Module:Infotable Bonuses: Difference between revisions
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Content added Content deleted
(Blanked the page) Tags: Blanking Reverted |
No edit summary Tag: Manual revert |
Line 1: | Line 1: | ||
local p = {} |
local trim = mw.text.trim |
local gsplit = mw.text.gsplit |
local split = mw.text.split |
local listToText = mw.text.listToText |
local yesNo = require('Module:Yesno') |
local paramTest = require('Module:Paramtest') |
local contains = require('Module:Array').contains |
local pageListCheck = require('Module:PageListTools').pagelistchecks |
local equipmentStats = require('Module:FetchItemStats').equipmentStats |
local onMain = require('Module:Mainonly').on_main |
-- Sorting keys |
local sortKey = { |
'astab', 'aslash', 'acrush', 'amagic', 'arange', |
'dstab', 'dslash', 'dcrush', 'dmagic', 'drange', |
'str', 'mdmg', 'rstr', 'prayer', 'weight', |
'membs' |
} |
-- Sorting orders |
local sortOrder = { |
'ascending', 'asc', |
'descending', 'desc', 'reverse', |
'random', 'rand' |
} |
function totalsFooter(tabl, totals, useComments) |
local row = tabl:tag('tr'):addClass('sortbottom'):tag('th'):attr('colspan', '2'):wikitext('Totals'):done() |
for i = 1, #sortKey, 1 do |
local cell = row:tag('td'):css('text-align', 'right') |
if(sortKey[i] == 'mdmg') then |
cell:wikitext(totals[i] .. '%'):done() |
elseif(sortKey[i] == 'weight') then |
local zeroTrimmedWeight, _ = tostring(totals[i]):gsub("%.0+$", "") |
cell:wikitext(zeroTrimmedWeight):done() |
elseif(sortKey[i] == 'membs') then |
cell:addClass('table-na nohighlight'):css('text-align', 'center'):wikitext('<small>N/A</small>') |
else |
cell:wikitext(totals[i]) |
end |
end |
if(useComments) then |
row:tag('td'):done() |
end |
end |
function buildRow(pageData, totals, columnWidth, itemWidth, useComments, comment) |
local row = mw.html.create('tr') |
:tag('td'):cssText(columnWidth):wikitext(pageData['image'] and '[[' .. pageData['image'] .. '|link=|' .. split(pageData['name'], '#', true)[1] .. ']]' or ''):done() |
:tag('td'):cssText(itemWidth):wikitext('[[' .. split(pageData['name'], '#', true)[1] .. ']]'):done() |
for i = 1, #sortKey, 1 do |
local attribute = pageData[sortKey[i]] |
local cell = row:tag('td'):cssText(columnWidth) |
if(sortKey[i] == 'membs') then |
cell:wikitext(yesNo(attribute, false) and '[[File:Member icon.png|link=Members|alt=Members]]' or '[[File:Free-to-play icon.png|link=Free-to-play|alt=Free-to-play]]'):done() |
else |
if(not attribute) then |
cell:addClass('table-no'):addClass('nohighlight'):attr('data-sort-value', 0):wikitext('?'):done() |
else |
if(sortKey[i] == 'mdmg') then |
cell:wikitext(attribute .. '%'):done() |
elseif(sortKey[i] == 'weight') then |
local zeroTrimmedWeight, _ = tostring(attribute):gsub("%.0+$", "") |
cell:wikitext(zeroTrimmedWeight):done() |
else |
cell:wikitext(attribute):done() |
end |
totals[i] = totals[i] + tonumber(attribute) |
end |
end |
end |
if(useComments) then |
local cell = row:tag('td'):wikitext(comment):done() |
end |
return row, totals |
end |
function createHeader(tabl, useComments) |
local header = tabl:tag('tr'):tag('th'):attr({ colspan = '2', rowspan = '2' }):wikitext('Item'):done() |
:tag('th'):attr('colspan', '5'):wikitext('Attack Bonuses'):done() |
:tag('th'):attr('colspan', '5'):wikitext('Defence Bonuses'):done() |
:tag('th'):attr('colspan', '6'):wikitext('Other'):done() |
if(useComments) then |
header:tag('th'):attr('rowspan', '2'):wikitext('Comment'):done() |
end |
tabl:tag('tr'):tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:White dagger.png|link=|Stab attack]]'):done() |
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:White scimitar.png|link=|Slash attack]]'):done() |
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:White warhammer.png|link=|Crush attack]]'):done() |
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:Magic icon.png|link=|Magic attack]]'):done() |
