edit] [history] [purge]
This module does not have any documentation. Please consider adding documentation at Module:Chambers of Xeric calculator/doc. [edit]
Module:Chambers of Xeric calculator requires Module:Addcommas.
Module:Chambers of Xeric calculator requires Module:Coins.
Module:Chambers of Xeric calculator requires Module:Exchange.
local geprice = require('Module:Exchange')._price
local coins = require('Module:Coins')._amount
local commas = require('Module:Addcommas')._add
local p = {}
local uniqueItems = {
{name = "Arcane prayer scroll", weight = 20},
{name = "Dexterous prayer scroll", weight = 20},
{name = "Dragon hunter crossbow", weight = 4},
{name = "Twisted buckler", weight = 4},
{name = "Dinh's bulwark", weight = 3},
{name = "Ancestral hat", weight = 3},
{name = "Ancestral robe bottom", weight = 3},
{name = "Ancestral robe top", weight = 3},
{name = "Dragon claws", weight = 3},
{name = "Elder maul", weight = 2},
{name = "Kodai insignia", weight = 2},
{name = "Twisted bow", weight = 2}
local trashItems = {
{name = "Death rune", divisor = 36},
{name = "Blood rune", divisor = 32},
{name = "Soul rune", divisor = 20},
{name = "Rune arrow", divisor = 14},
{name = "Dragon arrow", divisor = 202},
{name = "Grimy ranarr weed", divisor = 788},
{name = "Grimy toadflax", divisor = 520},
{name = "Grimy irit leaf", divisor = 162},
{name = "Grimy avantoe", divisor = 324},
{name = "Grimy kwuarm", divisor = 378},
{name = "Grimy snapdragon", divisor = 1300},
{name = "Grimy cadantine", divisor = 330},
{name = "Grimy lantadyme", divisor = 248},
{name = "Grimy dwarf weed", divisor = 200},
{name = "Grimy torstol", divisor = 810},
{name = "Silver ore", divisor = 20},
{name = "Coal", divisor = 20},
{name = "Gold ore", divisor = 44},
{name = "Mithril ore", divisor = 32},
{name = "Adamantite ore", divisor = 166},
{name = "Runite ore", divisor = 2000},
{name = "Uncut sapphire", divisor = 188},
{name = "Uncut emerald", divisor = 142},
{name = "Uncut ruby", divisor = 242},
{name = "Uncut diamond", divisor = 508},
{name = "Lizardman fang", divisor = 28},
{name = "Pure essence", divisor = 2},
{name = "Saltpetre", divisor = 24},
{name = "Teak plank", divisor = 96},
{name = "Mahogany plank", divisor = 238},
{name = "Dynamite", divisor = 54},
{name = "Torn prayer scroll", divisor = 1},
{name = "Dark relic", divisor = 1}
function p.main(frame)
local args = frame:getParent().args
args.teamSize = tonumber(args.teamSize) or 1
args.timeTaken = tonumber(args.timeTaken) or ''
args.personalPoints = tonumber(args.personalPoints) or 0
args.groupPoints = tonumber(args.groupPoints) or 0
if args.personalPoints > args.groupPoints then
return "You can't have more personal points than group points!"
if args.groupPoints == 0 then
return "You get nothing, because your team got zero points. Try the [[Theatre of Blood]] instead — you might at least get a cabbage out of it."
