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(Created page with "local p = {} -- For calculating experience local helpers = require('Module:Skill_calc/Helpers') local experience = require('Module:Experience') -- For rendering the tables local commas = require('Module:Addcommas')._add local coins = require('Module:Coins')._amount local gePrices = mw.loadJsonData('Module:GEPrices/data.json') local yesno = require('Module:Yesno') function nocoins(num) frame = mw.getCurrentFrame() return frame:preprocess('{{Nocoins|' .. num .. '}}') e...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 00:13, 17 October 2024

Module documentation
This documentation is transcluded from Template:No documentation/doc. [edit] [history] [purge]
This module does not have any documentation. Please consider adding documentation at Module:ZMICalculator/doc. [edit]
Module:ZMICalculator's function main is invoked by Calculator:ZMI/Module.
Module:ZMICalculator requires Module:Addcommas.
Module:ZMICalculator requires Module:Coins.
Module:ZMICalculator requires Module:Experience.
Module:ZMICalculator requires Module:Skill calc/Helpers.
Module:ZMICalculator requires Module:Yesno.
Module:ZMICalculator loads data from Module:GEPrices/data.json.
Module:ZMICalculator transcludes Template:Nocoins using frame:preprocess().
Module:ZMICalculator transcludes Template:Reflist using frame:preprocess().

local p = {}

-- For calculating experience
local helpers = require('Module:Skill_calc/Helpers')
local experience = require('Module:Experience')

-- For rendering the tables
local commas = require('Module:Addcommas')._add
local coins = require('Module:Coins')._amount
local gePrices = mw.loadJsonData('Module:GEPrices/data.json')
local yesno = require('Module:Yesno')
function nocoins(num)
	frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
	return frame:preprocess('{{Nocoins|' .. num .. '}}')

local data = {
	-- base xp, air, mind, water, earth, fire, body, cosmic, chaos, astral, nature, law, death, blood, soul
	{9.37, 0.5, 0.25, 0.12, 0.06, 0.03, 0.015, 0.0085, 0.006, 0.0045, 0.003, 0.0015, 0.0008, 0.0005, 0.0002},
	{10.5, 0.15, 0.18, 0.21, 0.24, 0.12, 0.06, 0.0175, 0.008, 0.006, 0.004, 0.0024, 0.0012, 0.0006, 0.0003},
	{11.32, 0.12, 0.13, 0.135, 0.14, 0.15, 0.16, 0.08, 0.042, 0.021, 0.011, 0.0055, 0.0032, 0.0015, 0.0008},
	{12.24, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09, 0.11, 0.12, 0.13, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.025, 0.013, 0.006, 0.004, 0.002},
	{12.87, 0.06, 0.065, 0.07, 0.075, 0.08, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.026, 0.012, 0.008, 0.004},
	{13.44, 0.05, 0.055, 0.06, 0.065, 0.07, 0.075, 0.1, 0.11, 0.15, 0.135, 0.07, 0.035, 0.017, 0.008},
	{13.6, 0.045, 0.05, 0.055, 0.06, 0.07, 0.075, 0.095, 0.105, 0.14, 0.155, 0.08, 0.04, 0.02, 0.01},
	{14.56, 0.03, 0.03, 0.03, 0.04, 0.04, 0.05, 0.07, 0.09, 0.12, 0.15, 0.18, 0.1, 0.05, 0.02},
	{14.79, 0.02, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.105, 0.135, 0.145, 0.145, 0.06, 0.04},
	{15.32, 0.01, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.1, 0.135, 0.145, 0.165, 0.1, 0.065},
	{15.55, 0.01, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.095, 0.135, 0.145, 0.155, 0.13, 0.09},