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:Ranged icon.png|link=|Ranged attack]]'):done() |
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:White dagger.png|link=|Stab defence]]'):done() |
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:White scimitar.png|link=|Slash defence]]'):done() |
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:White warhammer.png|link=|Crush defence]]'):done() |
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:Magic icon.png|link=|Magic defence]]'):done() |
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:Ranged icon.png|link=|Ranged defence]]'):done() |
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:Strength icon.png|link=|Melee strength]]'):done() |
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:Magic Damage icon.png|link=|Magic damage]]'):done() |
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:Ranged Strength icon.png|link=|Ranged strength]]'):done() |
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:Prayer icon.png|link=|Prayer bonus]]'):done() |
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:Weight icon.png|link=|Weight]]'):done() |
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:Member icon.png|link=|Members]]'):done() |
end |
-- Is there a faster way to do this? |
function sortPagesToInputOrder(pages, data) |
local pageLoc = {} |
for i, page in ipairs(pages) do |
pageLoc[page] = i |
end |
local ret = {} |
for i, v in ipairs(data) do |
if(pageLoc[] == nil) then |
error( .. ' is spelled wrong or does not match any input') |
else |
ret[pageLoc[]] = v |
end |
end |
return ret |
end |
function p._main(args) |
local pages = {} |
for _, page in ipairs(args) do -- Iternates through unnamed args |
if(string.find(page, "_")) then |
page = string.gsub(page, '_', " ") |
end |
table.insert(pages, trim(page)) |
end |
assert(#pages > 0, 'You must specify at least one item') |
local keys = {} |
if(paramTest.has_content(args['sort'])) then |
for key in gsplit(args['sort'], ',', true) do |
table.insert(keys, trim(key)) |
end |
end |
if(yesNo(keys[1], true)) then |
for _, key in ipairs(keys) do |
assert(contains(sortKey, key), 'Invalid sorting key:"' .. key .. '"' .. tostring(yesNo(keys[1]))) |
end |
end |
local orders = {} |
if(paramTest.has_content(args.order)) then |
for order in gsplit(args.order, ',', true) do |
table.insert(orders, trim(order)) |
end |
end |
for _, order in ipairs(orders) do |
assert(contains(sortOrder, order), 'Invalid sorting order:' .. order) |
end |
assert(#orders == #keys or #orders == 0 or #keys == 0, 'The number of sort orders must match the number of sort keys or either can be zero') |
local useComments = false |
local comments = {} |
for i = 1, #pages, 1 do |
comment = args['comment'..tostring(i)] |
if(paramTest.has_content(comment)) then |
comments[i] = comment |
useComments = true |
end |
end |
local noHeader = yesNo(paramTest.default_to(args.noheader, false), false) |
local noTotals = yesNo(paramTest.default_to(args.nototals, false), false) |
local expensive = yesNo(paramTest.default_to(args.expensive, false), false) |
local columnWidth = paramTest.has_content(args.colwidth) and 'width:' .. args.colwidth or nil |
local itemWidth = paramTest.has_content(args.itemwidth) and 'width:' .. args.itemwidth or nil |
-- Checks if any input pages are redirects, invalid (red links), or duplicates of other page inputs. |
-- !!This is a resource expensive test, only use temporarily or site-wide for the purpose of maintenance. |
if(args.expensive) then |
local check = pageListCheck(pages) |
if((#check.invalid > 0) or (#check.redirect > 0) or (#check.duplicate > 0)) then |
local msg = string.format('Of the %d pages requested %d are non-existent (%s), %d are redirects (%s), and %d are duplicates (%s).', |
#pages, |
#check.invalid, (#check.invalid > 0) and listToText(check.invalid, ', ', ' and ') or '', |
#check.redirect, (#check.redirect > 0) and listToText(check.redirect, ', ', ' and ') or '', |
