Module:Magic damage calculator/data

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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Magic damage calculator/data/doc

return {
	["Wind Strike"] = {
		{'1-4', 2},
		{'5-8', 4},
		{'9-12', 6},
		{'13+', 8}
	["Water Strike"] = {
		{'5-8', 4},
		{'9-12', 6},
		{'13+', 8}
	["Earth Strike"] = {
		{'9-12', 6},
		{'13+', 8}
	["Fire Strike"] = { {'13', 8} },
	["Wind Bolt"] = {
		{'17-22', 9},
		{'23-28', 10},
		{'29-34', 11},
		{'35+', 12}
	["Water Bolt"] = {
		{'23-28', 10},
		{'29-34', 11},
		{'35+', 12}
	["Earth Bolt"] = {
		{'29-34', 11},
		{'35+', 12}
	["Fire Bolt"] = { {'35', 12} },
	["Crumble Undead"] = { {'39', 15} },
	["Wind Blast"] = {
		{'41-46', 13},
		{'47-52', 14},
		{'53-58', 15},
		{'59+', 16}
	["Water Blast"] = {
		{'47-52', 14},
		{'53-58', 15},
		{'59+', 16}
	["Iban Blast"] = { {'50', 25} },
	["Earth Blast"] = {
		{'53-58', 15},
		{'59+', 16}
	["Fire Blast"] = { {'59', 16} },
	["Saradomin Strike"] = { {'60', 20} },
	["Flames of Zamorak"] = { {'60', 20} },
	["Claws of Guthix"] = { {'60', 20} },
	["Wind Wave"] = {
		{'62-64', 17},
		{'65-69', 18},
		{'70-74', 19},
		{'75+', 20}
	["Water Wave"] = {
		{'65-69', 18},
		{'70-74', 19},
		{'75+', 20}
	["Earth Wave"] = {
		{'70-74', 19},
		{'75+', 20}
	["Fire Wave"] = { {'75', 20} },
	["Wind Surge"] = {
		{'81-84', 21},
		{'85-89', 22},
		{'90-94', 23},
		{'95+', 24}
	["Water Surge"] = {
		{'85-89', 22},
		{'90-94', 23},
		{'95+', 24}
	["Earth Surge"] = {
		{'90-94', 23},
		{'95+', 24}
	["Fire Surge"] = { {'95', 24} },
	["Ghostly Grasp"] = { {'35', 12} },
	["Inferior Demonbane"] = { {'44', 16} },
	["Skeletal Grasp"] = { {'56', 17} },
	["Superior Demonbane"] = { {'62', 23} },
	["Undead Grasp"] = { {'79', 24} },
	["Dark Demonbane"] = { {'82', 30} },
	["Smoke Rush"] = { {'50', 13} },
	["Shadow Rush"] = { {'52', 14} },
	["Blood Rush"] = { {'56', 15} },
	["Ice Rush"] = { {'58', 16} },
	["Smoke Burst"] = { {'62', 17} },
	["Shadow Burst"] = { {'64', 18} },
	["Blood Burst"] = { {'68', 21} },
	["Ice Burst"] = { {'70', 22} },
	["Smoke Blitz"] = { {'74', 23} },
	["Shadow Blitz"] = { {'76', 24} },
	["Blood Blitz"] = { {'80', 25} },
	["Ice Blitz"] = { {'82', 26} },
	["Smoke Barrage"] = { {'86', 27} },
	["Shadow Barrage"] = { {'88', 28} },
	["Blood Barrage"] = { {'92', 29} },
	["Ice Barrage"] = { {'94', 30} },
	["Swamp lizard"] = {
		{'30-34', 6},
		{'35-39', 7},
		{'40-45', 8},
		{'46-50', 9},
		{'51-55', 10},
		{'56-61', 11},
		{'62-66', 12},
		{'67-71', 13},
		{'72-77', 14},
		{'78-82', 15},
		{'83-87', 16},
		{'88-93', 17},
		{'94-98', 18},
		{'99-103', 19},
		{'104-109', 20},
		{'110-114', 21},
		{'115-119', 22},
		{'120-125', 23},

	["Orange salamander"] = {
		{'50-54', 10},
		{'55-59', 11},
		{'60-65', 12},
		{'66-70', 13},
		{'71-75', 14},
		{'76-80', 15},
		{'81-85', 16},
		{'86-91', 17},
		{'92-96', 18},
		{'97-101', 19},
		{'102-106', 20},
		{'107-111', 21},
		{'112-117', 22},
		{'118-122', 23},
		{'123-125', 24},

	["Red salamander"] = {
		{'60-61', 13},
		{'62-65', 14},
		{'66-70', 15},
		{'71-74', 16},
		{'75-79', 17},
		{'80-83', 18},
		{'84-88', 19},
		{'89-93', 20},
		{'94-97', 21},
		{'98-102', 22},
		{'103-106', 23},
		{'107-111', 24},
		{'112-115', 25},
		{'116-120', 26},
		{'121-124', 27},
		{'125', 28},

	["Black salamander"] = {
		{'70-71', 17},
		{'72-75', 18},
		{'76-79', 19},
		{'80-84', 20},
		{'85-88', 21},
		{'89-92', 22},
		{'93-96', 23},
		{'97-100', 24},
		{'101-104', 25},
		{'105-108', 26},
		{'109-112', 27},
		{'113-116', 28},
		{'117-121', 29},
		{'122-125', 30},