-- Capacity using rune pouch and all possible runecraft pouches
local pouches = {
	-- level, cumulative capacity, size
	{1, 26 + 3, 'Small'},
	{25, 25 + 9, 'Medium'},
	{50, 24 + 18, 'Large'},
	{75, 23 + 30, 'Giant'},
	{85, 26 + 40, 'Colossal'},
	{999, 1, 'na'},

local runes = {
	-- rune, xp, diary boost in %
	{ 'Air rune', 5, 25 },
	{ 'Mind rune', 5.5, 25 },
	{ 'Water rune', 6, 25 },
	{ 'Earth rune', 6.5, 25 },
	{ 'Fire rune', 7, 25 },
	{ 'Body rune', 7.5, 25 },
	{ 'Cosmic rune', 8, 25 },
	{ 'Chaos rune', 8.5, 25 },
	{ 'Astral rune', 8.7, 25 },
	{ 'Nature rune', 9, 22.5 },
	{ 'Law rune', 9.5, 20 },
	{ 'Death rune', 10, 17.5 },
	{ 'Blood rune', 23.8, 15 },
	{ 'Soul rune', 29.7, 10 },

function p.main(frame)
	-- Parse the args
	local args = frame:getParent().args
	local current = tonumber(args.current)
	local currentType = args.currentType
	local target = tonumber(
	local targetType = args.targetType
	local tripSeconds = tonumber(args.tripSeconds)
	local blockedStorage = tonumber(args.blockedStorage)
	local diary = yesno(args.diary)
	local raiments = tonumber(args.raiments)
	local colossal = yesno(args.colossal)
	-- Not using a rune pouch means keeping the astral, law, and payment runes
	-- for 
	if args.blockedStorage ~= 'true' then
		runePouch = true
	-- If we're targeting a level, we have a hard cap at 99
	if targetType == 'Level' then
		target = math.min(target, 99)
	-- Update the pouch capacities if we have manually blocked storage (e.g., no rune pouch)
	if blockedStorage > 0 then
		for i=1, 5, 1 do
			pouches[i][2] = pouches[i][2] - blockedStorage
	-- Update the xp rates if we're using Daeyalt essence
	local essenceType = 'Pure essence'
	if args.daeyalt == 'true' then
		essenceType = 'Daeyalt essence'
		for i=1, 11, 1 do
			data[i][1] = data[i][1] * 1.5
	-- Get the starting and target XP
	local bulkLevelInformation = helpers.calculateCurrentGoalInformation(current, currentType, target, targetType)
	local currentXP = bulkLevelInformation.currentExperience
	local goalXP = bulkLevelInformation.goalExperience
	-- Get the total number of actions at each block to achieve the goal
	local actions = getActions(currentXP, goalXP)
	-- Get the total number of trips at each pouch block to achieve the goal
	local trips = getTrips(currentXP, goalXP, colossal)
	-- This calculates gp and renders the runes crafted table
	local rcData = renderRunesCrafted(actions,diary,raiments)
	-- Render the components
	local summary = renderSummary(essenceType, actions, trips, tripSeconds, rcData['totalGP'])
	local arTable = renderActionsRequired(actions,diary,raiments)
	local ptTable = renderPouchTrips(trips, tripSeconds, essenceType)
	local rcTable = rcData['hTable']
	-- Combine the tables
	return finalRender(summary, arTable, ptTable, rcTable)

-- Gets the total number of actions at each block level to achieve the goal
function getActions(currentXP, targetXP)
	-- Track the total amount of XP gained
	local totalXP = 0

	-- The number of actions at each block to achieve our goal
	local totalActions = 0
	local actions = {
	-- Make sure we're positive on XP
	local blockXP = getBlockXP(currentXP, targetXP)
	if blockXP['xp'] < 0 then
		return {
			xp = 0,
			actions = actions,
			totalActions = 0
	-- Get the number of actions at each block to gain the goal XP
	local currentBlock = blockXP['currentBlock']
	local xpRate = 0
	for i=currentBlock, 10, 1 do
		-- Limit the amount of XP needed to the original goal
		local xp = math.min(targetXP - currentXP, blockXP['xp'])
		-- We have some XP left, so update the actions for this block
		if xp > 0 then
			xpRate = data[currentBlock][1]
			local blockActions = math.ceil(xp / xpRate)
			actions[currentBlock] = actions[currentBlock] + blockActions
			totalActions = totalActions + blockActions
			local xpGain = math.floor(blockActions * xpRate)
			totalXP = totalXP + xpGain
			currentXP = currentXP + xpGain
		-- We have more XP to grab
		if currentXP < targetXP then
			blockXP = getBlockXP(currentXP, targetXP)
			currentBlock = blockXP['currentBlock']
			xpRate = data[currentBlock][1]
	-- Get the actions remaining in the current block to achieve the goal (for 99+)
	local remainingXP = math.max(targetXP - currentXP, 0)
	if remainingXP > 0 then
		xpRate = data[currentBlock][1]
		local blockActions = math.ceil(remainingXP / xpRate)
		local xpGain = math.floor(blockActions * xpRate)
		totalXP = totalXP + xpGain
		currentXP = currentXP + xpGain
		actions[currentBlock] = actions[currentBlock] + blockActions
		totalActions = totalActions + blockActions
	return {
		xp = totalXP,
		actions = actions,
		totalActions = totalActions