#check.duplicate, (#check.duplicate > 0) and listToText(check.duplicate, ', ', ' and ') or '') |
return error(msg .. '[[Category:Infotable Bonuses with multi-variant items]]') |
end |
end |
-- Fetch the data |
local data = equipmentStats(pages, keys, orders) |
-- Check for pages that are missing from the data. Sorting in SMW can lead to pages being removed from the results |
-- due to the page not having the property that is being sorted, or the property is set to a nil value. |
if(#data < #pages) then |
-- Find all pages not found by equipmentStats |
local pageListing = {} |
for _, page in ipairs(pages) do |
pageListing[page] = '' |
end |
for _, pageData in ipairs(data) do |
if(pageListing[]) then |
pageListing[] = nil |
end |
end |
local pageList = '' |
for key, _ in pairs(pageListing) do |
pageList = pageList .. key .. ' ' |
end |
local msg = string.format('Of the %i pages requested, there is %i missing.(%s)%s', |
#pages, #pages - #data, pageList, |
(#keys > 0) and ' Try temporarily disabling sorting to see which items might have multiple variants.' or '') |
error(msg .. '[[Category:Infotable Bonuses with multi-variant items]]') |
end |
-- Check for items with multiple variants |
for _, pageData in ipairs(data) do |
-- Hijacking this loop to clean up the name parameter on page's with subobjects that contain underscores (smw adds an underscore) |
-- This is faster than gsub on every name |
if(string.find(, "_")) then |
||| = string.gsub(, '_', " ") |
end |
if(pageData['subobj']) then |
local msg = string.format('Item \'[[%s]]\' have multiple variants; please specify one of them: %s', |
pageData['name'], listToText(pageData['subobj'], ', ', ' or ')) |
error(msg .. tostring('[[Category:Infotable Bonuses with multi-variant items]]')) |
end |
end |
if((#orders == 0) and (#keys == 0)) then |
data = sortPagesToInputOrder(pages, data) |
end |
local ret = mw.html.create('table'):addClass('wikitable sortable infotable-bonuses align-center-1 align-left-2 align-right-3 align-right-4 align-right-5 align-right-6 align-right-7 align-right-8 align-right-9 align-right-10 align-right-11 align-right-12 align-right-13 align-right-14 align-right-15 align-right-16 align-right-17 align-center-18') |
if(not noHeader) then |
createHeader(ret, useComments) |
end |
-- See sortKey for labels, members is excluded |
local totals = { |
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, |
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, |
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, |
} |
local rowCount = 0 |
for i, pageData in ipairs(data) do |
row, totals = buildRow(pageData, totals, columnWidth, itemWidth, useComments, comments[i]) |
ret:node(row) |
rowcount = rowCount + 1 |
end |
if(rowCount == #pages) then |
error('The number of inputs does not match the output. ' .. math.max(#pages, rowCount) - math.min(#pages, rowCount) .. ' items affected.') |
end |
if(not noTotals) then |
totalsFooter(ret, totals, useComments) |
end |
return ret |
end |
function p.main(frame) |
local args = frame:getParent().args |
return p._main(args) |
end |
--[[ DEBUG = |
mw.logObject( p.loadData({'Beach boxing gloves#Yellow', 'Boxing gloves#Red'}, {}, {}) ) |
mw.logObject( p.loadData({'Iron pickaxe', 'Steel pickaxe'}, {'arange', 'drange'}, {'desc', 'desc'}) ) |
= p._main({'Verac\'s brassard#Undamaged', 'Verac\'s flail#Undamaged', 'Verac\'s helm#Undamaged', 'Verac\'s plateskirt#Undamaged'}) |
= p._main({'3rd age full helmet', '3rd age platebody', '3rd age platelegs', '3rd age kiteshield', '3rd age longsword', sort='dstab,str', order='asc,asc'}) |
--]] |
return p |
Latest revision as of 10:15, 17 October 2024
Module documentation
This documentation is transcluded from Template:No documentation/doc. [edit] [history] [purge]
This module does not have any documentation. Please consider adding documentation at Module:Infotable Bonuses/doc. [edit]
Module:Infotable Bonuses's function main is invoked by Template:Infotable Bonuses.
