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Prices Suggestion list

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Twisted Bow. 3b-5b

Scythe of Vitur. 3b-5b

Nightmare Staff. 4b-8b

Harmonised Orb. 1b-2b

Volatile Orb. 1b-2b

Eldritch Orb. 500m-1b

Sanguinesti Staff. 500m-700m300m-500m

Gharazi Rapier. 300m100m-200m

Blood Shard. 800m-1.5b

Amulet of Blood Fury. 800m-1.5b

Black Tourmaline Core. 1b-2b

Ancestral Imbue Scroll. 500m-1.5b

Inquisitor's Mace. 1b-2b

Inquisitor's Great Helm. 1b-2b

Inquisitor's Hauberk. 1b-2b

Inquisitor's Plateskirt. 1b-2b

Avernic Defender hilt. 250m50-80m

Kodai Wand. 150m-200m100m-150m

Justiciar Faceguard. 130m-100m-175m

Justiciar Chestguard. 130m-100m-175m

Justiciar Legguards. 130m-100m-175m

Ancestral Hat. 100m-70m-150m

Ancestral Robe Top. 150m-225m120m-200m

Ancestral Robe Bottom. 150m-225m120m-200m

Staff of Light. 50m-75m

Dragon Hunter Crossbow. 30m-75m

Twisted Buckler. 25m-20m-50m

Dinh's Bulwark. 75m10m-30m

Elder Maul. 50m-35m-75m

Dragon Claws. 100m-200m

Dragon Harpoon. 20m-50m

Torn Prayer Scroll. 75m

Arcane Prayer Scroll. 200m-250m

Dexterous Prayer Scroll. 200m-120m-250m


Colour Kit. 100m-300m


Corporeal Beast

Divine Spirit Shield. 400m-700m

Divine Sigil. 400m-700m

Elysian Spirit Shield. 400m-800m

Elysian Sigil. 400m-800m

Arcane Spirit Shield. 100m-200m

Arcane Sigil. 100m-200m

Spectral Spirit Shield. 40m-80m

Spectral Sigil. 40m-80m

Holy Elixir. 10m-30m

Blessed Spirit Shield. 10m-20m

Spirit Shield. 5m-10m

4:35 PM
Corporeal Beast:
Divine Spirit Shield. 700m-900m
Divine Sigil. 700m
Elysian Spirit Shield. 1b-2b
Elysian Sigil. 1b
Arcane Spirit Shield. 400m-700m
Arcane Sigil. 400m
Spectral Spirit Shield. 100m-200m
Spectral Sigil. 100m
Holy Elixir. 50m-75m
Blessed Spirit Shield. 75m
Spirit Shield. 15m

4:35 PM
Lizardman Shaman:

