Module:Wintertodt supply crate: Difference between revisions
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(Created page with "local geprice = require('Module:Exchange')._price local coins = require('Module:Coins')._amount local p = {} local items = {} items.crafting = { {name="Uncut diamond", minQty=1, maxQty=3, lowRoll=10, highRoll=120}, {name="Uncut ruby", minQty=2, maxQty=4, lowRoll=50, highRoll=140}, {name="Uncut emerald", minQty=1, maxQty=3, lowRoll=90, highRoll=160}, {name="Uncut sapphire", minQty=1, maxQty=3, lowRoll=255, highRoll=255}, } items.herblore = { {name="Grimy torstol"...") |
(No difference)
Latest revision as of 00:13, 17 October 2024
Module documentation
This documentation is transcluded from Template:No documentation/doc. [edit] [history] [purge]
This module does not have any documentation. Please consider adding documentation at Module:Wintertodt supply crate/doc. [edit]
Module:Wintertodt supply crate's function main is invoked by Calculator:Wintertodt Reward Cart.
Module:Wintertodt supply crate requires Module:Coins.
Module:Wintertodt supply crate requires Module:Exchange.
local geprice = require('Module:Exchange')._price
local coins = require('Module:Coins')._amount
local p = {}
local items = {}
items.crafting = {
{name="Uncut diamond", minQty=1, maxQty=3, lowRoll=10, highRoll=120},
{name="Uncut ruby", minQty=2, maxQty=4, lowRoll=50, highRoll=140},
{name="Uncut emerald", minQty=1, maxQty=3, lowRoll=90, highRoll=160},
{name="Uncut sapphire", minQty=1, maxQty=3, lowRoll=255, highRoll=255},
items.herblore = {
{name="Grimy torstol", minQty=1, maxQty=3, lowRoll=-70, highRoll=40},
{name="Grimy dwarf weed", minQty=2, maxQty=4, lowRoll=-50, highRoll=50},
{name="Grimy lantadyme", minQty=2, maxQty=4, lowRoll=-30, highRoll=60},
{name="Grimy cadantine", minQty=2, maxQty=4, lowRoll=-10, highRoll=70},
{name="Grimy kwuarm", minQty=2, maxQty=4, lowRoll=10, highRoll=85},
{name="Grimy avantoe", minQty=3, maxQty=5, lowRoll=20, highRoll=100},
{name="Grimy irit leaf", minQty=3, maxQty=5, lowRoll=30, highRoll=115},
{name="Grimy ranarr weed", minQty=1, maxQty=3, lowRoll=10, highRoll=170},
{name="Grimy tarromin", minQty=3, maxQty=6, lowRoll=70, highRoll=-20},
{name="Grimy marrentill", minQty=3, maxQty=6, lowRoll=100, highRoll=-30},
{name="Grimy guam leaf", minQty=3, maxQty=6, lowRoll=170, highRoll=-40},
{name="Grimy harralander", minQty=3, maxQty=6, lowRoll=255, highRoll=255},
items.farming = {
{name="Spirit seed", minQty=1, maxQty=1, lowRoll=-20, highRoll=5},
{name="Dwarf weed seed", minQty=1, maxQty=3, lowRoll=-60, highRoll=25},
{name="Lantadyme seed", minQty=1, maxQty=3, lowRoll=-60, highRoll=30},
{name="Cadantine seed", minQty=1, maxQty=3, lowRoll=-40, highRoll=40},
{name="Snapdragon seed", minQty=1, maxQty=3, lowRoll=-15, highRoll=60},
{name="Yew seed", minQty=1, maxQty=2, lowRoll=-10, highRoll=70},
{name="Snape grass seed", minQty=3, maxQty=7, lowRoll=-8, highRoll=78},
{name="Kwuarm seed", minQty=1, maxQty=3, lowRoll=-10, highRoll=80},
{name="Ranarr seed", minQty=1, maxQty=3, lowRoll=0, highRoll=110},
{name="Avantoe seed", minQty=1, maxQty=3, lowRoll=0, highRoll=130},
{name="Watermelon seed", minQty=3, maxQty=7, lowRoll=-10, highRoll=180},
{name="Irit seed", minQty=1, maxQty=3, lowRoll=0, highRoll=170},
{name="Teak seed", minQty=1, maxQty=2, lowRoll=10, highRoll=160},
{name="Maple seed", minQty=1, maxQty=2, lowRoll=15, highRoll=190},
{name="Mahogany seed", minQty=1, maxQty=2, lowRoll=20, highRoll=190},
{name="Toadflax seed", minQty=1, maxQty=3, lowRoll=20, highRoll=190},
{name="Banana tree seed", minQty=1, maxQty=2, lowRoll=30, highRoll=180},