Module:Infotable Bonuses requires 6 modules.
local p = {}
local trim = mw.text.trim
local gsplit = mw.text.gsplit
local split = mw.text.split
local listToText = mw.text.listToText
local yesNo = require('Module:Yesno')
local paramTest = require('Module:Paramtest')
local contains = require('Module:Array').contains
local pageListCheck = require('Module:PageListTools').pagelistchecks
local equipmentStats = require('Module:FetchItemStats').equipmentStats
local onMain = require('Module:Mainonly').on_main
-- Sorting keys
local sortKey = {
'astab', 'aslash', 'acrush', 'amagic', 'arange',
'dstab', 'dslash', 'dcrush', 'dmagic', 'drange',
'str', 'mdmg', 'rstr', 'prayer', 'weight',
-- Sorting orders
local sortOrder = {
'ascending', 'asc',
'descending', 'desc', 'reverse',
'random', 'rand'
function totalsFooter(tabl, totals, useComments)
local row = tabl:tag('tr'):addClass('sortbottom'):tag('th'):attr('colspan', '2'):wikitext('Totals'):done()
for i = 1, #sortKey, 1 do
local cell = row:tag('td'):css('text-align', 'right')
if(sortKey[i] == 'mdmg') then
cell:wikitext(totals[i] .. '%'):done()
elseif(sortKey[i] == 'weight') then
local zeroTrimmedWeight, _ = tostring(totals[i]):gsub("%.0+$", "")
elseif(sortKey[i] == 'membs') then
cell:addClass('table-na nohighlight'):css('text-align', 'center'):wikitext('<small>N/A</small>')
if(useComments) then
function buildRow(pageData, totals, columnWidth, itemWidth, useComments, comment)
local row = mw.html.create('tr')
:tag('td'):cssText(columnWidth):wikitext(pageData['image'] and '[[' .. pageData['image'] .. '|link=|' .. split(pageData['name'], '#', true)[1] .. ']]' or ''):done()
:tag('td'):cssText(itemWidth):wikitext('[[' .. split(pageData['name'], '#', true)[1] .. ']]'):done()
for i = 1, #sortKey, 1 do
local attribute = pageData[sortKey[i]]
local cell = row:tag('td'):cssText(columnWidth)
if(sortKey[i] == 'membs') then
cell:wikitext(yesNo(attribute, false) and '[[File:Member icon.png|link=Members|alt=Members]]' or '[[File:Free-to-play icon.png|link=Free-to-play|alt=Free-to-play]]'):done()
if(not attribute) then
cell:addClass('table-no'):addClass('nohighlight'):attr('data-sort-value', 0):wikitext('?'):done()
if(sortKey[i] == 'mdmg') then
cell:wikitext(attribute .. '%'):done()
elseif(sortKey[i] == 'weight') then
local zeroTrimmedWeight, _ = tostring(attribute):gsub("%.0+$", "")
totals[i] = totals[i] + tonumber(attribute)
if(useComments) then
local cell = row:tag('td'):wikitext(comment):done()
return row, totals
function createHeader(tabl, useComments)
local header = tabl:tag('tr'):tag('th'):attr({ colspan = '2', rowspan = '2' }):wikitext('Item'):done()
:tag('th'):attr('colspan', '5'):wikitext('Attack Bonuses'):done()
:tag('th'):attr('colspan', '5'):wikitext('Defence Bonuses'):done()
:tag('th'):attr('colspan', '6'):wikitext('Other'):done()
if(useComments) then
header:tag('th'):attr('rowspan', '2'):wikitext('Comment'):done()
tabl:tag('tr'):tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:White dagger.png|link=|Stab attack]]'):done()
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:White scimitar.png|link=|Slash attack]]'):done()
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:White warhammer.png|link=|Crush attack]]'):done()