Dragon Warhammer. 500m-700m


Alchemical Hydra

Dragon Hunter Lance. 800m-1.5b

Hydra's Claw. 800m-1.5b

Hydra Leather. 200m-400m

Brimstone Ring. 150m-300m

Hydra Tail. 20m-50m


Eternal Crystal. 10m-30m

Eternal Boots. 10m-30m

Pegasian Crystal. 20m-50m

Pegasian Boots. 35m-65m

Primordial Crystal. 30m-60m

Primordial Boots. 30m-60m

Smouldering Stone. 10m-30m


Tanzanite fang. 25m-50m

Toxic blowpipe 25m-50m

Magic fang. 10m-20m

Toxic trident. 10m-20m

Serpentine visage. 25m-50m

Serpentine helm. 25m-50m

Magma mutagen. 5m-20m

Magma helm. 30m-60m

Tanzanite Mutagen. 5m-20m

Tanzanite Helm. 30m-60m

4:36 PM
Donator boxes:
Sled. 200m-300m


Armadyl Godsword. 25m-50m

Armadyl Godsword Ornament Kit. 50m-150m

Armadyl Godsword (or). 75m-200m

Armadyl Hilt. 25m-50m

Armadyl Crossbow. 100m-200m

Armadyl Helmet (i). 30m-60m

Armadyl Chestplate (i). 50m-80m


Armadyl Chainskirt (i). 50m-80m

Armadyl Imbue Scroll. 30m-70m

Armadyl Helmet. 5m-20m

Armadyl Chestplate. 20-40m

Armadyl Chainskirt. 20-40m

Bandos Godsword. 5m-30m

Bandos Godsword Ornament Kit. 50m-150m

Bandos Godsword (or). 50m-150m

Bandos Hilt. 5m-30m

Bandos Chestplate (i). 40m-80m

Bandos Tassets (i). 40m-80m

Bandos Boots (i). 25m-50m

Bandos Imbue Scroll. 25m-60m

Bandos Chestplate. 20m-50m

Bandos Tassets. 20m-50m

Bandos Boots. 5m-20m

Saradomin Godsword. 25m-50m

Saradomin Godsword Ornament Kit. 50m-150m

Saradomin Godsword (or). 75m-200m

Saradomin Hilt. 25m-50m

Saradomin Sword. 20m-50m

Saradomin's Blessed Sword. 25m-60m

Saradomin's Light. 5m-10m

Zamorak Godsword. 10m-30m

Zamorak Godsword Ornament Kit. 50m-150m

Zamorak Godsword (or). 60m-200m

Zamorak Godsword Hilt. 10m-30m

Zamorakian Spear. 10m-20m

Zamorakian Hasta. 20m-30m

Staff of the Dead. 80m25m-50m


Steam WhipBattlestaff. Mix.1m-5m





Blade. 3m-15m


4:36 PM
Santa'sDragons & H'ween & party's 
Bronze santa hat. 25m
Iron santa hat. 40m
Steel santa hat. 50m
Mithril santa hat. 75m
Adamant santa hat. 100m
Rune santaDragons hat. 125m

Dragon santaMetal hat.Slice. 150m20m-100m

Barrows santa hat. 175m
Pink santa hat. 250m
Lime santa hat. 250m
Lava santa hat. 250m
Inverted santa hat. 500m
Santa hat. 750m-1b
Bronze h'ween mask. 25m
Iron h'ween mask. 40m
Steel h'ween mask. 50m
Mithril h'ween mask. 75m
Adamant h'ween mask. 100m
Rune h'ween mask. 125m

Dragon h'weenLimbs. mask.5m-25m

Barrows h'ween mask. 175m
Red h'ween mask. 250m
Green h'ween mask. 250m
Blue h'ween mask. 250m
Black h'ween mask. 500m
Bronze partyhat. 25m
Iron partyhat. 40m
Steel partyhat. 50m
Mithril partyhat. 75m
Adamant partyhat. 100m
Rune partyhat. 125m

Dragon partyhat.Metal 150mLump.
Barrows partyhat. 175m
Red partyhat. 250m
Yellow partyhat. 250m
Blue partyhat. 250m
Green partyhat. 250m
Purple partyhat. 250m
White partyhat. 250m
Partyhat & specs. 500m
Black partyhat. 300m-400m
Rainbow partyhat. 300m-400m
Magneta partyhat. 250m
Cyan partyhat. 250m
Lava partyhat. 250m
Dark green partyhat. 300m-400m


4:36 PM
Clue Scrolls:
3rd age Longsword. 500m
3rd age Cloak. 750m-800m
3rd age Full Helmet. 300m
3rd age Platebody. 300m
3rd age Platelegs. 300m
3rd age Kiteshield. 300m
3rd age Mage Wand. 500m
3rd age Mage Hat. 200m-250m
3rd age Robe Top. 250m
3rd age Robe. 250m
3rd age Bow. 500m
3rd age Range Coif. 150m-200m
3rd age Range Top. 200m-250m
3rd age Range Legs. 200m-250m
3rd age Vambraces. 50m-75m
Infernal 3rd age Pickaxe. 450m
3rd age Pickaxe. 300m-400m
Infernal 3rd age Axe. 450m
3rd age Axe. 300m-400m
3rd age Amulet. 50m

