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(Created page with "local Coins = require( 'Module:Coins' ) local gePrice = require('Module:Exchange')._price local p = {} local bin = 15 local bigBin = 30 function p.invoke_main( frame ) return p.main(frame:getParent().args.ingredient, frame:getParent().args.cocomilk_offset, frame:getParent().args.bucket_offset, frame:getParent().args.grimy_herbs) end function p.main( item, cocomilk, bucket, grimy ) --List of herbs-- local herbs = { "Avantoe", "Cadantine", "Dwarf weed", "Kwuarm", "...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 00:13, 17 October 2024

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Supercompost profit calculator/doc

local Coins = require( 'Module:Coins' )
local gePrice = require('Module:Exchange')._price

local p = {}

local bin = 15
local bigBin = 30

function p.invoke_main( frame )
	return p.main(frame:getParent().args.ingredient, frame:getParent().args.cocomilk_offset, frame:getParent().args.bucket_offset, frame:getParent().args.grimy_herbs)

function p.main( item, cocomilk, bucket, grimy )
	--List of herbs--
	local herbs = { "Avantoe", "Cadantine", "Dwarf weed", "Kwuarm", "Lantadyme", "Snapdragon", "Toadflax", "Torstol"}
	--Gets cost of ingredients and value of a bin/big bin of compost
	if item == 'Coconut shell' and cocomilk == 'true' then
		price = gePrice('Coconut') + gePrice('Vial') - gePrice('Coconut milk')
	elseif item == 'Coconut shell' then
		price = gePrice('Coconut')
	elseif item == 'White tree fruit' or item == 'Tenti pineapple' or item == nil then
		price = 0
	elseif grimy == 'true' then
		price = gePrice(item)
		for i, h in ipairs(herbs) do
			if item == h then
				price = gePrice("Grimy " .. item:lower())
		price = gePrice(item)
	--Calculates profits
	local superPrice = gePrice('Supercompost')
	local profit = (superPrice * bin) - (price * bin)
	local bigProfit = (superPrice * bigBin) - (price * bigBin)
	if bucket == 'true' then
		bucketPrice = gePrice('Bucket')
		profit = profit - bucketPrice
		bigProfit = bigProfit - bucketPrice
	return p.resultsTable({(price * bin), (price * bigBin), profit, bigProfit})

--Creates table
function p.resultsTable(results)
	local resultsTable = mw.html.create('table')
	local header = mw.html.create('tr')
	header:tag( 'th' )
		:wikitext( '<small>Cost and profit<br/>per bin and big bin</small>' )
	:tag( 'th' )
		:wikitext( 'Cost' )
	:tag( 'th' )
		:wikitext( 'Profit' )
	local bin = mw.html.create('tr')
		bin:tag( 'th' )
		:tag( 'b' )
			:wikitext( 'Bin' )
		:tag( 'td' )
			:wikitext(Coins._amount(results[1] * -1))
		:tag( 'td' )

	local bigbin = mw.html.create('tr')
		bigbin:tag( 'th' )
			:tag( 'b' )
				:wikitext( 'Big bin' )
		:tag( 'td' )
			:wikitext(Coins._amount(results[2] * -1))
		:tag( 'td' )

	resultsTable:addClass( 'wikitable' ):addClass( 'align-center-1' )

	return resultsTable

return p