-- Gets the XP required to get to the next ZMI block (every 10 levels, or 99), or the target XP
function getBlockXP(startingXP, targetXP)
	if targetXP <= startingXP then
		return { xp = -1 }
	local currentLevel = experience.level_at_xp_unr({args = {startingXP}})
	local targetLevel = experience.level_at_xp_unr({args = {targetXP}})
	-- Get the amount of XP to the end of the current block. Level 99 is last block
	local currentBlock = 10 -- Level 99
	local blockLevel = 0
	if currentLevel < 99 then
		currentBlock = math.floor(currentLevel / 10)
		blockLevel = math.min((currentBlock + 1) * 10, 99)
	-- There is still XP remaining to get to the next block
	local xp = 0
	if blockLevel > currentLevel then
		xp = experience.xp_at_level_unr({args = {blockLevel}}) - startingXP
	-- There is no amount of XP that will get us to the next block
	return { currentBlock = currentBlock + 1, xp = xp }

-- Gets the total number of trips at each pouch level to get the target XP
function getTrips(startingXP, targetXP, colossal)
	if targetXP <= startingXP then
		return {
			totalTrips = 0,
			trips = {
	-- Track the trips
	local totalTrips = 0
	local trips = {
	-- Get the lowest level pouch that can be used
	local minimumPouchLevel = experience.level_at_xp({args = {startingXP}})
	minimumPouchLevel = math.floor(minimumPouchLevel / 25) + 1
	if experience.level_at_xp({args = {startingXP}}) > 84 and colossal then
		minimumPouchLevel = 5
	-- 4 if the colossal pouch is turned of, 5 otherwise
	local highestPouchLevel = 4 + (colossal and 1 or 0)
	-- Run through each pouch level, excluding the colossal/giant pouch
	local currentXP = startingXP
	for i=minimumPouchLevel, highestPouchLevel, 1 do
		local pouchTrips = getPouchTrips(currentXP, targetXP, colossal)
		trips[i] = trips[i] + pouchTrips['trips']
		totalTrips = totalTrips + pouchTrips['trips']
		currentXP = pouchTrips['xp']
		if currentXP == targetXP then
	if currentXP < targetXP then
		if 1 == 1 then
			return 'ERORR'
		local pouchTrips = getPouchTrips(currentXP, targetXP, colossal)
		trips[highestPouchLevel] = trips[highestPouchLevel] + pouchTrips['trips']
		totalTrips = totalTrips + pouchTrips['trips']
	return {
		trips = trips,
		totalTrips = totalTrips,

