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Herblore guide


In this guide i will tell you how to train herblore, what the fastest and most efficient ways are to lvl up to 99 and eventually prestige the skill. Herblore is the art of cleaning herbs and making potions out of them. The higher your lvl, the stronger the potions are you can make. Herbs drop from a lot of monsters, usually the higher the lvl, the higher the lvl requirement herbs they will drop, and/or the quantities of the herb. You can use the drop table guide to search for what monsters drop which specific herb. Note that Sinister keys can be used on the crystal chest at home, which give a lot of herbs. The skill point shop at home also sells herb boxes, which contain a lot of herbs. These 2 are a good way to start out your herblore training. 

To make a potion you will need 3 items. A clean herb, a vial filled with water, and a secundary item. The secundary item you need is tight specific to this herb/potion. 

In osrs you need to complete a quest, which brings you to lvl 3 herblore, a requirement to make your first potion. We do not have this quest and the first potion can be made at lvl 1 instead of lvl 3 herblore.

Below shows a table which potions you can make at which lvl, and what items you require. You'll see that the higher you lvl, the better potions you can make. The easiest way to train herblore is to start after you've collected some herbs, make only a few low lvl potions and move on to the next one, since the xp drops are so big, sometimes you only need to make a few potions before you can move to the next one. A very efficient way to make the same potion at a higher lvl is to make a bank preset with all of the items you need for a full inventory of options and put it under the quick load button, so you can one click refresh your inventory. 

Mysterious herbs are customly added. They are required to make overloads, which are at the bottom of the table. Mysterious herbs are sold by the boss points shop, but also drop from a few high lvl PVM activities. 



Lvl               Potion              XP                                               Herb           Secundary ingredient                        Notes