4:36 PM
Alchemical Hydra:
Dragon Hunter Lancer. 500m-1b
Hydra's Claw. 150m
Brimstone Ring. 250m
4:37 PM
Eternal Crystal. 30m-50m
Eternal Boots. 35m-50m
Pegasian Crystal. 50m-100m
Pegasian Boots. 75m-100m
Primordial Crystal. 50m-80m
Primordial Boots. 50m-100m
Smouldering Stone. 100m
4:37 PM
Tanzanite fang. 50m-80m
Toxic blowpipe 60m-90m
Magic fang. 35m-50m
Toxic trident. 50m-75m
Serpentine visage. 30m-50m
Serpentine helm. 35m-55m
Magma mutagen. 35m
Magma helm. 40m-75m
Tanzanite Mutagen. 25m-50m
Tanzanite Helm. 35m-75m
4:37 PM
Armadyl Godsword. 50m-75m
Armadyl Godsword Ornament Kit. 150m
Armadyl Godsword (or). 150m-200m
Armadyl Hilt. 40m-50m
Armadyl Crossbow. 150m
Armadyl Helmet (i). 125m
Armadyl Chestplate (i). 125m
Armadyl Chainskirt (i). 125m
Armadyl Imbue Scroll. 75m-100m
Armadyl Helmet. 40m-50m
Armadyl Chestplate. 40-50m
Armadyl Chainskirt. 40-50m
Bandos Godsword. 30m
Bandos Godsword Ornament Kit. 150m
Bandos Godsword (or). 150m-200m
Bandos Hilt. 25m-30m
Bandos Chestplate (i). 125m
Bandos Tassets (i). 125m
Bandos Boots (i). 100m
Bandos Imbue Scroll. 75m-100m
Bandos Chestplate. 40m-50m
Bandos Tassets. 40-50m
Bandos Boots. 25m
Saradomin Godsword (or). 150m
Saradomin Godsword Ornament Kit. 75m-100m
Saradomin Godsword. 50m
Saradomin Hilt. 50m
Saradomin Sword. 20m
Saradomin's Blessed Sword. 40m-50m
Zamorak Godsword (or). 125m
Zamorak Godsword Ornament Kit. 75m-100m
Zamorak Godsword. 30m
Zamorak Godsword Hilt. 30m
Zamorakian Spear. 40m
Zamorakian Hasta. 50m
Staff of the Dead. 75m
Godsword Shard. 5m
4:37 PM
Adamant Dragons & Rune Dragons:
Dragon Metal Slice. 100m
Dragon Limbs. 50m
Dragon Metal Lump. 100m
4:37 PM
Vorkath & King Black Dragon (KBD):

Dragonfire Ward. 150m-175m200m

Dragonfire Shield. 100m-125m20m-50m

Draconic Visage. 100m-125m20m-50m

Skeletal Visage. 150m-175m200m

Dragonbone Necklace. 10m-15m5m-20m

Dragon Pickaxe. 25m-50m

Dragon Metal Shard. 20m-100m


4:38 PM

Barrelchest Anchor. 5m-10m

4:38 PM
Demonic Gorillas:

Ballista Limbs. 5m1m-3m

Ballista Spring. 5m1m-3m

Monkey Tail. 5m1m-3m

Light Frame. 5m1m-3m

Heavy Frame. 15m1m-3m

Zenyte Shard. 30m-20m-40m





Neitiznot Faceguard. 500m-1.5b

Ferocious Heart. 200m-350m

[4:38V's PMShield. 30m-80m

Dark Beast:
Dark Bow. 5m
Blue Dark Bow. 15m
Green Dark Bow. 15m
White Dark Bow. 15m
Yellow Dark Bow. 15m

Ethereal Revenant

Ethereal Full Helm. 100m-300m

Ethereal Platebody. 100m-300m

Ethereal Platelegs. 100m-300m

Ancient Barbarians

Fatal shard. 100m-200m

PVP Mystery crate. 30m-60m

Dark Beast

Dark Bow. 5m

Blue Dark Bow. 15m

Green Dark Bow. 15m

White Dark Bow. 15m

Yellow Dark Bow. 15m


[4:38 PM

Trident of the seas. 20m-25m5m-20m

Kraken tentacle. 20m


4:38 PM
Dagannoth Kings:

Seercull. 25m2m-10m

Dragon axe. 10m-20m2m-5m

Skeletal top. 5m-2m-10m

Skeletal bottoms. 5m-2m-10m

Warrior ring. 2m-5m

Warrior ring (i). 20m-30m

Berserker ring. 15m-30m

Berserker ring (i). 60m30m-50m

Archers ring. 15m-30m

Archers ring (i). 60m30m-50m

Seers ring. 15m10m-20m

Seers ring (i). 30m-40m



Viggora's Chainmace. 15m-30m

Craw's Bow. 20m-50m

Thammarons's Sceptre. 10m-25m

Amulet of Avarice. 10m-30m

Revenant Ether. 1k-3k ea

Bracelet of Ethereum. 200k-1m

4:39 PM
Viggora's chainmace. 50m-75m
Craw's bow. 75m-100m
Thammarons's sceptre. 25m-50m
Amulet of avarice. 50m-75m