-- Gets the trips required to get to the next pouch. This will slightly overestimate
-- the number of trips, due to the fact that it does not track XP on a per-essence
-- basis, but rather treats all actions within a given trip at the same XP rate.
-- In the worst case, this will miscalculate by 28 - 53 XP (depending on level).
-- However, this is minor (<1%) for levels 20+ and negligable (<0.1%) for 40+. 
function getPouchTrips(startingXP, targetXP, colossal)
	local currentLevel = experience.level_at_xp({args = {startingXP}})
	-- Get the current and next pouch details
	local pouchLevel = math.floor(currentLevel / 25) + 1
	if experience.level_at_xp({args = {startingXP}}) > 84 and colossal then
		pouchLevel = 5
	local pouch = pouches[pouchLevel]
	local currentCapacity = pouch[2]
	local nextPouchLevel = pouches[pouchLevel + 1][1]
	if pouchLevel == 4 and not colossal then
		nextPouchLevel = pouches[6][1]
	-- Track the trips and xp needed
	local trips = 0
	-- Calculate the number of actions for each level
	local remainingXP = targetXP - startingXP
	local currentXP = startingXP
	while currentLevel < nextPouchLevel do
		-- Get the block xp for the current level
		local currentBlock = math.floor(currentLevel / 10) + 1
		if currentLevel == 99 then
			currentBlock = 11
		local xpRate = data[currentBlock][1]
		-- Get the xp needed to progress
		local nextLevelXP = experience.xp_at_level_unr({args = {currentLevel + 1}})
		-- For 99+, xp to next level no longer matters
		if currentLevel == 99 then
			nextLevelXP = targetXP
		local nextXP = math.min(nextLevelXP, targetXP) - currentXP
		-- Get the trips needed to progress
		local currentTrips = math.ceil(nextXP / (xpRate * currentCapacity))
		trips = trips + currentTrips
		-- Update current and remaining XP
		local xp = math.ceil(currentTrips * currentCapacity * xpRate)
		remainingXP = remainingXP - xp
		remainingXP = math.max(remainingXP, 0)
		currentXP = currentXP + xp
		currentXP = math.min(currentXP, targetXP)
		-- Update current level
		local nextCurrentLevel = experience.level_at_xp_unr({args = {currentXP}})
		if nextCurrentLevel < currentLevel then
			return 'ERROR: Broken trip level predicate'
		elseif nextCurrentLevel == currentLevel then
		currentLevel = nextCurrentLevel
		if remainingXP == 0 then
	return {
		trips = trips,
		xp = currentXP,

-- Formats the number of seconds into a useful time string
function formatTime(seconds, asText)
	local hours = math.floor(seconds / 3600)
	local minutes = math.floor(seconds / 60) % 60
	local fSeconds = seconds % 60
	if asText == true then
		if hours > 1 then
			return 'about ' .. commas(hours) .. ' hours'
		minutes = minutes + (hours * 60)
		if minutes > 1 then
			return 'about ' .. commas(minutes) .. ' minutes'
		if seconds == 1 then
			return '1 second'
		return commas(seconds) .. ' seconds'
	return string.format('%02d:%02d:%02d', hours, minutes, fSeconds)

-- Renders the summary paragraph
function renderSummary(essenceType, actions, trips, tripSeconds, totalGP)
	local totalDuration = tripSeconds * trips['totalTrips']
	local formattedTime = formatTime(totalDuration, true)
	-- To prevent NAN due to dividing by zero
	if totalDuration == 0 then
		totalDuration = 1
	-- Calculate gp and xp per hour
	local hours = totalDuration / 3600
	local hourlyGP = math.floor(totalGP / hours)
	local hourlyXP = math.floor(actions['xp'] / hours)
	local summary = mw.html.create('p')
			   'It will take '
			.. commas(actions['totalActions'])
			.. ' '
			.. essenceType:lower()
			.. ' across '
			.. commas(trips['totalTrips'])
			.. ' trips to reach your goal. This will take '
			.. formattedTime
			.. '. This will earn an average of '
		:wikitext(' per hour and ')
		:wikitext(' XP per hour.')
	return summary

-- Renders the Actions Required table
function renderActionsRequired(actions,diary,raiments)
	-- Create the table
	local hTable = mw.html.create('table')
		:addClass('wikitable sortable sticky-header alternating-rows align-left-1')
		:attr('style', 'text-align:right;float:left;margin-right:1.5em')
	-- Add the headers
		:tag('caption'):wikitext('Actions Required')
	-- Track the total gp
	local totalGP = 0
	-- Add the rows
	for i=1, 11, 1 do
		-- Calculate the block range
		local range = '99'
		if i < 11 then
			range = ((i - 1) * 10) .. ' - ' .. ((i * 10) - 1)
		-- Calculate the values
		local blockActions = actions['actions'][i]
		local xpRate = data[i][1]
		local xp = math.floor(blockActions * xpRate)
		-- Calculate the gp
		local rowGP = 0
		local rowDiaryGP = 0
		for r=1, 14, 1 do
			local crafted = blockActions * data[i][r + 1]
			local gp = crafted * gePrices[runes[r][1]] * (1+(diary and runes[r][3]/100 or 0)+raiments/10+((raiments == 4) and 0.2 or 0))
			rowGP = math.floor(rowGP + gp)
		totalGP = totalGP + rowGP
		-- Add the row
		if blockActions > 0 then
	-- Add the footer
			:attr('style', 'text-align:left')
			:attr('style', 'text-align:right')
			:attr('style', 'text-align:right')
			:attr('style', 'text-align:right')
	return hTable