{name="Willow seed", minQty=1, maxQty=2, lowRoll=60, highRoll=120},
{name="Harralander seed", minQty=1, maxQty=3, lowRoll=80, highRoll=-150},
{name="Tarromin seed", minQty=1, maxQty=3, lowRoll=150, highRoll=-150},
{name="Acorn", minQty=1, maxQty=1, lowRoll=255, highRoll=255},
items.woodcutting = {
{name="Magic logs", minQty=10, maxQty=20, lowRoll=-60, highRoll=60},
{name="Yew logs", minQty=10, maxQty=20, lowRoll=-50, highRoll=90},
{name="Mahogany logs", minQty=10, maxQty=20, lowRoll=-40, highRoll=130},
{name="Maple logs", minQty=10, maxQty=20, lowRoll=0, highRoll=160},
{name="Teak logs", minQty=10, maxQty=20, lowRoll=30, highRoll=200},
{name="Willow logs", minQty=10, maxQty=20, lowRoll=120, highRoll=100},
{name="Oak logs", minQty=10, maxQty=20, lowRoll=255, highRoll=255},
items.mining = {
{name="Runite ore", minQty=1, maxQty=2, lowRoll=-60, highRoll=40},
{name="Adamantite ore", minQty=2, maxQty=3, lowRoll=-50, highRoll=80},
{name="Mithril ore", minQty=3, maxQty=5, lowRoll=-20, highRoll=140},
{name="Gold ore", minQty=8, maxQty=11, lowRoll=0, highRoll=160},
{name="Coal", minQty=10, maxQty=14, lowRoll=0, highRoll=180},
{name="Pure essence", minQty=20, maxQty=70, lowRoll=40, highRoll=190},
{name="Silver ore", minQty=10, maxQty=12, lowRoll=140, highRoll=10},
{name="Limestone", minQty=2, maxQty=7, lowRoll=200, highRoll=-20},
{name="Iron ore", minQty=5, maxQty=15, lowRoll=255, highRoll=255},
} = {
{name="Raw shark", minQty=6, maxQty=11, lowRoll=-60, highRoll=80},
{name="Raw swordfish", minQty=6, maxQty=11, lowRoll=-50, highRoll=100},
{name="Raw lobster", minQty=6, maxQty=11, lowRoll=-20, highRoll=130},
{name="Raw tuna", minQty=6, maxQty=11, lowRoll=10, highRoll=160},
{name="Raw salmon", minQty=6, maxQty=11, lowRoll=40, highRoll=180},
{name="Raw anchovies", minQty=6, maxQty=11, lowRoll=160, highRoll=0},
{name="Raw trout", minQty=6, maxQty=11, lowRoll=255, highRoll=255},
items.other = {
{name="Coins", minQty=2000, maxQty=4999, chance=5/25, price=1},
{name="Dynamite", minQty=3, maxQty=5, chance=1/25, price=geprice("Dynamite")},
{name="Saltpetre", minQty=3, maxQty=5, chance=1/25, price=geprice("Saltpetre")},
function p.interpolate(skillLevel, lowRoll, highRoll)
local unclamped = math.floor(lowRoll + (highRoll - lowRoll) * (skillLevel - 1) / 98)
return math.min(math.max(unclamped+1, 0), 256)
function p.main(frame)
args = frame.args
local skills = {
crafting = tonumber(args.crafting),
farming = tonumber(args.farming),
fishing = tonumber(,
herblore = tonumber(args.herblore),
mining = tonumber(args.mining),
woodcutting = tonumber(args.woodcutting),
return p._main(tonumber(args.points), skills,
args.hasPhoenix=='yes', args.magicEligible=='yes',
args.torstolEligible=='yes', args.sellPyro=='yes')
function makeLine(name, minQty, maxQty, chancePerRoll, rolls, price)
local expectedCount = rolls * chancePerRoll * (minQty + maxQty) / 2
local qtyRange = tostring(minQty)
if minQty ~= maxQty then
qtyRange = tostring(minQty) .. '-' .. tostring(maxQty)
local displayName = name
if name == "Pyromancer hood" then
displayName = "Pyromancer outfit|Pyromancer outfit piece"
return mw.html.create('tr')
:wikitext('[[File:' .. name .. '.png|link=' .. name .. ']]')
:wikitext('[[' .. displayName .. ']]')
:wikitext(string.format('%.3f%%', 100 * chancePerRoll))
:wikitext(string.format('%.3f', expectedCount))
:wikitext(coins(tostring(price * expectedCount) .. '/ 1'))
function p._main(points, skills, hasPhoenix, magicEligible, torstolEligible, sellPyro)
if points < 500 then
return "You can't get rewards with less than 500 points."