4:39 PM
Crystal Monsters

Vesta's Longsword. 40m-50m5m-15m

Vesta's spear. 25m5m-15m

Vesta's chainbody. 25m-30m20m-35m

Vesta's chainbody (T1). 100m60m-110m

Vesta's chainbody (T2). 325m180m-330m

Vesta's chainbody (T3). 1.2b540m-1b

Vesta's chainbody (T4). 3.6b1.6b-3b

Vesta's chainbody (T5). 10.8b5b-9b

Vesta's Plateskirt. 25m-30m20m-35m

Vesta's Plateskirt (T1). 100m60m-110m

Vesta's Plateskirt (T2). 325m180m-330m

Vesta's Plateskirt (T3). 1.2b540m-1b

Vesta's Plateskirt (T4). 3.6b1.6b-3b

Vesta's Plateskirt (T5). 10.8b


Statius's Warhammer. 25m5m-15m

Statius's full helm. 25m


Statius's full helm (T1). 90m36m-60m

Statius's full helm (T2). 300m110m-180m

Statius's full helm (T3). 1.1b330m-540m

Statius's full helm (T4). 3.3b1b-1.6b

Statius's full helm (T5). 9.9b3b-5b

Statius's platebody. 25m8m-15m

Statius's platebody (T1). 90m24m-45m

Statius's platebody (T2). 300m75m-150m

Statius's platebody (T3). 1.1b225m-450m

Statius's platebody (T4). 3.3b700m-1.5b

Statius's platebody (T5). 9.9b2.1b-4.5b

Statius's platelegs. 25m8m-15m

Statius's platelegs (T1). 90m24m-45m

Statius's platelegs (T2). 300m75m-150m

Statius's platelegs (T3). 1.1b225m-450m

Statius's platelegs (T4). 3.3b700m-1.5b

Statius's platelegs (T5). 9.9b


4:39 Morrigan's coif. 20m10m-15m

Morrigan's coif (T1). 80m30m-45m

Morrigan's coif (T2). 275m100m-150m

Morrigan's coif (T3). 1b300m-450m

Morrigan's coif (T4). 3b1b-1.5b

Morrigan's coif (T5). 9b3b-4.5b

Morrigan's leather body. 20m10m-15m

Morrigan's leather body (T1). 80m30m-45m

Morrigan's leather body (T2). 275m100m-150m

Morrigan's leather body (T3). 1b300m-450m

Morrigan's leather body (T4). 3b1b-1.5b

Morrigan's leather body (T5). 9b3b-4.5b

Morrigan's leather chaps. 20m10m-15m

Morrigan's leather chaps (T1). 80m30m-45m

Morrigan's leather chaps (T2). 275m100m-150m

Morrigan's leather chaps (T3). 1b300m-450m

Morrigan's leather chaps (T4). 3b


Morrigan's leather chaps (T5). 9b3b-4.5b

Zuriel's staff. 25m5m-15m

Zuriel's hood. 15m-20m10m-15m

Zuriel's hood (T1). 75m30m-45m

Zuriel's hood (T2). 250m100m-150m

Zuriel's hood (T3). 900m300m-450m

Zuriel's hood (T4). 2.7b1b-1.5b

Zuriel's hood (T5). 8.1b3b-4.5b

Zuriel's robe top. 15m-20m10m-15m

