Module:Chart data/brimstone key drop rate: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "local helper = require('Module:Chart data') local rate = {} for i = 1, 99 do local floorPart = math.pow(100 - i, 2) / 5 local floored = math.floor(floorPart) rate[i] = 1 / (100 + floored) end for i = 100, 350 do local floored = math.floor(i / 5) rate[i] = 1 / (120 - floored) end for i = 351, 500 do rate[i] = rate[350] end local withReq = {} for i = 1, 500 do withReq[i] = rate[i] / 0.8 end local data = { type = 'scatter', data = { datasets = { {...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 00:00, 17 October 2024

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Chart data/brimstone key drop rate/doc

local helper = require('Module:Chart data')

local rate = {}

for i = 1, 99 do
	local floorPart = math.pow(100 - i, 2) / 5
	local floored = math.floor(floorPart)
	rate[i] = 1 / (100 + floored)

for i = 100, 350 do
	local floored = math.floor(i / 5)
	rate[i] = 1 / (120 - floored)

for i = 351, 500 do
	rate[i] = rate[350]

local withReq = {}

for i = 1, 500 do
	withReq[i] = rate[i] / 0.8

local data = {
	type = 'scatter',
	data = {
		datasets = {
				label = 'No Level Requirement',
				showLine = true,
				fill = false,
				backgroundColor = tostring(helper.colorPallets.qualitative[1]:fade(0.2)),
				borderColor = tostring(helper.colorPallets.qualitative[1]),
				data = helper.convertToXYFormat(rate)
				label = 'Has Level Requirement',
				showLine = true,
				fill = false,
				backgroundColor = tostring(helper.colorPallets.qualitative[2]:fade(0.2)),
				borderColor = tostring(helper.colorPallets.qualitative[2]),
				data = helper.convertToXYFormat(withReq)
	options = {
		maintainAspectRatio = false,
		title = {
			display = true,
			text = 'Brimstone Key drop chance',
			font = {
				size = 18
		tooltips = {
			format = 'skillingSuccess',
			intersect = false
		elements = {
			point = {
				radius = 0
		scales = {
			x = {
				scaleLabel = {
					display = true,
					labelString = 'Combat Level'
			y = {
				scaleLabel = {
					display = true,
					labelString = 'Drop Rate'
				ticks = {
					format = 'percent'

return data