Serpentine helm

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Serpentine helm
ExamineProtects the wearer from poison and venom, and helps envenom monsters.
Also calledSerp, Serp helm
OptionsWear, Check, Uncharge
Worn optionsCheck
DestroyIf you uncharge the helm, all the scales will fall off.
Value110,000 coins
High alch66,000 coins
Low alch44,000 coins
Weight0.9 kg
Last price [1]Not sold
Advanced data
Item ID12931

The serpentine helm is a degradable helmet made at level 52 Crafting by using a chisel on a serpentine visage, giving the player 120 Crafting experience. The helmet requires 75 Defence to wear. It has the fourth highest strength bonus of all helmets tied with the Statius's Full Helm (t4) and Supreme Helm.

If a player dies with the helmet in PvP and it is not protected, any scales that were used to charge it will appear on the floor along with the uncharged helmet.

In addition, players can dismantle an uncharged helm to receive 20,000 Zulrah's scales.

Combat stats

 Attack bonuses
 Defence bonuses
 Other bonusesSlot
StrengthRangedMagic damagePrayerHead slot table

Passive effects

The serpentine helm provides two passive effects:

  • When charged and equipped, the helmet grants immunity to venom and poison.
  • The opponent has a chance to be inflicted with venom for every successful hit the player does, provided that they are not immune to it. This effect only applies to monsters and does not work on other players.

The chances of inflicting venom when the player lands a successful hit on a monster with the helmet equipped are as follows:


Crafting Crafting52 (b)120 [2]
Ticks1 (0.6s)
Serpentine visage112,909,234
Total cost12,909,234
Serpentine helm (uncharged)112,984,358


The helmet is charged with Zulrah's scales, it can be charged with an unlimited amount of scales. It cannot be equipped if it is uncharged, except when it's fully degraded while equipped. In its uncharged form it retains the negative bonuses, but loses all positive bonuses and passive effects. The helmet will immediately use 10 scales when the player enters combat and will use another 10 if the player is still in combat after 90 ticks (54 seconds) have passed.

When uncharging, players will retrieve all the unused scales that were stored in the helm back to their inventory.


The player can use mutagens dropped by Zulrah to recolour the serpentine helm into one of its two colour variants: using a magma mutagen creates a magma helm, and using a tanzanite mutagen creates a tanzanite helm. These variants do not apply any stat changes and are purely cosmetic. The only way to obtain the recoloured helmets is by killing Zulrah itself, as the mutagens or recoloured helmets cannot be traded.


Supreme helm (uncharged)
  • None
  • None
Zulrah's scales × 20000
  • None
  • None

Used in recommended equipment

2Theatre of Blood/Strategies (Melee)
5Vet'ion/Strategies (Melee)
  1. ^ "Last average price". RuneRealm. "This price is a weighted average based on actual purchases on the in-game auction, however the wiki's prices only get updated from in-game changes every few days."
  2. ^ "Experience boost". RuneRealm. "The experience shown is for players on the normal gamemode, without any other experience boosts active."