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(Created page with "-- <nowiki> -- -- Implements {{time ago}} -- local p = {} local yesno = require( 'Module:Yesno' ) -- assumes 31 days in a month (might need tweaking?) -- assumes 365.25 days in a year to account for leap years local convert = {60, 3600, 86400, 604800, 2678400, 31557600} -- used to convert units to magnitudes local magnitudes = { years = 6, months = 5, weeks = 4, days = 3, hours = 2, minutes = 1, seconds = 0 } -- units to append to time dif...") |
(No difference)
Latest revision as of 23:10, 11 October 2024
Module documentation
This documentation is transcluded from Module:TimeAgo/doc. [edit] [history] [purge]
Module:TimeAgo requires Module:Yesno.
Module:TimeAgo transcludes {{FULLPAGENAME}} using frame:preprocess().
Module:TimeAgo is required by Module:Exchange.
Module:TimeAgo is required by Module:ExchangeDefault.
Module used by Module:Exchange.
-- <nowiki>
-- Implements {{time ago}}
local p = {}
local yesno = require( 'Module:Yesno' )
-- assumes 31 days in a month (might need tweaking?)
-- assumes 365.25 days in a year to account for leap years
local convert = {60, 3600, 86400, 604800, 2678400, 31557600}
-- used to convert units to magnitudes
local magnitudes = {
years = 6,
months = 5,
weeks = 4,
days = 3,
hours = 2,
minutes = 1,
seconds = 0
-- units to append to time diff
local units = {
{'second', 'seconds', 'second\'s', 'seconds\''},
{'minute', 'minutes', 'minute\'s', 'minutes\''},
{'hour', 'hours', 'hour\'s', 'hours\''},
{'day', 'days', 'day\'s', 'days\''},
{'week', 'weeks', 'week\'s', 'weeks\''},
{'month', 'months', 'month\'s', 'months\''},
{'year', 'years', 'year\'s', 'years\''}
-- Converts the input values to the returned string
local function core( diff, abs_diff, magnitude, ago )
local num = math.floor( abs_diff )
local unit = 1
local plural = 1
if magnitude > 0 then
num = math.floor( abs_diff / convert[magnitude] )
if abs_diff > 1 or abs_diff == 0 then
plural = plural + 1
if diff >= 0 then
ago = ago or 'ago'
plural = plural + 2
ago = 'time'
return num .. ' ' .. units[magnitude + 1][plural] .. ' ' .. ago
-- Compares arg1 to arg2 and returns the larger number
local function max_( arg1, arg2 )
if arg1 > arg2 then
return arg1
return arg2
-- Wrapper for use through #invoke
function p.ago( frame )
return p._ago( frame:getParent().args )
-- Validates arguments and converts them to something that can be process by core
-- @param args[1] {str} time string
-- @param args.magnitude {str} (optional) override the output time's units
-- @param args.min_magnitude {str} (optional) require a minimum unit for the output time
-- @param args.ago {str} (optional) Replace 'ago' with a different string
-- only used for times in the past
-- @param args.purge {str} (optional) add a purge link to the end of the resulting string
-- will not work when testing from debug console
function p._ago( args )
local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()
local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
local cur_time = lang:formatDate( 'U' )
-- check time argument is a valid time string
local no_err, time = pcall( lang.formatDate, lang, 'U', args[1] )
if not no_err then
return '<strong class="error">Error: first parameter cannot be parsed as a date or time.</strong>'
-- calculate time diff in seconds
local diff = cur_time - time
local abs_diff = math.abs( diff )
-- calculate magnitude
local auto = 0
local min_ = -1
if args.magnitude then
-- use the specified magnitude
min_ = magnitudes[mw.ustring.lower( args.magnitude )]
-- use the specified minimum magnitude
-- will only be used if it's higher than the auto-detected magnitude calculated below
if args.min_magnitude then
min_ = magnitudes[mw.ustring.lower( args.min_magnitude )]
-- auto detects the magnitude to be used
-- multiples by two as it's preferred to have something like 43 hours instead of 2 days
for i = 1, 6 do
if math.floor( abs_diff / ( convert[i] * 2 ) ) > 0 then
auto = auto + 1
-- for some reason the original template didn't detect weeks, using days instead
-- so preserve that behaviour here
if auto == 4 then
auto = 3
magnitude = max_( auto, min_ )
local ret = core( diff, abs_diff, magnitude, args.ago )
if yesno( args.purge ) then
-- @todo use mw.title for this
ret = ret .. ' <span class="plainlinks">([' .. frame:preprocess( '{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=purge}}' ) .. ' update])</span>'
return ret
return p