Module:Questreq: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "-- -- Part of Template:Questreq's implementation -- For information on how to update this page, please see Module talk:Questreq -- <nowiki> -- local p = {} -- Load data from quest list local reqData = mw.loadData('Module:Questreq/data') -- Main function function p.main(frame) local args = frame:getParent().args local name = args[1]:gsub(''', "'") local option = tonumber(args[3]) or 9 local closed = args[4] ~= 'open' if args[2] == 'quests' then...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 00:12, 17 October 2024

Module documentation
This documentation is transcluded from Template:No documentation/doc. [edit] [history] [purge]
This module does not have any documentation. Please consider adding documentation at Module:Questreq/doc. [edit]
Module:Questreq's function main is invoked by Template:Questreq.
Module:Questreq loads data from Module:Questreq/data.

-- Part of [[Template:Questreq]]'s implementation
-- For information on how to update this page, please see [[Module talk:Questreq]]
-- <nowiki>

local p = {}

-- Load data from quest list
local reqData = mw.loadData('Module:Questreq/data')

-- Main function
function p.main(frame)
	local args = frame:getParent().args
	local name = args[1]:gsub('&#39;', "'")
	local option = tonumber(args[3]) or 9 
	local closed = args[4] ~= 'open'
    if args[2] == 'quests' then
        return p._main_quests(name,option,closed)
    elseif args[2] == 'skills' then 
        return p._main_skills(name)

function p._main_quests(quest,limit,closed)
    local closedCss = ''
    if closed then
        closedCss = 'mw-collapsed'
        closedCss = 'mw-open'
	return mw.html.create('table')
			:wikitext('[[File:Quest point icon.png|21x21px|link=]] Quests:')
                    :node( list_reqs(quest,1,limit) )

-- Recursive list function
-- Level determines how deep the indentation is
-- Replaces 'Started:' modifier
-- If the quest just listed was found in the big list and the limit for level is not reached
-- the quest's requirements will be listed as a sublist 1 level deeper
function list_reqs(quest,level,limit)
    local req_name, sub_req_list
    if quest then
        local started
        -- Look for the 'Started:' modifier and replace it
        -- If found, set boolean to true
        if quest:find('Started:') then
            quest = quest:gsub('Started:%s*','')
            started = true
        -- Look for quest in the list
        local subreqs = reqData[quest]['quests']
        if subreqs then
            if started then
                req_name = 'Started ' .. tidy_link(quest)
                req_name = tidy_link(quest)
            -- For every requirement, call this function again
            -- Handled the same, but 1 level deeper
            -- If limit is reached, denote extra requirements exist with ellipses
            if subreqs[1] then
                if level <= limit then
                    sub_req_list = mw.html.create('ul')
                    for i, q in ipairs(subreqs) do
                        local sub_list = list_reqs(q,level+1,limit)
                    req_name = req_name .. '…'
        -- If the requirement can't be found in the big list
        -- Paste it as is and skip any attempt to make a sublist
        req_name = quest
    local ret = mw.html.create('li')
    if sub_req_list then
    return ret:done()

-- Function to tidy quest names into links
-- Any parenthetical (e.g. '(quest)') will be removed from the text, but remain in the link
-- 'Recipe for Disaster/' will be replaced in the RfD subquests, so that only the subquest name appears as text
-- Returns a link
-- The 'Full:' modifier is removed
function tidy_link(name)
	if name then
		if name:find('Full:') then
			name = name:sub(6)
		local alt = name:match('(.*)%(.*%)') or name
		if name:find('Recipe for Disaster%/') then
			alt = name:gsub('Recipe for Disaster%/','')
		name = string.format('[[%s|%s]]',name,alt)
	return name

function p._main_skills(name)
    --variables needed for parsing and ordering skill reqs
    local subreqs = reqData[name]['skills']
    local imp_reqs = {}         --ironman priority keys
    local imnp_reqs = {}        --ironman non-priority keys
    local nimp_reqs = {}        --non-ironman priority keys
    local nimnp_reqs = {}       --non-ironman non-priority keys
    local ordered_reqs = {}
    local boostable_template = ' (boostable)'
    local ironman_template = ' ([[File:Ironman_chat_badge.png|10x13px|link=]] [[Ironman]] only)'
    local kudos_template = ' [[%s]]'
    local skill_template = ' [[File:%s_icon.png|21x21px|link=]] [[%s]]'
    --These keys will take priority over regular skill keys (they will be listed first) 
    --set value to true to use, false otherwise
    local priority_keys = {
        ['Quest point'] = true,
        ['Kudos'] = true
    --iterate through each subreq and extract info
    for _,subreq in pairs(subreqs) do 
        --check if current subreq for flags
        local im_flag = false   --ironman flag
        local b_flag = false    --boostable flag
		for _,v in pairs(subreq) do 
			if(v == 'ironman') then 
				im_flag = true 
			elseif(v == 'boostable') then 
				b_flag = true 
        --check if priority key and then flag special keys
        local p_flag = priority_keys[subreq[1]]
        local k_flag = subreq[1] == 'Kudos'
        --create wikitext string
        local wikitext
        if(k_flag) then wikitext = string.format(kudos_template, subreq[1])
        else wikitext = string.format(skill_template, subreq[1], subreq[1]) end
        if(im_flag) then wikitext = wikitext .. ironman_template end
        if(b_flag) then wikitext = wikitext .. boostable_template end
        --create a 2-element array consisting of {skill level, wikitext}
        local reqdata = {}
        table.insert(reqdata, subreq[2])
        table.insert(reqdata, wikitext)
        --distribute subreq key to appropriate key array
		--sorting every subreq might need to be optimized if performance is a concern
        if(im_flag) then 
            if(p_flag) then
                table.insert(imp_reqs, reqdata)
				table.sort(imp_reqs, function(a,b) return a[2] < b[2] end)
                table.insert(imnp_reqs, reqdata)
				table.sort(imnp_reqs, function(a,b) return a[2] < b[2] end)
            if(p_flag) then 
                table.insert(nimp_reqs, reqdata)
				table.sort(nimp_reqs, function(a,b) return a[2] < b[2] end)
                table.insert(nimnp_reqs, reqdata)
				table.sort(nimnp_reqs, function(a,b) return a[2] < b[2] end)
    --now organize keys in order desired
    for _,v in pairs(nimp_reqs) do table.insert(ordered_reqs, v) end
    for _,v in pairs(nimnp_reqs) do table.insert(ordered_reqs, v) end
    for _,v in pairs(imp_reqs) do table.insert(ordered_reqs, v) end
    for _,v in pairs(imnp_reqs) do table.insert(ordered_reqs, v) end
    -- create an html structure
    local html = mw.html.create('ul')
    --parse skill reqs, append to html object, and return finished html
    for _, v in pairs(ordered_reqs) do
    return html:done()

return p