-- Renders the Pouch Trips table
function renderPouchTrips(trips, tripSeconds, essenceType)
	frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
	-- Create the table
	local hTable = mw.html.create('table')
		:addClass('wikitable sortable sticky-header alternating-rows align-center-1 align-left-2')
		:attr('style', 'text-align:right')
	-- Add the headers
			:tag('th'):attr('colspan', 2):wikitext('Pouch')
			:tag('th'):wikitext(frame:preprocess('[[File:' .. essenceType .. '.png|link=' .. essenceType .. '|x21px]] <ref>Total essence capacity for a single trip.</ref>'))
	-- Add the rows
	for i=1, 5, 1 do
		local pouch = pouches[i]
		local rowTrips = trips['trips'][i]
		local formattedTime = formatTime(tripSeconds * rowTrips, false)
		-- Add the row
		if rowTrips>0 then
				:tag('td'):wikitext('[[File:' .. pouch[3] .. ' pouch.png|link=' .. pouch[3] .. ' pouch|x21px]]'):done()
	local totalTime = formatTime(tripSeconds * trips['totalTrips'], false)
	-- Add the footer
			:attr('colspan', 4)
			:attr('style', 'text-align:left')
			:attr('style', 'text-align:right')
			:attr('style', 'text-align:right')
	-- Wrap the table in a floated div so we can have the reflist underneath it
	local div = mw.html.create('div'):attr('style', 'float:left')
	return div

-- Renders the Runes Crafted table
function renderRunesCrafted(actions,diary,raiments)
	frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
	-- Create the table
	local hTable = mw.html.create('table')
		:addClass('wikitable sortable sticky-header alternating-rows align-center-1 align-left-2')
		:attr('style', 'text-align:right')
	-- Add the headers
		:tag('caption'):wikitext('Runes Crafted')
			:tag('th'):attr('colspan', 2):wikitext('Rune')
	-- We will be adding cells to each rune row showing the relative percent
	-- of all runes crafted for that rune. As this relies on knowing the total
	-- crafted, which can't be known at this time, we will be saving a reference
	-- to them so we can update later.
	local runeRatios = {}
	-- Add the rows
	local totalCrafted = 0
	local totalGP = 0
	for r=1, 14, 1 do
		local rune = runes[r]
		-- Calculate the crafted runes
		local crafted = 0
		for i=1, 11, 1 do
			local blockActions = actions['actions'][i]
			crafted = crafted + (blockActions * data[i][r + 1]) * (1+(diary and runes[r][3]/100 or 0)+raiments/10+((raiments == 4) and 0.2 or 0))
		totalCrafted = totalCrafted + crafted
		-- Get the prices
		local gp = crafted * gePrices[rune[1]]
		totalGP = totalGP + gp
		-- Keep a reference to the ratio cells so we can update it later
		local ratioCell = mw.html.create('td')
		table.insert(runeRatios, { ratioCell, crafted })
		-- Add the row
			:tag('td'):wikitext('[[File:' .. rune[1] .. '.png|link=' .. rune[1] .. '|x21px]]'):done()
			:tag('td'):wikitext(round(crafted * rune[2]))
	-- Update the ratios
	for i=1, 14, 1 do
		local cell = runeRatios[i][1]
		local ratio = (runeRatios[i][2] / totalCrafted) * 100
		cell:wikitext(string.format('%0.2f%%', ratio))
	-- Add the footer
			:attr('colspan', 4)
			:attr('style', 'text-align:left')
			:attr('style', 'text-align:right')
			:attr('style', 'text-align:right')
	return {
		hTable = hTable,
		totalGP = totalGP,

function round(num)
	return commas(string.format('%.2f', num))

function finalRender(summary, arTable, ptTable, rcTable)
	local div = mw.html.create('div')
		:node(mw.html.create('br'):attr('style', 'clear:both'):done())
	return tostring(div)

return p