	["Tecu salamander"] = {
		{'80-81', 21},
		{'82-85', 22},
		{'86-89', 23},
		{'90-93', 24},
		{'94-97', 25},
		{'98-100', 26},
		{'101-104', 27},
		{'105-108', 28},
		{'109-112', 29},
		{'113-116', 30},
		{'117-119', 31},
		{'120-123', 32},
		{'124-125', 33},

	["Magic Dart"] = {
		{'50-59', 15},
		{'60-69', 16},
		{'70-79', 17},
		{'80-89', 18},
		{'90-99', 19},
		{'100-109', 20},
		{'110-119', 21},
		{'120-125', 22},

	["Magic Dart (e)"] = {
		{'75-77', 25},
		{'78-83', 26},
		{'84-89', 27},
		{'90-95', 28},
		{'96-101', 29},
		{'102-107', 30},
		{'108-113', 31},
		{'114-119', 32},
		{'120-125', 33},

	["Bone staff"] = {
		{'50', 21},
		{'51-53', 22},
		{'54-56', 23},
		{'57-59', 24},
		{'60-62', 25},
		{'63-65', 26},
		{'66-68', 27},
		{'69-71', 28},
		{'72-74', 29},
		{'75-77', 30},
		{'78-80', 31},
		{'81-83', 32},
		{'84-86', 33},
		{'87-89', 34},
		{'90-92', 35},
		{'93-95', 36},
		{'96-98', 37},
		{'99-101', 38},
		{'102-104', 39},
		{'105-107', 40},
		{'108-110', 41},
		{'111-112', 42},

	["Warped sceptre"] = {
		{'62-66', 16},
		{'67-71', 17},
		{'72-75', 18},
		{'76-80', 19},
		{'81-85', 20},
		{'86-89', 21},
		{'90-94', 22},
		{'95-98', 23},
		{'99-103', 24},
		{'104-108', 25},
		{'109-112', 26},
		{'113-117', 27},
		{'118-122', 28},
		{'123-125', 29},

	["Trident of the seas"] = {
		{'75-77', 20},
		{'78-80', 21},
		{'81-83', 22},
		{'84-86', 23},
		{'87-89', 24},
		{'90-92', 25},
		{'93-95', 26},
		{'96-98', 27},
		{'99-101', 28},
		{'102-104', 29},
		{'105-107', 30},
		{'108-110', 31},
		{'111-113', 32},
		{'114-116', 33},
		{'117-119', 34},
		{'120-122', 35},
		{'123-125', 36},

	["Trident of the swamp"] = {
		{'78-80', 24},
		{'81-83', 25},
		{'84-86', 26},
		{'87-89', 27},
		{'90-92', 28},
		{'93-95', 29},
		{'96-98', 30},
		{'99-101', 31},
		{'102-104', 32},
		{'105-107', 33},
		{'108-110', 34},
		{'111-113', 35},
		{'114-116', 36},
		{'117-119', 37},
		{'120-122', 38},
		{'123-125', 39},

	["Sanguinesti staff"] = {
		{'82-83', 26},
		{'84-86', 27},
		{'87-89', 28},
		{'90-92', 29},
		{'93-95', 30},
		{'96-98', 31},
		{'99-101', 32},
		{'102-104', 33},
		{'105-107', 34},
		{'108-110', 35},
		{'111-113', 36},
		{'114-116', 37},
		{'117-119', 38},
		{'120-122', 39},
		{'123-125', 40},

	["Tumeken's shadow"] = {
		{'85-86', 29},
		{'87-89', 30},
		{'90-92', 31},
		{'93-95', 32},
		{'96-98', 33},
		{'99-101', 34},
		{'102-104', 35},
		{'105-107', 36},
		{'108-110', 37},
		{'111-113', 38},
		{'114-116', 39},
		{'117-119', 40},
		{'120-122', 41},
		{'123-125', 42},

	["Thammaron's sceptre"] = {
		{'60-62', 12},
		{'63-65', 13},
		{'66-68', 14},
		{'69-71', 15},
		{'72-74', 16},
		{'75-77', 17},
		{'78-80', 18},
		{'81-83', 19},
		{'84-86', 20},
		{'87-89', 21},
		{'90-92', 22},
		{'93-95', 23},
		{'96-98', 24},
		{'99-101', 25},
		{'102-104', 26},
		{'105-107', 27},
		{'108-110', 28},
		{'111-113', 29},
		{'114-116', 30},
		{'117-119', 31},
		{'120-122', 32},
		{'123-125', 33},

	["Accursed sceptre"] = {
		{'70-71', 17},
		{'72-74', 18},
		{'75-77', 19},
		{'78-80', 20},
		{'81-83', 21},
		{'84-86', 22},
		{'87-89', 23},
		{'90-92', 24},
		{'93-95', 25},
		{'96-98', 26},
		{'99-101', 27},
		{'102-104', 28},
		{'105-107', 29},
		{'108-110', 30},
		{'111-113', 31},
		{'114-116', 32},
		{'117-119', 33},
		{'120-122', 34},
		{'123-125', 35},