Zuriel's robe top (T1). 75m30m-45m

Zuriel's robe top (T2). 250m100m-150m

Zuriel's robe top (T3). 900m300m-450m

Zuriel's robe top (T4). 2.7b1b-1.5b

Zuriel's robe top (T5). 8.1b3b-4.5b

Zuriel's robe bottom. 15m-20m10m-15m

Zuriel's robe bottom (T1). 75m30m-45m

Zuriel's robe bottom (T2). 250m100m-150m

Zuriel's robe bottom (T3). 900m300m-450m

Zuriel's robe bottom (T4). 2.7b1b-1.5b

Zuriel's robe bottom (T5). 8.1b3b-4.5b

Morrigan's throwig axe. 5k-10k ea

Morrigan's javelin. 5k-10k ea


4:40 PM

Ahrim's armour set. 40m10m-20m

Ahrim's staff. 10m1m

Ahrims' hood. 10m3m-5m

Ahrim's robetop. 10m3m-5m

Ahrim's robeskirt. 10m3m-5m

Karil's armour set. 40m10m-20m

Karil's crossbow. 10m1m

Karil's coif. 10m3m-5m

Karil's leathertop. 10m3m-5m

Karil's leatherskirt. 10m3m-5m

Guthan's armour set. 45m15m-30m

Guthan's warspear. 15m5m

Guthan's helm. 10m5m

Guthan's platebody. 10m5m

Guthan's chainskirt. 10m5m

Verac's armour set. 45m10m-30m

Verac's flail. 15m2m-5m

Verac's helm. 10m2m-5m

Verac's Brassard. 10m2m-5m

Verac's plateskirt. 10m2m-5m

Torag's armour set. 40m5m-15m

Torag's hammers. 10m1m

Torag's helm. 10m3m

Torag's platebody. 10m3m

Torag's platelegs. 10m3m

Dharok's armour set. 80m20m-50m

Dharok's greataxe. 20m5m-15m

Dharok's helm. 20m5m-15m

Dharok's platebody. 20m5m-15m

Dharok's platelegs. 20m


Clue Scrolls:

Druidic Wreath. 2b-5b

3rd age Druidic Robe Top. 2b-5b

3rd age Druidic Robe Bottoms. 2b-5b

3rd age Druidic Cloak. 2b-5b

3rd age Druidic Staff. 2b-5b

Ring of 3rd age. 1b-3b

Ring of nature. 1b-3b

Ring of coins. 1b-3b

3rd age Longsword. 300m-500m

3rd age Cloak. 500m-1b

3rd age Full Helmet. 100m-250m

3rd age Platebody. 100m-250m

3rd age Platelegs. 100m-250m

3rd age Plateskirt. 100m-250m

3rd age Kiteshield. 100m-250m

3rd age Mage Wand. 100m-250m

3rd age Mage Hat. 100m-250m

3rd age Robe Top. 100m-250m

3rd age Robe. 100m-250m

3rd age Bow. 300m-500m

3rd age Range Coif. 100m-250m

3rd age Range Top. 100m-250m

3rd age Range Legs. 100m-250m

3rd age Vambraces. 50m-100m

Infernal 3rd age Pickaxe. 200m-300m

3rd age Pickaxe. 200m-300m

Infernal 3rd age Axe. 120m-250m

3rd age Axe. 120m-250m

3rd age Amulet. 10m-50m

Donator Boxes:

