Module:Chart data/ranging guild target region chance: Difference between revisions
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(Created page with "local helper = require('Module:Chart data') local attRollMin = 0 local attRollMax = 55000 local attRollStep = 200 -- Source for def rolls: -- local buckets = { { name = 'miss' }, { name = 'black', defRoll = 1000 }, { name = 'blue', defRoll = 2000 }, { name = 'red', defRoll = 3000 }, { name = 'yellow', defRoll = 4000 }, { name = 'bullseye', defRoll = 7000 } } local function acc...") |
(No difference)
Latest revision as of 00:00, 17 October 2024
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Chart data/ranging guild target region chance/doc
local helper = require('Module:Chart data')
local attRollMin = 0
local attRollMax = 55000
local attRollStep = 200
-- Source for def rolls:
local buckets = {
{ name = 'miss' },
{ name = 'black', defRoll = 1000 },
{ name = 'blue', defRoll = 2000 },
{ name = 'red', defRoll = 3000 },
{ name = 'yellow', defRoll = 4000 },
{ name = 'bullseye', defRoll = 7000 }
local function accuracy(attRoll, defRoll)
if attRoll < defRoll then
return attRoll / (2 * defRoll + 2)
return 1 - ((defRoll + 2) / (2 * attRoll + 2))
local function rollNextBucket(oddsAccum, attRoll, currentBucket, nextBucket)
local successChance = accuracy(attRoll, nextBucket.defRoll)
local cumulativeChance = oddsAccum[] * successChance
oddsAccum[] = oddsAccum[] - cumulativeChance
oddsAccum[] = cumulativeChance
local function calcOdds(attRoll)
local odds = { miss = 1 }
for i = 2, #buckets do
rollNextBucket(odds, attRoll, buckets[i - 1], buckets[i])
return odds
local indexedOdds = {}
for attRoll = attRollMin, attRollMax, attRollStep do
indexedOdds[attRoll] = calcOdds(attRoll)
local function oddsForBucket(name)
local function f(attRoll)
return indexedOdds[attRoll][name]
return helper.generateXYFromFunc(f, attRollMin, attRollMax, attRollStep)
local data = {
type = 'line',
data = {
datasets = {
label = 'Miss',
fill = false,
borderColor = 'rgb(178, 190, 181)',
data = oddsForBucket('miss')
label = 'Black',
fill = false,
borderColor = 'rgb(0, 0, 0)',
data = oddsForBucket('black')
label = 'Blue',
fill = false,
borderColor = 'rgb(65, 105, 225)',
data = oddsForBucket('blue')
label = 'Red',
fill = false,
borderColor = 'rgb(255, 0, 0)',
data = oddsForBucket('red')
label = 'Yellow',
fill = false,
borderColor = 'rgb(255, 255, 0)',
data = oddsForBucket('yellow')
label = 'Bulls-eye',
fill = false,
borderColor = 'rgb(138, 43, 226)',
data = oddsForBucket('bullseye')
options = {
maintainAspectRatio = false,
title = {
display = true,
text = 'Probability of hitting each region',
font = {
size = 18
tooltips = {
mode = 'x',
position = 'nearest',
intersect = false
elements = {
point = {
radius = 0
scales = {
x = {
type = 'linear',
min = attRollMin,
max = attRollMax,
scaleLabel = {
display = true,
labelString = 'Ranged attack roll'
y = {
scaleLabel = {
display = true,
labelString = 'Probability'
ticks = {
format = 'percent'
return data