SMW Subobject for NormalBuy limit: 1Examine: A key earned by participating in global community events.Is members only: trueIs variant of: Event keyImage: File:Event key.pngItem Name: Event keyValue: 0Version anchor: NormalWeight: 0.0Uses infobox: Item
SMW Subobject for SuperiorBuy limit: 1Examine: A superior key earned by participating in global community events.Is members only: trueIs variant of: Event keyImage: File:Superior Event key.pngItem Name: Superior Event keyValue: 0Version anchor: SuperiorWeight: 0.0Uses infobox: Item
The Event key can be used to open the Event chest located at home. The superior key variant will provide and additional roll on the rares table, making it possible to obtain two uniques with a single key.
Whenever a regular Event key is obtained, there is a 1 in 10 chance it will be converted to a Superior Event key instead.
Amount in stock
Price sold at
Tournament shop
Event key
25 Tournament points
Corrupt King
Superior Event key
Item |
Quantity |
Rarity |
Price |
High Alch |
 | Coins | 3,000,000 | Always | 3,000,000 | 3,000,000 |
 | Blood money | 25,000 | Always | 3,750,000 | 0 |
 | Crystal key | 20 | Always | 545,800 | 1,800 |
Item |
Quantity |
Rarity |
Price |
High Alch |
 | Coins | 5,000,000 | Common | 5,000,000 | 5,000,000 |
 | Blood money | 50,000 | Common | 7,500,000 | 0 |
 | Boss Supply crate | 1 | Common | 500,000 | 30,000 |
 | Dark totem | 1 | Common | Not sold | 270 |
 | Ancient shard | 3 | Common | Not sold | 366 |
 | Larran's key | 5 | Common | 666,580 | 5 |
 | Ring of wealth | 1 | Common | 18,153 | 10,575 |
 | Saradomin's tear | 1 | Common | 6,270,366 | 24,000 |
 | Morrigan's coif | 1 | Common | 4,497,700 | 120,000 |
 | Morrigan's leather body | 1 | Common | 4,695,400 | 150,000 |
 | Morrigan's leather chaps | 1 | Common | 457,740 | 147,000 |
 | Zuriel's hood | 1 | Common | 3,871,630 | 120,000 |
 | Zuriel's robe top | 1 | Common | 4,262,430 | 150,000 |
 | Zuriel's robe bottom | 1 | Common | 4,123,460 | 148,200 |
 | Obsidian helmet | 1 | Common | 613,580 | 33,792 |
 | Obsidian platebody | 1 | Common | 1,319,881 | 50,400 |
 | Obsidian platelegs | 1 | Common | 986,199 | 40,200 |
Item |
Quantity |
Rarity |
Price |
High Alch |
 | Coins | 7,500,000 | Uncommon | 7,500,000 | 7,500,000 |
 | Blood money | 75,000 | Uncommon | 11,250,000 | 0 |
 | Divine super combat potion(4) | 5 | Uncommon | Not sold | 750 |
 | Divine ranging potion(4) | 5 | Uncommon | Not sold | 750 |
 | Vesta's chainbody | 1 | Uncommon | 4,943,987 | 174,000 |
 | Vesta's plateskirt | 1 | Uncommon | 4,628,798 | 173,940 |
 | Statius's full helm | 1 | Uncommon | 4,943,998 | 174,000 |
 | Statius's platebody | 1 | Uncommon | 4,943,998 | 174,000 |
 | Statius's platelegs | 1 | Uncommon | 4,943,998 | 174,000 |
 | Ranger boots | 1 | Uncommon | 23,879,827 | 120 |
 | Abyssal whip | 1 | Uncommon | 1,958,166 | 72,000 |
 | Kraken tentacle | 1 | Uncommon | 2,159,221 | 50,004 |
 | Amulet of fury | 1 | Uncommon | 2,986,072 | 121,200 |
 | Ring of wealth scroll | 1 | Uncommon | 2,500,000 | 3,000 |
 | Farming casket | 1 | Uncommon | Not sold | N/A |
 | Firemaking casket | 1 | Uncommon | Not sold | N/A |
 | Fishing casket | 1 | Uncommon | Not sold | N/A |
 | Herblore casket | 1 | Uncommon | Not sold | N/A |
 | Mining casket | 1 | Uncommon | Not sold | N/A |
 | Prayer casket | 1 | Uncommon | Not sold | N/A |
 | Runecrafting casket | 1 | Uncommon | Not sold | N/A |
 | Smithing casket | 1 | Uncommon | Not sold | N/A |
 | Thieving casket | 1 | Uncommon | Not sold | N/A |
 | Woodcutting casket | 1 | Uncommon | Not sold | N/A |
Item |
Quantity |
Rarity |
Price |
High Alch |
 | Coins | 10,000,000 | Rare | 10,000,000 | 10,000,000 |
 | Blood money | 100,000 | Rare | 15,000,000 | 0 |
 | Magenta partyhat | 1 | Rare | 5,000,000 | 0 |
 | Magenta santa hat | 1 | Rare | 5,000,000 | 0 |
 | Magenta h'ween mask | 1 | Rare | 5,000,000 | 0 |
 | PVP Mystery crate | 1 | Rare | 10,000,000 | 300,000 |
 | Bandos imbue scroll | 1 | Rare | 19,013,777 | 12 |
 | Armadyl imbue scroll | 1 | Rare | 38,407,974 | 12 |
 | Zamorakian spear | 1 | Rare | 6,912,853 | 60,003 |
 | Volcanic whip mix | 1 | Rare | 3,821,329 | 1 |
 | Frozen whip mix | 1 | Rare | 3,821,329 | 1 |
 | Vesta's longsword | 1 | Rare | 6,945,321 | 180,000 |
 | Vesta's spear | 1 | Rare | 5,459,667 | 180,000 |
 | Statius's warhammer | 1 | Rare | 6,179,633 | 180,000 |
 | Zuriel's staff | 1 | Rare | 4,027,575 | 180,000 |
 | Elder chaos hood | 1 | Rare | 644,188 | 300 |
 | Elder chaos top | 1 | Rare | 705,902 | 480 |
 | Elder chaos robe | 1 | Rare | 357,134 | 420 |
Item |
Quantity |
Rarity |
Price |
High Alch |
 | Pet penance queen | 1 | Very rare | Not sold | N/A |
 | Blood money | 150,000 | Very rare | 22,500,000 | 0 |
 | Lava partyhat | 1 | Very rare | 5,000,000 | 0 |
 | Lava santa hat | 1 | Very rare | 5,000,000 | 0 |
 | Lava h'ween mask | 1 | Very rare | 5,000,000 | 0 |
 | Serpentine whip mix | 1 | Very rare | 18,412,831 | 0 |
 | Elder maul | 1 | Very rare | 73,238,300 | 300,006 |
 | Kodai wand | 1 | Very rare | 118,828,354 | 90,000 |
 | Dragon hunter crossbow | 1 | Very rare | 24,976,720 | 48,000 |
 | Twisted buckler | 1 | Very rare | 17,024,965 | 54,000 |
 | Dinh's bulwark | 1 | Very rare | 9,149,078 | 336,000 |
 | Ring of suffering | 1 | Very rare | 9,754,639 | 120,600 |
 | Tormented bracelet | 1 | Very rare | 17,055,207 | 120,600 |
 | Amulet of torture | 1 | Very rare | 10,220,310 | 121,200 |
 | Necklace of anguish | 1 | Very rare | 10,042,519 | 121,200 |
- ^ "Last average price". RuneRealm. "This price is a weighted average based on actual purchases on the in-game auction, however the wiki's prices only get updated from in-game changes every few days."