Module:Chart data/ranging guild target average score: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "local helper = require('Module:Chart data') local attRollMin = 0 local attRollMax = 55000 local attRollStep = 200 -- Source for def rolls: -- local buckets = { { name = 'miss', score = 0 }, { name = 'black', score = 10, defRoll = 1000 }, { name = 'blue', score = 20, defRoll = 2000 }, { name = 'red', score = 30, defRoll = 3000 }, { name = 'yellow', score = 50, defRoll = 4000 },...")
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Latest revision as of 00:00, 17 October 2024

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Chart data/ranging guild target average score/doc

local helper = require('Module:Chart data')

local attRollMin = 0
local attRollMax = 55000
local attRollStep = 200

-- Source for def rolls:
local buckets = {
	{ name = 'miss', score = 0 },
	{ name = 'black', score = 10, defRoll = 1000 },
	{ name = 'blue', score = 20, defRoll = 2000 },
	{ name = 'red', score = 30, defRoll = 3000 },
	{ name = 'yellow', score = 50, defRoll = 4000 },
	{ name = 'bullseye', score = 100, defRoll = 7000 }

local function accuracy(attRoll, defRoll)
    if attRoll < defRoll then
    	return attRoll / (2 * defRoll + 2)
    	return 1 - ((defRoll + 2) / (2 * attRoll + 2))

local function rollNextBucket(oddsAccum, attRoll, currentBucket, nextBucket)
	local successChance = accuracy(attRoll, nextBucket.defRoll)
	local cumulativeChance = oddsAccum[] * successChance
	oddsAccum[] = oddsAccum[] - cumulativeChance
	oddsAccum[] = cumulativeChance

local function calcOdds(attRoll)
    local odds = { miss = 1 }
    for i = 2, #buckets do
    	rollNextBucket(odds, attRoll, buckets[i - 1], buckets[i])
    return odds

local function scorePerShot(odds)
	local s = 0
    for i, bucket in ipairs(buckets) do
    	s = s + (odds[] * bucket.score)
    return s

local attRolls = {}
local roundScores = {}
for attRoll = attRollMin, attRollMax, attRollStep do
	-- 10 shots per round
	local score = scorePerShot(calcOdds(attRoll)) * 10
	table.insert(attRolls, attRoll)
	table.insert(roundScores, score)

local data = {
	type = 'line',
	data = {
		datasets = {
				label = 'Score',
				fill = false,
				borderColor = 'rgb(255, 0, 0)',
				data = helper.convertToXYFormat(roundScores, attRolls)
	options = {
		maintainAspectRatio = false,
		title = {
			display = true,
			text = 'Average score per round',
			font = {
				size = 18
		tooltips = {
			mode = 'x',
			position = 'nearest',
			intersect = false
		elements = {
			point = {
				radius = 0
		scales = {
			x = {
				type = 'linear',
				min = attRollMin,
				max = attRollMax,
				scaleLabel = {
					display = true,
					labelString = 'Ranged attack roll'
			y = {
				scaleLabel = {
					display = true,
					labelString = 'Score'
			    ticks = {
					format = 'decimal'

return data