local rolls = 1 + points / 500
local uniquesExpectation = 0
local uniquesTable = mw.html.create('table')
uniquesTable:addClass('wikitable sortable align-center-1 align-left-2 align-left-3'):css('text-align','right')
local header = mw.html.create('tr')
:attr('colspan', 2)
:wikitext('Quantity<br/>(per roll)')
:wikitext('Chance<br/>(per roll)')
:wikitext('Expected<br/>(per run)')
:wikitext('Expected value')
local totalProbability = 1.0
if not hasPhoenix then
uniquesTable:node(makeLine("Phoenix", 1, 1, 1/5000, rolls, 0))
totalProbability = totalProbability * (1 - 1/5000)
uniquesTable:node(makeLine("Dragon axe", 1, 1, 1/10000 * totalProbability, rolls, geprice("Dragon axe")))
uniquesExpectation = uniquesExpectation + 1/10000 * totalProbability * rolls * geprice("Dragon axe")
totalProbability = totalProbability * (1 - 1/10000)
uniquesTable:node(makeLine("Tome of fire (empty)", 1, 1, 1/1000 * totalProbability, rolls, geprice("Tome of fire (empty)")))
uniquesExpectation = uniquesExpectation + 1/1000 * totalProbability * rolls * geprice("Tome of fire (empty)")
totalProbability = totalProbability * (1 - 1/1000)
if magicEligible then
uniquesTable:node(makeLine("Magic seed", 1, 1, 1/150 * totalProbability, rolls, geprice("Magic seed")))
uniquesExpectation = uniquesExpectation + 1/150 * totalProbability * rolls * geprice("Magic seed")
uniquesTable:node(makeLine("Warm gloves", 1, 1, 1/150 * totalProbability, rolls, 0))
totalProbability = totalProbability * (1 - 1/150)
if torstolEligible then
uniquesTable:node(makeLine("Torstol seed", 2, 3, 1/150 * totalProbability, rolls, geprice("Torstol seed")))
uniquesExpectation = uniquesExpectation + 1/150 * totalProbability * rolls * geprice("Torstol seed") * 2.5
uniquesTable:node(makeLine("Bruma torch", 1, 1, 1/150 * totalProbability, rolls, 0))
totalProbability = totalProbability * (1 - 1/150)
local pyroPrice = 0
if sellPyro then
pyroPrice = geprice("Burnt page") * 50
uniquesTable:node(makeLine("Pyromancer hood", 1, 1, 1/150 * totalProbability, rolls, pyroPrice))
uniquesExpectation = uniquesExpectation + 1/150 * totalProbability * rolls * pyroPrice
totalProbability = totalProbability * (1 - 1/150)
uniquesTable:node(makeLine("Burnt page", 7, 29, 1/45 * totalProbability, rolls, geprice("Burnt page")))
uniquesExpectation = uniquesExpectation + 1/45 * totalProbability * rolls * geprice("Burnt page") * 18
totalProbability = totalProbability * (1 - 1/45)
:attr('colspan', 6)
:wikitext(coins(tostring(uniquesExpectation) .. '/1'))
local resourcesTable = mw.html.create('table')
resourcesTable:addClass('wikitable sortable align-center-1 align-left-2 align-left-3'):css('text-align','right')
local resourcesExpectation = 0
for skill, skillLevel in pairs(skills) do
local remainingProbability = 1.0
for _, item in ipairs(items[skill]) do
local subchance = p.interpolate(skillLevel, item.lowRoll, item.highRoll) / 256
local chancePerRoll = remainingProbability * subchance
remainingProbability = remainingProbability - chancePerRoll
chancePerRoll = chancePerRoll * totalProbability
local price = 0
if ~= 'Spirit seed' then
price = geprice(
local expectedCount = chancePerRoll * rolls * 3/25 * (item.minQty + item.maxQty) / 2
resourcesExpectation = resourcesExpectation + expectedCount * price
local row = makeLine(, item.minQty, item.maxQty, chancePerRoll * 3/25, rolls, price)
for _, item in ipairs(items.other) do
local expectedCount = (item.minQty + item.maxQty) / 2 * item.chance
resourcesExpectation = resourcesExpectation + expectedCount * item.price
local row = makeLine(, item.minQty, item.maxQty, item.chance, rolls, item.price)
:attr('colspan', 6)
:wikitext(coins(tostring(resourcesExpectation) .. '/1'))
local rollsLine = "'''"
.. tostring(points)
.. "''' points in Wintertodt will give you in average '''"
.. string.format('%.3f', rolls)
.. "''' rewards added to your reward pile. Ignoring untradeables, the total expected value of a run is '''"
.. coins(uniquesExpectation + resourcesExpectation)
.. "''' coins."
mw.log(rollsLine .. '\n\n==Uniques==\n' .. tostring(uniquesTable) .. '\n\n==Resources==\n' .. tostring(resourcesTable))
return rollsLine .. '\n\n==Uniques==\n' .. tostring(uniquesTable) .. '\n\n==Resources==\n' .. tostring(resourcesTable)
return p