Sled. 50m-150m

Disk of Returning. 25m-50m

Katana. 30m-50m

Toxic Staff of the Dead. 30m-60m

Serpentine Whip Mix. 25m-60m

Serpentine Whip. 25m-60m

Lucified Whip. 200m-400m

Divine Whip. 200m-400m

Rubber Chicken. 25m-100m

Ancient Wyvern Shield. 70m-150m

Fatal Blade. 400m-600m

Santa's & H'ween & Party's

[4:40Bronze PMSanta hat. 10m-30m

Iron Santa hat. 10m-30m

Steel Santa hat. 10m-30m

Mithril Santa hat. 10m-30m

Adamant Santa hat. 10m-30m

Rune Santa hat. 10m-30m

Dragon Santa hat. 10m-30m

Barrows Santa hat. 100m

Lava Santa hat. 5m-20m

Magenta Santa hat. 5m-20m

Brown Santa hat. 1m-10m

Cyan Santa hat. 300m-500m

Pink Santa hat. 300m-500m

Lime Santa hat. 300m-500m

Dark green Santa hat. 300m-500m

Black Santa hat. 500m-1b

White Santa hat. 500m-1b

Inverted Santa hat. 500m-1b

Wise old man's Santa hat. 500m-1b

Santa hat. 150m-300m

Bronze h'ween mask. 10m-30m

Iron h'ween mask. 10m-30m

Steel h'ween mask. 10m-30m

Mithril h'ween mask. 10m-30m

Adamant h'ween mask. 10m-30m

Rune h'ween mask. 10m-30m

Dragon h'ween mask. 10m-30m

Barrows h'ween mask. 100m

Lava h'ween mask. 5m-20m

Magenta h'ween mask. 5m-20m

Brown h'ween mask. 1m-10m

Red h'ween mask. 100m-300m

Green h'ween mask. 100m-300m

Blue h'ween mask. 100m-300m

Black h'ween mask. 500m-1b

White h'ween mask. 500m-1b

Cyan h'ween mask. 300m-500m

Pink h'ween mask. 300m-500m

Dark green h'ween mask. 300m-500m

Lime h'ween mask. 300m-500m

Bronze partyhat. 10m-30m

Iron partyhat. 10m-30m

Steel partyhat. 10m-30m

Mithril partyhat. 10m-30m

Adamant partyhat. 10m-30m

Rune partyhat. 10m-30m

Dragon partyhat. 10m-30m

Barrows partyhat. 100m

Magenta partyhat. 5m-20m

Lava partyhat. 5m-20m

Brown partyhat. 1m-10m

Red partyhat. 100m-200m

Yellow partyhat. 100m-200m

Blue partyhat. 100m-200m

Green partyhat. 100m-200m

Purple partyhat. 100m-200m

White partyhat. 100m-200m

Partyhat & specs. 125m-250m

Black partyhat. 200m-400m

Rainbow partyhat. 100m-200m

Cyan partyhat. 300m-500m

Pink partyhat. 300m-500m

Lime partyhat. 300m-500m

Dark green partyhat. 300m-500m


Miscellaneous items

Abyssal whip. 2m-5m

Abyssal tentacle. 25m5m-10m

Volcanic whip. 15m-20m5m-10m

Volcanic whip mix. 10m2m-5m

Frozen whip. 15m-20m5m-10m

Frozen whip mix. 10m2m-5m

Serpentine whip. 100m-150m25m-60m

Blood money. 200ea-150ea-300ea

Samurai set. 400m-300m-500m

Kyudo set. 300m-500m

Ninja set. 300m-500m

Abyssal bludgeon. 100m

Abyssal dagger (p++). 50m-75m

Amulet of torture. 50m


Amulet of anguish. 50m20m-40m

Tormented bracelet. 50m10m-25m

Ring of suffering. 50m10m-25m

Ring of suffering (i). 100m30m-50m

Ring of wealth scroll. 75m10m-25m

Ring of wealth (i). 75m10m-25m

Fury ornament kit. 25m2m-10m

Amulet of fury. 2m-5m

Amulet of damned. 25m25m-50m

Amulet of eternal glory. 50m50m-100m

Occult necklace. 50m10m-25m

Ring of the gods. 75m-100m20m-50m

Treasonous ring. 75m-100m10m-30m

Tyrannical ring. 75m-100m5m-20m

Odium ward. 3m-5m

Malediction ward. 3m-5m

Ranger boots. 16m-30m

Ranger's tunic. 25m5m-20m

Ranger's tights 5m-20m

Ranger gloves. 5m-20m

Robin hood hat. 15m5m-20m

Fremmenik kilt. 5m-20m