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:Magic icon.png|link=|Magic attack]]'):done()
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:Ranged icon.png|link=|Ranged attack]]'):done()
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:White dagger.png|link=|Stab defence]]'):done()
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:White scimitar.png|link=|Slash defence]]'):done()
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:White warhammer.png|link=|Crush defence]]'):done()
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:Magic icon.png|link=|Magic defence]]'):done()
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:Ranged icon.png|link=|Ranged defence]]'):done()
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:Strength icon.png|link=|Melee strength]]'):done()
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:Magic Damage icon.png|link=|Magic damage]]'):done()
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:Ranged Strength icon.png|link=|Ranged strength]]'):done()
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:Prayer icon.png|link=|Prayer bonus]]'):done()
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:Weight icon.png|link=|Weight]]'):done()
:tag('th'):wikitext('[[File:Member icon.png|link=|Members]]'):done()
-- Is there a faster way to do this?
function sortPagesToInputOrder(pages, data)
local pageLoc = {}
for i, page in ipairs(pages) do
pageLoc[page] = i
local ret = {}
for i, v in ipairs(data) do
if(pageLoc[] == nil) then
error( .. ' is spelled wrong or does not match any input')
ret[pageLoc[]] = v
return ret
function p._main(args)
local pages = {}
for _, page in ipairs(args) do -- Iternates through unnamed args
if(string.find(page, "_")) then
page = string.gsub(page, '_', " ")
table.insert(pages, trim(page))
assert(#pages > 0, 'You must specify at least one item')
local keys = {}
if(paramTest.has_content(args['sort'])) then
for key in gsplit(args['sort'], ',', true) do
table.insert(keys, trim(key))
if(yesNo(keys[1], true)) then
for _, key in ipairs(keys) do
assert(contains(sortKey, key), 'Invalid sorting key:"' .. key .. '"' .. tostring(yesNo(keys[1])))
local orders = {}
if(paramTest.has_content(args.order)) then
for order in gsplit(args.order, ',', true) do
table.insert(orders, trim(order))
for _, order in ipairs(orders) do
assert(contains(sortOrder, order), 'Invalid sorting order:' .. order)
assert(#orders == #keys or #orders == 0 or #keys == 0, 'The number of sort orders must match the number of sort keys or either can be zero')
local useComments = false
local comments = {}
for i = 1, #pages, 1 do
comment = args['comment'..tostring(i)]
if(paramTest.has_content(comment)) then
comments[i] = comment
useComments = true
local noHeader = yesNo(paramTest.default_to(args.noheader, false), false)
local noTotals = yesNo(paramTest.default_to(args.nototals, false), false)
local expensive = yesNo(paramTest.default_to(args.expensive, false), false)
local columnWidth = paramTest.has_content(args.colwidth) and 'width:' .. args.colwidth or nil
local itemWidth = paramTest.has_content(args.itemwidth) and 'width:' .. args.itemwidth or nil
-- Checks if any input pages are redirects, invalid (red links), or duplicates of other page inputs.