3 Attack potion.png Attack 1100 Vial of water.png Vial of water Guam leaf.png Guam leaf Eye of newt.png Eye of newt Temporarily raises Attack level by 10% + 3.
5 Antipoison.png Antipoison 1875 Vial of water.png Vial of water Marrentill.png Marrentill Unicorn horn dust.png Unicorn horn dust Cures poison and provides immunity for 90 seconds.
12 Strength potion.png Strength potion 2500 Vial of water.png Vial of water Tarromin.png Tarromin Limpwurt root.png Limpwurt root Temporarily raises Strength level by 10% + 3.
22 Restore potion.png Restore potion 3125 Vial of water.png Vial of water Harralander.png Harralander Red spiders' eggs.png Red spiders' eggs Restores combat-related stats back to normal by 30% of level plus 10.
Does not restore Hitpoints or Prayer points.
26 Energy potion.png Energy potion 3375 Vial of water.png Vial of water Harralander.png Harralander Chocolate dust.png Chocolate dust Restores 10% run energy.
30 Defence potion.png Defence potion 3750 Vial of water.png Vial of water Ranarr weed.png Ranarr weed White berries.png White berries Temporarily raises Defence level by 10% + 3.
34 Agility potion.png Agility potion 4000 Vial of water.png Vial of water Toadflax.png Toadflax Toad's legs.png Toad's legs Temporarily raises Agility level by 3.
36 Combat potion.png Combat potion 4200 Vial of water.png Vial of water Harralander.png Harralander Goat horn dust.png Goat horn dust Effect of both Attack potion and Strength potion.
38 Prayer potion.png Prayer potion 4375 Vial of water.png Vial of water Ranarr weed.png Ranarr weed Snape grass.png Snape grass Restores 25% of your total Prayer points plus 7.
45 Super attack.png Super attack 5000 Vial of water.png Vial of water Irit leaf.png Irit leaf Eye of newt.png Eye of newt Temporarily increases Attack level by 15% plus 5.
48 Superantipoison.png Superantipoison 5315 Vial of water.png Vial of water Irit leaf.png Irit leaf Unicorn horn dust.png Unicorn horn dust Cures poison and provides immunity for 6 minutes.
50 Fishing potion.png Fishing potion 5625 Vial of water.png Vial of water Avantoe.png Avantoe Snape grass.png Snape grass Temporarily raises Fishing level by 3.
52 Super energy.png Super energy 5875 Vial of water.png Vial of water Avantoe.png Avantoe Mort myre fungus.png Mort myre fungus Restores 20% run energy.
55 Super strength.png Super strength 6250 Vial of water.png Vial of water Kwuarm.png Kwuarm Limpwurt root.png Limpwurt root Temporarily raises Strength level by 15% + 5.
60 Weapon poison.png Weapon poison 6875 Vial of water.png Vial of water Kwuarm.png Kwuarm Dragon scale dust.png Dragon scale dust For use on certain weapons.
Poison starts at 4 damage for melee weapons and 2 damage for ranged weapons.
63 Super restore.png Super restore 7125 Vial of water.png Vial of water Snapdragon.png Snapdragon Red spiders' eggs.png Red spiders' eggs Restores all stats (except hitpoints) by 25% + 8.
66 Super defence.png Super defence 7500 Vial of water.png Vial of water Cadantine.png Cadantine White berries.png White berries Temporarily increases Defence level by 15% + 5.
69 Antifire potion.png Antifire potion 7875 Vial of water.png Vial of water Lantadyme.png Lantadyme Dragon scale dust.png Dragon scale dust Provides some resistance to dragon breath.
Can be used with an anti-dragonfire shield to completely prevent dragonfire damage.
Each dose lasts about 6 minutes.
72 Ranging potion.png Ranging potion 8125 Vial of water.png Vial of water Dwarf weed.png Dwarf weed Wine of zamorak.png Wine of zamorak Temporarily increases Ranged level by 10% + 4.
76 Magic potion.png Magic potion 8625 Vial of water.png Vial of water Lantadyme.png Lantadyme Potato cactus.png Potato cactus Temporarily raises Magic level by 4.
78 Zamorak brew.png Zamorak brew 8750 Vial of water.png Vial of water Torstol.png Torstol Jangerberries.png Jangerberries Boosts Strength by 12% + 2 and Attack by 20% + 2, but lowers Defence and remaining Hitpoints by 10% + 2.
81 Saradomin brew.png Saradomin brew 9000 Vial of water.png Vial of water Toadflax.png Toadflax Crushed nest.png Crushed nest Boosts Defence and Hitpoints but lowers Attack, Strength, Magic, and Ranged.
84 Extended antifire.png Extended antifire 5550 Antifire potion.png Antifire potion Lava scale shard.png Lava scale shard N/A Provides some resistance to dragon breath.
Each dose lasts about 12 minutes.
87 Anti-venom.png Anti-venom 8000 Antidote++.png Antidote++ Zulrah's scales.png Zulrah's scales N/A Instantly cures venom
90 Super combat potion.png Super combat potion 7500 Super attack.png
Super strength.png
Super defence.png
Super attack
Super strength
Super defence
Torstol.png Torstol N/A Combines the properties of super attack, super strength, and super defence potions.
92 Super antifire potion.png Super antifire potion 6500 Antifire potion.png Antifire potion Crushed superior dragon bones.png Crushed superior
dragon bones
N/A Grants complete immunity to dragonfire for three minutes.
94 Anti-venom+.png Anti-venom+ 6250 Anti-venom.png Anti-venom Torstol.png Torstol N/A Instantly cures venom and provides immunity to it for three minutes.




Overload  11750

Super combat potion.png

Super combat potion


Mysterious herb   Boosts your attack, strength, defence, hitpoints, ranged and magic to 5 + 15% of your lvl for 5 minutes, at the cost of 50 hitpoints. After 5 minutes, your stats will start to deplete but you will get those 50 hitpoints back.
98 Extended super antifire.png Extended super antifire 9000 Super antifire potion.png Super antifire potion Lava scale shard.png Lava scale shard N/A Grants complete immunity to dragonfire for six minutes.