Half moon spectacles. 10m-20m

Sagacious spectacles 10m-20m

Master wand. 15m-20m30m

Mage's book. 15m-30m

Infinity hat. 10m3m-5m

Infinity top. 10m3m-5m

Infinity bottoms 10m3m-5m

Infinity boots. 3m-5m

Infinity gloves. 1m-5m

Light infinity colour kit. 45m20-50m

Light infinity hat. 25m10m-20m

Light infinity top. 25m10m-20m

Light infinity bottoms. 25m10m-20m

Dark infinity colour kit. 60m20-50m

Dark infinity hat. 30m10m-20m

Dark infinity top. 30m


Dark infinity bottoms. 30m10m-20m

Infinity boots. 5m-10m

Dragon boots. 1m

Dragon Full helm. 50m15m-25m

Dragon platebody. 200m-250m50m-100m

Dragon kiteshield. 200m-250m50m-100m

Obsidian helmet. 5m-10m1m-3m

Obsidian platebody. 5m-10m1m-3m

Obsidian platelegs. 5m-10m1m-3m

Dagon'hai hat. 25m10m-20m

Dagon'hai robe top. 25m10m-20m

Dagon'hai robe bottom. 25m10m-20m

Crystal key. 500k100k-200k

Clue box. 1m100k-200k

Mystery box. 3m1m-5m

Heavy ballista. 30m10m-20m

Light ballista. 20m5m-15m

Smoke battlestaff. 50m





heart. 50m-120m

Imbued heart. 50m-120m

[4:40 PM

Gilded scimitar. 30m-40m10m-20m

Gilded full helm. 20m-25m10m-20m

Gilded platebody. 20m-25m10m-20m

Gilded platelegs. 20m-25m10m-20m

Gilded plateskirt. 20m-25m10m-20m

Gilded kiteshield. 20m-25m10m-20m

Gilded boots. 20m-25m40m

Gilded gloves. 20m-40m

Gilded spear. 10m-20m

Gilded hasta. 10m-20m1m

Gilded 2h sword. 30m-40m10m-20m

Guthix full helm. 5m-10m1m

Guthix platebody. 5m-10m1m

Guthix platelegs. 5m-10m1m

Guthix plateskirt. 5m-10m1m

Guthix kiteshield. 5m-10m1m

Zamorak full helm. 5m-10m1m

Zamorak platebody. 5m-10m1m

Zamorak platelegs. 5m-10m1m

Zamorak plateskirt. 5m-10m1m

Zamorak kiteshield. 5m-10m1m

Saradomin full helm. 5m-10m1m

Saradomin platebody. 5m-10m1m

Saradomin platelegs. 5m-10m1m

Saradomin plateskirt. 5m-10m1m

Saradomin kiteshield. 5m-10m1m

Rune Full helm (t). 5m

Rune platebody (t). 5m

Rune platelegs (t). 5m

Rune plateskirt (t). 1m-5m

Rune kiteshield (t). 5m

Rune full helm (g). 10m-15m5m-10m

Rune platebody (g). 10m-15m5m-10m

Rune platelegs (g). 10m-15m5m-10m

Rune plateskirt (g). 10m-15m1m-5m

Rune kiteshield (g). 10m-15m5m-10m

Black full helm (t). 20m-25m

Black platebody (t). 20m-25m

Black platelegs (t). 20m-25m

Black plateskirt (t). 20m-25m

Black kiteshield (t). 20m-25m

Black full helm (g). 40m-50m

Black platebody (g). 40m-50m

Black platelegs (g). 40m-50m

Black plateskirt (g). 40m-50m

Black kiteshield (g). 40m-50m

4:41 PM

Bandos coif. 5m1m

Bandos d'hide. 5m1m

Bandos chaps. 5m1m

Bandos bracers. 5m1m

Bandos d'hide boots. 2m-10m

Armadyl coif. 5m1m

Armadyl d'hide. 5m1m

Armadyl chaps. 5m1m

Armadyl bracers. 5m1m

Armadyl d'hide boots. 2m-10m

Guthix coif. 5m1m

Guthix d'hide. 5m1m

Guthix chaps. 5m1m

Guthix bracers. 5m1m

Guthix d'hide boots. 2m-10m

Ancient coif. 5m1m

Ancient d'hide. 5m1m

Ancient chaps. 5m1m

Ancient bracers. 5m1m

Ancient d'hide boots. 2m-10m

Saradomin coif. 5m


Saradomin d'hide. 5m1m

Saradomin chaps. 5m1m

Saradomin bracers. 5m1m

Saradomin d'hide boots. 2m-10m

Zamorak coif. 5m1m

Zamorak d'hide. 5m1m

Zamorak chaps. 5m1m

Zamorak bracers. 5m1m

