Module:SeedPackValue: Difference between revisions

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Content added Content deleted
(Created page with "local p = {} local ask = mw.smw.ask local decode = mw.text.jsonDecode local html = mw.html local avgDropVal = require('Module:Average drop value').totalval local coins = require('Module:Coins')._amount local commas = require('Module:Addcommas')._add local default = require('Module:Paramtest').default_to local yesNo = require('Module:Yesno') local prices = mw.loadJsonData('Module:GEPrices/data.json') sortKey = {--allotment "Potato seed", "Onion seed", "Cabbage seed...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 00:51, 16 October 2024

Module documentation
This documentation is transcluded from Template:No documentation/doc. [edit] [history] [purge]
This module does not have any documentation. Please consider adding documentation at Module:SeedPackValue/doc. [edit]
Module:SeedPackValue's function main is invoked by Template:SeedPackTable.
Module:SeedPackValue's function main is invoked by Template:SeedPackValue.
Module:SeedPackValue requires Module:Addcommas.
Module:SeedPackValue requires Module:Average drop value.
Module:SeedPackValue requires Module:Coins.
Module:SeedPackValue requires Module:Paramtest.
Module:SeedPackValue requires Module:Yesno.
Module:SeedPackValue loads data from Module:GEPrices/data.json.

local p = {}

local ask = mw.smw.ask
local decode = mw.text.jsonDecode
local html = mw.html

local avgDropVal = require('Module:Average drop value').totalval
local coins = require('Module:Coins')._amount
local commas = require('Module:Addcommas')._add
local default = require('Module:Paramtest').default_to
local yesNo = require('Module:Yesno')
local prices = mw.loadJsonData('Module:GEPrices/data.json')

sortKey = {--[[allotment]] "Potato seed", "Onion seed", "Cabbage seed", "Tomato seed", "Sweetcorn seed", "Strawberry seed", "Watermelon seed", "Snape grass seed", --[[flower]] "Marigold seed", "Rosemary seed", "Nasturtium seed", "Woad seed", "Limpwurt seed", --[[herb]] "Guam seed", "Marrentill seed", "Tarromin seed", "Harralander seed", "Ranarr seed", "Toadflax seed", "Irit seed", "Avantoe seed", "Kwuarm seed", "Snapdragon seed", "Cadantine seed", "Lantadyme seed", "Dwarf weed seed", "Torstol seed", --[[hops]] "Barley seed", "Hammerstone seed", "Asgarnian seed", "Jute seed", "Yanillian seed", "Krandorian seed", "Wildblood seed", --[[bush]] "Redberry seed", "Cadavaberry seed", "Dwellberry seed", "Jangerberry seed", "Whiteberry seed", "Poison ivy seed", --[[tree]] "Acorn", "Willow seed", "Maple seed", "Yew seed", "Magic seed", --[[fruit tree]] "Apple tree seed", "Banana tree seed", "Orange tree seed", "Curry tree seed", "Pineapple seed", "Papaya tree seed", "Palm tree seed", "Dragonfruit tree seed", --[[cactus]] "Cactus seed", "Potato cactus seed", --[[hardwood]] "Teak seed", "Mahogany seed", --[[special single patches]] "Redwood tree seed", "Mushroom spore", "Belladonna seed", "Calquat tree seed", "Celastrus seed", "Hespori seed", "Spirit seed" }

-- Lows are calculated
local packTierRolls = {
		total = 6,
		medium = {
			low = 1,
			high = 3,
		high = {
			low = 0,
			high = 0,
		total = 7,
		medium = {
			low = 2,
			high = 3,
		high = (1/11),
		total = 8,
		medium = {
			low = 2,
			high = 4,
		high = {
			low = 0,
			high = 1,
		total = 9,
		medium = {
			low = 3,
			high = 5,
		high = {
			low = 1,
			high = 2,
		total = 10,
		medium = {
			low = 4,
			high = 6,
		high = {
			low = 1,
			high = 3,

local taskDifficultyCount = {
	easy = {
		total = 31,
		tiers = { 11, 12, 8, 0,	0 },
	medium = {
		total = 22,
		tiers = { 0, 4, 10, 8, 0 },
	hard = {
		total = 18,
		tiers = { 0, 0, 3, 8, 7 },

function averageRolls(high, low)
	return high - ((high - low) / 2)