-- !!This is a resource expensive test, only use temporarily or site-wide for the purpose of maintenance.
if(args.expensive) then
local check = pageListCheck(pages)
if((#check.invalid > 0) or (#check.redirect > 0) or (#check.duplicate > 0)) then
local msg = string.format('Of the %d pages requested %d are non-existent (%s), %d are redirects (%s), and %d are duplicates (%s).',
#check.invalid, (#check.invalid > 0) and listToText(check.invalid, ', ', ' and ') or '',
#check.redirect, (#check.redirect > 0) and listToText(check.redirect, ', ', ' and ') or '',
#check.duplicate, (#check.duplicate > 0) and listToText(check.duplicate, ', ', ' and ') or '')
return error(msg .. '[[Category:Infotable Bonuses with multi-variant items]]')
-- Fetch the data
local data = equipmentStats(pages, keys, orders)
-- Check for pages that are missing from the data. Sorting in SMW can lead to pages being removed from the results
-- due to the page not having the property that is being sorted, or the property is set to a nil value.
if(#data < #pages) then
-- Find all pages not found by equipmentStats
local pageListing = {}
for _, page in ipairs(pages) do
pageListing[page] = ''
for _, pageData in ipairs(data) do
if(pageListing[]) then
pageListing[] = nil
local pageList = ''
for key, _ in pairs(pageListing) do
pageList = pageList .. key .. ' '
local msg = string.format('Of the %i pages requested, there is %i missing.(%s)%s',
#pages, #pages - #data, pageList,
(#keys > 0) and ' Try temporarily disabling sorting to see which items might have multiple variants.' or '')
error(msg .. '[[Category:Infotable Bonuses with multi-variant items]]')
-- Check for items with multiple variants
for _, pageData in ipairs(data) do
-- Hijacking this loop to clean up the name parameter on page's with subobjects that contain underscores (smw adds an underscore)
-- This is faster than gsub on every name
if(string.find(, "_")) then = string.gsub(, '_', " ")
if(pageData['subobj']) then
local msg = string.format('Item \'[[%s]]\' have multiple variants; please specify one of them: %s',
pageData['name'], listToText(pageData['subobj'], ', ', ' or '))
error(msg .. tostring('[[Category:Infotable Bonuses with multi-variant items]]'))
if((#orders == 0) and (#keys == 0)) then
data = sortPagesToInputOrder(pages, data)
local ret = mw.html.create('table'):addClass('wikitable sortable infotable-bonuses align-center-1 align-left-2 align-right-3 align-right-4 align-right-5 align-right-6 align-right-7 align-right-8 align-right-9 align-right-10 align-right-11 align-right-12 align-right-13 align-right-14 align-right-15 align-right-16 align-right-17 align-center-18')
if(not noHeader) then
createHeader(ret, useComments)
-- See sortKey for labels, members is excluded
local totals = {
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
local rowCount = 0
for i, pageData in ipairs(data) do
row, totals = buildRow(pageData, totals, columnWidth, itemWidth, useComments, comments[i])
rowcount = rowCount + 1
if(rowCount == #pages) then
error('The number of inputs does not match the output. ' .. math.max(#pages, rowCount) - math.min(#pages, rowCount) .. ' items affected.')
if(not noTotals) then
totalsFooter(ret, totals, useComments)
return ret
function p.main(frame)
local args = frame:getParent().args
return p._main(args)
--[[ DEBUG =
mw.logObject( p.loadData({'Beach boxing gloves#Yellow', 'Boxing gloves#Red'}, {}, {}) )
mw.logObject( p.loadData({'Iron pickaxe', 'Steel pickaxe'}, {'arange', 'drange'}, {'desc', 'desc'}) )
= p._main({'Verac\'s brassard#Undamaged', 'Verac\'s flail#Undamaged', 'Verac\'s helm#Undamaged', 'Verac\'s plateskirt#Undamaged'})
= p._main({'3rd age full helmet', '3rd age platebody', '3rd age platelegs', '3rd age kiteshield', '3rd age longsword', sort='dstab,str', order='asc,asc'})
return p