Module:Top icons: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "--<nowiki> local p = {} local sites = { rs = { params = { 'rs' }, interwiki = 'rsw', wikiname = 'The RuneScape Wiki', }, rsc = { params = { 'rsc' }, interwiki = 'classicrsw', wikiname = 'The RuneScape Classic Wiki', }, meta = { params = { 'meta' }, interwiki = 'meta', wikiname = 'The Meta Weird Gloop Wiki', }, wp = { params = { 'wp' }, interwiki = 'wikipedia', wikiname = 'Wikipedia', }, } local order = { 'rs', 'rsc', 'meta', 'wp' } loc...")
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Latest revision as of 22:25, 11 October 2024

Module documentation
This documentation is transcluded from Module:Top icons/doc. [edit] [history] [purge]
Module:Top icons's function main is invoked by Template:External.

This module is used in Template:External to generate the top icons. It can also be called from other modules using its helper function.

This module is a helper module to be used by other modules; it may not designed to be invoked directly. See RuneScape:Lua/Helper modules for a full list and more information. For a full list of modules using this helper click here

_main(args)StringReturns a string that adds top icons to the page. args must be a table of arguments. Numbered arguments must have values of rs, rsc, meta or wp. To provide a specific page name on the top icon link, specify the wiki name as the param and the external page name as the value.

local p = {}

local sites = {
	rs = {
		params = { 'rs' },
		interwiki = 'rsw',
		wikiname = 'The RuneScape Wiki',
	rsc = {
		params = { 'rsc' },
		interwiki = 'classicrsw',
		wikiname = 'The RuneScape Classic Wiki',
	meta = {
		params = { 'meta' },
		interwiki = 'meta',
		wikiname = 'The Meta Weird Gloop Wiki',
	wp = { 
		params = { 'wp' },
		interwiki = 'wikipedia',
		wikiname = 'Wikipedia',

local order = { 'rs', 'rsc', 'meta', 'wp' }

local allparams = {}

function p.main(frame)
	local args = frame:getParent().args
	return p._main(args)

function p._main(args)
	local pagename = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().fullText
	local vals = {}

	-- create allparams
	for s,t in pairs(sites) do
		for _,v in ipairs(t.params) do
			allparams[v] = s
	-- loop named params
	for i,v in pairs(allparams) do
		if args[i] and not vals[v] then
			vals[v] = args[i]
	-- loop unnamed params
	local i = 1
	local v
	while args[i] do
		v = allparams[args[i]] 
		if v and not vals[v] then
			vals[v] = pagename
		i = i + 1

	local ret = mw.html.create('div')
	ret:addClass('noexcerpt noprint nomobile navigation-not-searchable rs-external-header-links'):css('display', 'none')
	for _,v in ipairs(order) do
		if vals[v] then
			local span = ret:tag('span')
				:addClass('rs-header-icon rs-header-icon-' .. v)
					['data-wikiname'] = sites[v].wikiname,
					['data-interwiki'] = sites[v].interwiki,
					['data-page'] = vals[v],

	return tostring(ret)

return p