function avgTierRolls(num)
	local tierRolls = packTierRolls[num]
	local high = 0
	if(type(tierRolls.high) == 'table') then
		high = averageRolls(tierRolls.high.high, tierRolls.high.low)
		high = tierRolls.high or 0
	local medium = averageRolls(tierRolls.medium.high, tierRolls.medium.low) or 0
	local low = ( - high - medium) or 0
	return { low = low, medium = medium, high = high }

function difficultyRolls(type)
	local low, medium, high = 0, 0, 0
	local tierTaskTotal = taskDifficultyCount[type].total
	local tiersTable = taskDifficultyCount[type].tiers

	for tierNum, tierTaskCount in ipairs(tiersTable) do
		local avgRollCount = avgTierRolls(tierNum)
		high = high + ((tierTaskCount / tierTaskTotal) * avgRollCount.high)
		medium = medium + ((tierTaskCount / tierTaskTotal) * avgRollCount.medium)
		low = low + ((tierTaskCount / tierTaskTotal) * avgRollCount.low)
	return { low = low, medium = medium, high = high }

function createRow(seedTable)
	local priceText = nil
	local profitText = nil
	local cellClass = nil
	local cellCss = nil
	if(seedTable.price == nil) then
		priceText = '<small>N/A</small>'
		profitText = '<small>N/A</small>'
		cellClass = 'table-na nohighlight'
		cellCss = 'text-align:center'
		priceText = coins(seedTable.price)
		profitText = coins(seedTable.profit)

	return html.create('tr')
		:tag('td'):wikitext('[[File:' .. .. '_5.png|link=|' .. .. ']]'):done()
		:tag('td'):wikitext('[[' .. .. ']]'):done()
		:tag('td'):wikitext(string.format("%.3f", seedTable.quantityOutput)):done()

function createTable(ret, tier, difficulty, useSpiritSeed, useHesporiSeed)
	local wikitable = html.create('table'):addClass('wikitable sortable align-center-1 align-center-2 align-center-3 align-center-4 align-center-5')
		:tag('th'):wikitext('Seed'):attr('colspan', '2'):done()
	for _,v in ipairs(sortKey) do
	ret['wikitable'] = tostring(wikitable) .. '\n\nThe average expected value of ' .. (tier and 'Tier ' .. tier or '') .. ' seed packs ' .. (difficulty and 'from ' .. difficulty .. ' Farming contracts' or '') .. ' is ' .. coins(string.format("%.2f", ret.totalProfit)) .. ' coins.'
	if(tier == nil or tier > 1) then
		ret.wikitable = ret.wikitable .. ((useSpiritSeed and ret.spiritSeedProfit > 0) and '\n\nTrading in spirits seeds for tier 5 seed packs increases the profit by '.. coins(string.format("%.2f", ret.spiritSeedProfit)) .. ' coins.' or '')
		ret.wikitable = ret.wikitable .. ((useHesporiSeed and ret.hesporiSeedProfit > 0) and '\n\nPlanting hespori seeds and killing hespori increases the average profit by '.. coins(string.format("%.2f", ret.hesporiSeedProfit)) .. ' coins.' or '')
		ret.wikitable = ret.wikitable .. ((useSpiritSeed or useHesporiSeed) and '\n\nThese increase the profit' .. ((useSpiritSeed and useHesporiSeed) and ' by ' .. coins(string.format("%.2f", ret.spiritSeedProfit + ret.hesporiSeedProfit)) or '') .. ' to ' .. coins(string.format("%.2f", ret.totalProfit + ret.spiritSeedProfit + ret.hesporiSeedProfit)) .. ' coins.' or '')
	return ret.wikitable

function calc(tables, rolls)
	local seedsCalculated = {}
	local totalProfit = 0
	local totalSpiritSeeds = 0
	local totalHesporiSeeds = 0
	for level, seedTable in pairs(tables) do
		for _, drop in ipairs(seedTable) do
			local item = drop['Dropped item']
			seedsCalculated[item] = {}
			seedsCalculated[item]['name'] = item
			seedsCalculated[item]['price'] = prices[item]
			local numer, divis = string.match(drop['Rarity'], '([%d%.]+)/([%d%.]+)')
			if((numer ~= nil) and (divis ~= nil)) then
	            seedsCalculated[item]['rarityValue'] = numer/divis
	            seedsCalculated[item]['rarityValue'] = expr(rarity)
			seedsCalculated[item]['quantityAvg'] = drop['Quantity High'] - ((drop['Quantity High'] - drop['Quantity Low']) / 2)
			seedsCalculated[item]['quantityOutput'] = rolls[level] * seedsCalculated[item].quantityAvg * seedsCalculated[item].rarityValue
			seedsCalculated[item]['profit'] = ((seedsCalculated[item].price ~= nil) and (seedsCalculated[item].quantityOutput * seedsCalculated[item].price) or 0)
			seedsCalculated[item]['totalWithoutSpiritSeed'] = seedsCalculated[item].profit or 0
			totalProfit = totalProfit + (seedsCalculated[item].profit or 0)
			if(item == 'Spirit seed') then
				totalSpiritSeeds = totalSpiritSeeds + seedsCalculated[item].quantityOutput
			if(item == 'Hespori seed') then
				totalHesporiSeeds = totalHesporiSeeds + seedsCalculated[item].quantityOutput
	return {
		seedsCalculated = seedsCalculated,
		totalProfit = totalProfit,
		totalSpiritSeeds = totalSpiritSeeds,
		totalHesporiSeeds = totalHesporiSeeds,