local relevantPoints = math.min(570000*6, args.groupPoints)
local maxPossibleUniqueRolls = math.min(6, math.ceil(relevantPoints / 570000))
-- rather do this than a nasty for loop
local uniquesLine = ""
if maxPossibleUniqueRolls == 1 then
uniquesLine = string.format("Your team will get one chance to hit the unique table, with a '''%.2f%%''' chance of success.", relevantPoints/8675)
elseif maxPossibleUniqueRolls == 2 then
uniquesLine = string.format("Your team will get two chances to hit the unique table, with a '''%.2f%%''' and '''%.2f%%''' chance of success respectively.",
570000/8675, (relevantPoints-570000*1)/8675)
elseif maxPossibleUniqueRolls == 3 then
uniquesLine = string.format("Your team will get three chances to hit the unique table, with a '''%.2f%%''', '''%.2f%%''' and '''%.2f%%''' chance of success respectively.",
570000/8675, 570000/8675, (relevantPoints-570000*2)/8675)
elseif maxPossibleUniqueRolls == 4 then
uniquesLine = string.format("Your team will get four chances to hit the unique table, with a '''%.2f%%''', '''%.2f%%''', '''%.2f%%''' and '''%.2f%%''' chance of success respectively.",
570000/8675, 570000/8675, 570000/8675, (relevantPoints-570000*3)/8675)
elseif maxPossibleUniqueRolls == 5 then
uniquesLine = string.format("Your team will get five chances to hit the unique table, with a '''%.2f%%''', '''%.2f%%''', '''%.2f%%''', '''%.2f%%''' and '''%.2f%%''' chance of success respectively.",
570000/8675, 570000/8675, 570000/8675, 570000/8675, (relevantPoints-570000*4)/8675)
elseif maxPossibleUniqueRolls == 6 then
uniquesLine = string.format("Your team will get six chances to hit the unique table, with a '''%.2f%%''', '''%.2f%%''', '''%.2f%%''', '''%.2f%%''', '''%.2f%%''' and '''%.2f%%''' chance of success respectively.",
570000/8675, 570000/8675, 570000/8675, 570000/8675, 570000/8675, (relevantPoints-570000*5)/8675)
local uniquesTable = mw.html.create('table')
:attr('colspan', 2)
:wikitext('Expected per team')
:wikitext('Expected personal value')
local expectedRolls = math.min(570000*6, relevantPoints) / 867500
local personalRatio = args.personalPoints / args.groupPoints -- for this particular calculation we care about the actual points scored by the team
local totalUniqueExpectation = 0.0
if args.split == 'yes' then
personalRatio = 1 / args.teamSize
for _, unique in ipairs(uniqueItems) do
local price = geprice(
local expectation = expectedRolls * unique.weight / 69
totalUniqueExpectation = totalUniqueExpectation + price * expectation * personalRatio
:wikitext(string.format('%.3f%%', 100 * expectation ))
:wikitext(coins(price * expectation * personalRatio))
:attr('colspan', 4)
local trashLine = string.format("Failing a unique roll, you will get two rolls on the resource table, based on your '''%s''' points.", commas(args.personalPoints))
local trashTable = mw.html.create('table')
:attr('colspan', 2)
:wikitext('Expected per chest')
:wikitext('Expected personal value')
local totalTrashExpectation = 0.0
for _, trash in ipairs(trashItems) do
local price = 0
if ~= "Dark relic" then
price = geprice(
local quantity = math.floor(args.personalPoints / trash.divisor)
if == "Torn prayer scroll" or == "Dark relic" then
quantity = 1
local expectedCount = (1 - args.personalPoints / args.groupPoints * expectedRolls) * 2 * quantity / #trashItems
totalTrashExpectation = totalTrashExpectation + expectedCount * price
:wikitext(string.format('%.2f', expectedCount ))
:wikitext(coins(price * expectedCount))
:attr('colspan', 5)
local totalExpectation = totalTrashExpectation + totalUniqueExpectation
local mainLine = string.format("You got '''%s''' points and your team of '''%d''' got '''%s''' points.", commas(args.personalPoints), args.teamSize, commas(args.groupPoints))
parenthetical = "free-for-all"
if args.split == 'yes' then
parenthetical = "even splits"
mainLine = mainLine .. string.format(" This gives a total expected value for your personal chest (including %s on uniques), of '''%s'''.", parenthetical, coins(totalExpectation))
if args.timeTaken ~= '' then
mainLine = mainLine .. string.format(" At %d minutes a raid, that makes Chambers of Xeric about '''%s''' per hour in the long run.", args.timeTaken, coins(totalExpectation * 60 / args.timeTaken))
return mainLine .. '\n\n' .. uniquesLine .. '\n\n' .. tostring(uniquesTable) .. '\n\n' .. trashLine .. '\n\n' .. tostring(trashTable)
return p