Module:Unfinished potion creation calculator
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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Unfinished potion creation calculator/doc
local p = {}
local coins = require('Module:Coins')._amount
local gePrices = mw.loadJsonData('Module:GEPrices/data.json')
local UnfinishedPotions = {
{ ['potion'] = 'Guam potion (unf)', ['herblore'] = 3, ['herb'] = 'Guam leaf', ['container'] = 'Vial of water' },
{ ['potion'] = 'Marrentill potion (unf)', ['herblore'] = 5, ['herb'] = 'Marrentill', ['container'] = 'Vial of water' },
{ ['potion'] = 'Tarromin potion (unf)', ['herblore'] = 12, ['herb'] = 'Tarromin', ['container'] = 'Vial of water' },
{ ['potion'] = 'Harralander potion (unf)', ['herblore'] = 22, ['herb'] = 'Harralander', ['container'] = 'Vial of water' },
{ ['potion'] = 'Ranarr potion (unf)', ['herblore'] = 30, ['herb'] = 'Ranarr weed', ['container'] = 'Vial of water' },
{ ['potion'] = 'Toadflax potion (unf)', ['herblore'] = 34, ['herb'] = 'Toadflax', ['container'] = 'Vial of water' },
{ ['potion'] = 'Irit potion (unf)', ['herblore'] = 45, ['herb'] = 'Irit leaf', ['container'] = 'Vial of water' },
{ ['potion'] = 'Avantoe potion (unf)', ['herblore'] = 50, ['herb'] = 'Avantoe', ['container'] = 'Vial of water' },
{ ['potion'] = 'Kwuarm potion (unf)', ['herblore'] = 55, ['herb'] = 'Kwuarm', ['container'] = 'Vial of water' },
{ ['potion'] = 'Snapdragon potion (unf)', ['herblore'] = 63, ['herb'] = 'Snapdragon', ['container'] = 'Vial of water' },
{ ['potion'] = 'Cadantine potion (unf)', ['herblore'] = 66, ['herb'] = 'Cadantine', ['container'] = 'Vial of water' },
{ ['potion'] = 'Lantadyme potion (unf)', ['herblore'] = 69, ['herb'] = 'Lantadyme', ['container'] = 'Vial of water' },
{ ['potion'] = 'Dwarf weed potion (unf)', ['herblore'] = 72, ['herb'] = 'Dwarf weed', ['container'] = 'Vial of water' },
{ ['potion'] = 'Torstol potion (unf)', ['herblore'] = 78, ['herb'] = 'Torstol', ['container'] = 'Vial of water' },
{ ['potion'] = 'Cadantine blood potion (unf)', ['herblore'] = 80, ['herb'] = 'Cadantine', ['container'] = 'Vial of blood' },
-- add xp?
function createRow(potionData, isGrimy, perHour)
local herbName = isGrimy and 'Grimy ' .. potionData.herb:lower() or potionData.herb
local profitPer = gePrices[potionData.potion] - gePrices[herbName] - gePrices[potionData.container]
local netProfit = profitPer * perHour
return mw.html.create('tr')
:tag('td'):wikitext('[[File:' .. potionData.potion .. '.png]]'):done()
:tag('td'):wikitext(' [[' .. potionData.potion .. ']]'):done()
:tag('td'):wikitext('[[File:' .. herbName .. '.png]]'):done()
:tag('td'):wikitext(' [[' .. herbName .. ']]'):done()
function createHeader()
local ret = mw.html.create('table'):addClass('wikitable sortable align-center-1 align-center-4'):done()
ret:tag('tr'):tag('th'):wikitext('Unfinished potion'):attr('colspan', 2):done()
:tag('th'):wikitext('Herb'):attr('colspan', 2):done()
:tag('th'):wikitext('Herb cost'):done()
:tag('th'):wikitext('Potion cost'):done()
:tag('th'):wikitext('Net profit'):done()
:tag('th'):wikitext('Hourly profit'):done()
return ret
function p._main(args)
local retClean = createHeader()
local retGrimy = createHeader()
for _, potionData in ipairs(UnfinishedPotions) do
retClean:node(createRow(potionData, false, tonumber(args.potionsPerHour)))
retGrimy:node(createRow(potionData, true, tonumber(args.potionsPerHourGrimy)))
return '\n==Clean herb to unfinished potion==\n' .. tostring(retClean) .. '\n==Grimy herb to unfinished potion==\n' .. tostring(retGrimy)
-- args = {['potionsPerHour'] = 3000, ['potionsPerHourGrimy'] = 1500 }
function p.main(frame)
local args = frame.args
return p._main(args)
return p