function p.getSeedDropTables()
	local query = {
		"[[-Has subobject::Seed pack]]",
		"?Drop JSON#-",
		limit = 500,
		offset = 0,

	local t1 = os.clock()
    local smwData = ask(query)
    local t2 = os.clock()

	assert(smwData ~= nil and #smwData > 0, 'SMW query failed  to find seed pack drops')
	mw.log(string.format('SMW: entries %d, time elapsed: %.3f ms.', #smwData, (t2 - t1) * 1000))

	local low, medium, high = {}, {}, {}
    for _, drop in ipairs(smwData) do
    	local json = decode(drop["Drop JSON"])
    	local str = string.lower(json['Dropped from'])
        if(str == 'seed pack#low seed') then
        	table.insert(low, json)
        elseif(str == 'seed pack#medium seed') then
        	table.insert(medium, json)
        elseif(str == 'seed pack#high seed') then
        	table.insert(high, json)
	return { low = low, medium = medium, high = high }

function p._main(args, frameArgs)
	local filter = string.lower(default(args[1], ''))
	local tier = (packTierRolls[tonumber(filter:sub(-1))] and tonumber(filter:sub(-1)) or nil)
	local difficulty = (taskDifficultyCount[filter] and filter or nil)
	local useSpiritSeed = yesNo(default(args.spiritseed, false))

	local displayTable = yesNo(default(args['table'] or frameArgs['table'], false))

	local useHesporiSeed = yesNo(default(args.hespori, false))
	local hesporiValue = (useHesporiSeed and avgDropVal('Hespori', nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, false) or 0)

	local seedTables = p.getSeedDropTables()
	local tier5Data = {}
	if(useSpiritSeed) then
		tier5Data = calc(seedTables, avgTierRolls(5))
		tier5Data['spiritSeedProfit'] = 0
		local spiritSeedPerPack = tier5Data.seedsCalculated['Spirit seed'].quantityOutput
		local result = 1
		while(result >= 1) do
			result = spiritSeedPerPack * tier5Data.totalProfit
			tier5Data['spiritSeedProfit'] = tier5Data.spiritSeedProfit + result
			spiritSeedPerPack = spiritSeedPerPack * tier5Data.seedsCalculated['Spirit seed'].quantityOutput
		-- This is effectively a short-circuit to avoid additional processing
		if(tier == 5) then
			tier5Data['hesporiSeedProfit'] = tier5Data.totalHesporiSeeds * hesporiValue
			if(displayTable) then
				return createTable(tier5Data, tier, difficulty, useSpiritSeed, useHesporiSeed)
				return tier5Data.totalProfit + tier5Data.spiritSeedProfit + tier5Data.hesporiSeedProfit
	local ret = {}
	if(taskDifficultyCount[difficulty] ~= nil) then
		ret = calc(seedTables, difficultyRolls(difficulty))
	elseif(packTierRolls[tier] ~= nil) then
		ret = calc(seedTables, avgTierRolls(tier))
	ret['spiritSeedProfit'] = (useSpiritSeed and (ret.totalSpiritSeeds * (tier5Data.spiritSeedProfit + tier5Data.totalProfit)) or 0)
	ret['hesporiSeedProfit'] = ret.totalHesporiSeeds * hesporiValue
	if(displayTable) then
		return createTable(ret, tier, difficulty, useSpiritSeed, useHesporiSeed)
		return ret.totalProfit + ret.spiritSeedProfit + ret.hesporiSeedProfit

--[[ DEBUG

function p.main(frame)
	local args = frame:getParent().args
	local frameArgs = frame.args
	return p._main(args, frameArgs)

return p