Module:GemBreakeven: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "-- <pre> -- Implements {{GemBreakeven}} -- Based on local p = {} --- Use this to create a formatted string with % -- local function breakeven_probability(uncut_,cut_) -- local math = math -- uncut = tonumber(uncut_) -- cut = tonumber( cut_) -- p0 = uncut/cut -- breakeven_prob = math.floor(10000 * p0)/100 -- return breakeven_prob -- end local function breakeven_level(uncut_,cut_,r_,beta_,gamma_) local m...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 00:12, 17 October 2024

Module documentation
This documentation is transcluded from Template:No documentation/doc. [edit] [history] [purge]
This module does not have any documentation. Please consider adding documentation at Module:GemBreakeven/doc. [edit]
Module:GemBreakeven's function breakeven_level is invoked by Template:GemBreakeven.

-- <pre>
-- Implements {{GemBreakeven}}
-- Based on

local p = {}

--- Use this to create a formatted string with %
-- local function breakeven_probability(uncut_,cut_)
--	local math = math
--    uncut = tonumber(uncut_)
--      cut = tonumber(  cut_)
--    p0 = uncut/cut
--    breakeven_prob = math.floor(10000 * p0)/100
--    return breakeven_prob
-- end

local function breakeven_level(uncut_,cut_,r_,beta_,gamma_)
	local math = math
    local uncut = tonumber(uncut_)
	local   cut = tonumber(  cut_)
	local     r = tonumber(    r_)
	local  beta = tonumber( beta_)
	local gamma = tonumber(gamma_)
	-- Probability P of cut is
	--   P = ( (level - 1)*r + beta ) / gamma
	-- Breakeven Probability is given by (cut and uncut in g.p.)
	--   p0*cut - uncut = 0 
	-- -> p0 = uncut / cut
	-- Define breakeven grand exchange ratios of cut and uncut alpha:
	--  alpha = cut / uncut = 1 / p0
	-- Solve for breakeven level:
	--  level_0 = 1 + ( gamma - beta * alpha ) / ( alpha * r)
	local alpha = cut/uncut -- Ratio of cut price to uncut price
	local breakeven_level = 'beyond 99 (breakeven not possible)'
	if alpha > 1 then
	  local ell0  = 1 + ( gamma - beta * alpha ) / ( alpha * r )
	  breakeven_level = math.ceil(ell0)
	return breakeven_level

-- {{GemBreakeven}} Access point
function p.breakeven_level(frame)
    local args = frame:getParent().args
    local uncut = args[1] or args['uncut'] or args.uncut or '1'
    local   cut = args[2] or args['cut']   or args.cut   or '1'
    local     r = args[3] or args['r']     or args.r     or '1'
    local  beta = args[4] or args['beta']  or args.beta  or '0'
    local gamma = args[5] or args['gamma'] or args.gamma or '1'
    return breakeven_level(uncut,cut,r,beta,gamma)

-- Module access point
function p._breakeven_level(uncut_,cut_,r_,beta_,gamma_)
	_uncut_ = tostring(uncut_)
      _cut_ = tostring(  cut_)
        _r_ = tostring(    r_)
     _beta_ = tostring( beta_)
    _gamma_ = tostring(gamma_)
	return breakeven_level(_uncut_,_cut_,_r_,_beta_,_gamma_)

return p