Zamorak d'hide boots. 2m-10m

Black d'hide body (t). 5m-15m

Black d'hide chaps (t). 5m-15m

Black d'hide body (g). 10m-25m

Black d'hide chaps (g). 10m-25m

Dragon platelegs. 500k-200k-1m

Dragon chainbody. 1m

White dark bow paint. 10m

Yellow dark bow paint. 10m

Green dark bow paint. 10m

Blue dark bow paint. 10m

Elder chaos hood. 50m1m-5m

Elder chaos top. 50m1m-5m

Elder chaos robe. 50m1m-5m

Double damage pot(2). 20m-25m

Double xp tome. 20m-25m

Vote ticket. 3m-5m

Ankou mask. 100m20m-60m

Ankou top. 100m20m-60m

Ankou leggings. 100m20m-60m

Ankou gloves. 100m20m-60m

Ankou socks. 100m20m-60m

Ale of the gods. 50m50m-100m

Crier bell. 25m1m

Dragon cane. 10m1m-5m

Rune cane. 1m-5m

Adamant cane. 1m-5m

Black cane. 1m-5m

Dragon full helm ornament kit. 20m-50m

Dragon chainbody ornament kit. 25m-10m-50m

Dragon platebody ornament kit. 75m-30m-100m

Dragon legs/skirt ornament kit. 25m-20m-50m

Dragon sq shield ornament kit. 25m-10m-50m

Dragon kiteshield ornament kit. 75m-30m-100m

Dragon scimitar ornament kit. 25m-50m1m-5m

Dragon defender ornament kit. 25m-50m1m-5m

Dragon boots ornament kit. 25m-50m

Torture ornament kit. 20m-50m

Anguish ornament kit. 20m-50m

Occult ornament kit. 20m-50m

Tormented ornament kit. 100m-200m


4:41 PM

Dragon dart tip. 15k-20k5k-10k

Dragon arrowtips. 15k-20k5k-10k

Dragon dart. 15k-20k5k-10k

Dragon arrow. 15k-20k5k-10k

Dragon bolts. 20k-50k

Onyx bolt tips. 35k-40k

Onyx bolts. 20k-30k

Onyx bolts (e). 25k-30k

Dragonstone bolt tips. 8k-10k2k-5k

Dragonstone bolts. 5k-10k

Dragonstone bolts (e). 10k-15k

Ruby bolt tips. 2k-3k

Ruby bolts. 3k-5k

Ruby bolts (e). 5k-7.5k

Diamond bolt tips. 2k-3k

Diamond bolts. 3k-5k

Diamond bolts (e). 5k-7.5k

Dragon bolts.knife. 5k-10k

Dragon thrownaxe. 5-10k

Dragon javelin. 1k-5k

Zulrah scales. 2.5k-1k-5k

Uncut zenyte. 30m-20m-40m

Uncut onyx. 3m-2m-5m

Uncut dragonstone. 100k

Uncut diamond. 10k

Uncut ruby. 6k

Uncut emerald. 4k

Uncut sapphire. 2k

Raw anglerfish. 5k10k-30k

Anglerfish. 3k10k-30k

Raw dark crab. 4k

Dark crab. 2.5k

Raw manta ray. 3k-4k

Manta ray. 2k

Raw shark. 2k-3k

Shark. 1k

Raw sea turle. 2k

Raw monkfish. 1k

Redwood logs. 12k

Magic logs. 10k

Yew logs. 5k

Runite ore. 15k

Adamantite ore. 5k

Mithril ore. 2k

Coal. 1k

Gold ore. 1k-2k1k

Silver ore. 1k-2k1k

Silver bar. 1k-2k1k

Gold bar. 2k-3k

Steel bar. 2.5k

Mithril bar. 5k

Adamantite bar. 10k

Runite bar. 20k-25k


4:41 PM

Super combat potion (4). 15k-20k

Super restore (4). 12k-15k10k-30k

Saradomin brew (4). 7.5k15k-50k

superior dragon bones. 250k

Ourg bones. 225k

Dagannoth bones. 175k-150k-200k

Hydra bones. 150k

Lava dragon bones. 125k

Fayrg bones. 100k-120k

Wyvern bones. 75k75k-100k

Dragon bones. 75k75k-100k

Babydragon bones. 20k-25k25k-40k

Green dragonhide. 2k

Green dragonhide leather. 2.5k

Blue dragonhide. 3k

Blue dragonhide leather. 3.5k

Red dragonhide. 5k

Red dragonhide leather. 5.5k

Black dragonhide. 8k-9k

Black dragonhide leather. 9k-10k

Grimy torstol. 10k

Torstol. 11k

Grimy snapdragon. 9k

Snapdragon. 9.5k

Grimy ranarr weed. 7.5k

Ranarr weed. 8k